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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! It's been awhile. Let me strap on my brain bucket and get to thinking... Pinkie, as she calls herself, can change to color of anything she sees temprary to pink. She is also the smalest of The Goldfingers. In spite of her size, she is determened to prove how useful she is, and has started on advance acrobatics training, advance lockpicking, and other skills to make up for her rather useless power.
  2. Re: Types of Superheroes/Villains Well, in the curent Marvel Universe, the non-mutant supers have it wrougth (thanks to the Stanford Insident and it's fallout). But at least there is not the sign "Thay are here to replace us" which being a mutant brings. Eventuly, in time, most super-hating normals will calm down. But hateing mutants is something the Klan and the Panthers can agree on. That is forever.
  3. Re: Why Don't The Villains Kill? OK. My views on things. Villians I write up do kill IF it is in there personality to do so. For example, Mister Wicked is a slimeball to the 10th degree. He is a man with a huge DiD fetish ("Damsel in Distress"), along with being a bondage top, and an attatude of 'the rich can do anything we want, to whoever we want, whenever we want'. So, yes, he is a killer. Queen Nightmaria can and does kill, and did so to create her "Court of Hate". But she needs most of her subjects alive, because the dead usaly generate no dark emotions (only the living do that...normaly), and without that, she will starve. Doctor Dair is a rich man, but unlike Mister Wicked, he is a thieth more than anything else. He steals as a chalange. He means nobody any perament harm, and is ment to be a fun villian. Heck, he even has an 'images' generater defined as a 'Theamsong Beltbuckel" (which is basicly a fancy MP3 player for music). It all depends on the villian, and what your ideal for him/her is.
  4. Re: And Now for Something Slightly Different: Mis-Spelled and Reimagined Supers Hovereen He is the best there is at what he does, and what he does is simply float there in one place.
  5. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Nothing new to add (except that I proably need to add Sparky to the agentlist). A simple bump.
  6. Re: Women of the Champions Universe (Fanpictorial)
  7. Re: Now Available From Steve: ZOMBIES Any hope for Book Of The Undead 3: Ghouls? I ponder the Plesent Vally kind myself.
  8. Re: Nighthawk's Rogue's Gallery Hear is basicly a 'short list' of thoes who could be 'hunting' Nighthawk (not thoes who Nighthawk is hunting, othoe there are crossovers). Note that I put 'hunting' in single quotes. That means that thay night be hunting him, but he dosen't nessasary get points for doing so. 1) Anyone who is anyone in the Dragon Branch of VIPER, especaly low level street level 'quasi'-Dragons. 2) Anyone who ever considers himself (or herself) a martial artest of some note. Thay do not exactly have to be 'villious' martial artest, simply not after him crimialy and do not want to kill him, but do want to prove who is better (think any 'good guy' martial artest from Street Fighter, and you have the basic ideal). 3) Any low level 'street' super villian (like Black Harlquien). Nighthawk is a street level super at heart. So it shoulden't suprise anyone that he tusseled with many a one (like Blowtorch), and thay may want revenge back. 4) Anyone who is an enime of the Champions, and wishes revenge on them. This can work especaly if thay don't know he quit the teem (since excaped prisinors are not always up to date on the news).
  9. Re: Women of the Champions Universe (Fanpictorial) Ah, she I know (if only by reputation). Nice Lolita outfit (not exactly EGL, but defently something like Sweet Country Lolita). For thoes who do not know, "Lolita" is a rebelous type of fashion style in Japan. It mostly 'borrows' looks from the mid to late 1800's France, but modified for moderen day. You mostly see it when clubing or around the Harajuku area.
  10. Re: Women of the Champions Universe (Fanpictorial) Doctor Phantom? I have no ideal who she is.
  11. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Black Mano (I beleve 'mano' is spanish for 'hand') found or was given a magical black glove. This glove is now permently atached to his left hand. Using the glove, he is able to 'generate' a large black hand shaped field of necromantic force for vareous effects. It has limited energy source, but recharging it is rather 'easy', simply grab a living being with the left hand and drain them of there life force. Being a Morbain, he also knows how to cast some 'minor' spells. But, combat wise, he relies more on his magical (some would say cursed) glove. (Think an evil, magical Green Lantern, and your not that far from Black Mano)
  12. Re: lets combine some characters and see what we get Humm...from Nick Fury we get the ex-solder/spy. From Bucky we can get the ideal that he was a sidekick of a golden age hero (same with golden age Robin). From The Chief, we got a guy with a handycap who leads others. May I sergest a missing arm? Also from Bucky we could take 'suspended animation' or 'missing in action/prsumed dead'. Now, can we expand this?
  13. Re: lets combine some characters and see what we get Humm...well, she could be as 'black' as Presadent Barak Obama is (no knock to him at all...he IS a black man, it is just that his mother is white). As for his name...Wonder Panther? Supama the Wonder Panther?
  14. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Lets make it offical. MajorTom is the co-author of the book (lets face it, he basicly created 50% of the henchmen, and helped fleshed out the rest). And acording to MajorTom, there will be a 'rouge galery' for our rouge.
  15. Re: A Wicked Situation... I, for one, am extremly happy such an org. exists in real life. Mister Wicked, on the over hand, is sickened at the thought, but that is him.
  16. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. OK. This is the format for my fan supliment "The Book Of The Wicked", which I'll begin my scriblings when I get Champions Compleat. 1) Introduction. a) Copyright information Mature audeance warning. 2) The Orginzation Wicked a) History. Structor. 3) The Dramatic Personas a) Mister Wicked Henchmen c) Hierlings d) Custmers e) Victoms 4) 50 Shades Of Wicked (50 plot seeds) 5) Through The Mirror Wickedly a) Adaptating the charaters for a Champions and Dark Champions Campain. Adapting the charaters for other campains. 6) A Wicked Place, A Wicked Object a) Example base Example Vehicals, including his privet subway train. c) Example equipment. 7) Epalog Note: This is a wrougth list...things and layout are subject to change. As for artwork, I plan on not having any if I am to do this myself. Distrbution will be free to thoes asking via e-mail, but I will be unable to do anything beyond a Microsoft Word copy.
  17. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Well, not officialy it is. But it is how Choke Holds work, so I give an optinal +0 Advantage on all 'Does BODY When STUN Is Zero Or Less' NND Attacks and call it 'Deadly'. But that is me. It is also called 'As A GM Option, NND Attacks Can Do BODY Damage Without Does Body Advantage, Only When Stun Is Zero Or Below' rule.
  18. Re: Silver Age/1950s Style Villains Yes, pretty much simuler, except Penny Dreadful is female.
  19. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Arg...this wait is killing me...or at least trying to. Let me see...right now it is a 6d6 NND attack (Defence is being able to wait for Champions Compleat).
  20. Re: Silver Age/1950s Style Villains OK. Let's revew some clasic original Batman Live Action TV Show Villians. Egghead: Egg obsessed thieth/mastermind/scientist played by Vincient Price. His gimic...egg puns and 'egg' scientific devices (I myself based my psudo mentelist Doctor Devilegg on this charater). Louie The Lilac: Played by Milten Berle. An old 1930's gainster just now released from a long stay in the pen. His gimic was both using flowers and the hippy movement ("flower children") to comit crimes. Bookworm: Stand in for The Scaircrow (because he was to scary for TV at the time). Gimic: books. Crimes based on them. Weapions based on books. Deathtraps based on books. Speeks in liteary quotes and uses them as clues. King Tut: Stand in for Two Face (again, to scary for TV). Gimic: Bleves to be an egyption pharo. This, egyption theamed crimes and weapions.
  21. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Can someone rep Major Tom 2009 for me. "I must spend more rep before I rep this person again."
  22. Is it legal to define a Varable Power Pool as "Only For Followers, Vehicals, And Bases" in the rules to simulate the old time Mastermind Pool? I asked because I gave my slimeball villian charatet Mister Wicked one.
  23. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Thank you for turning me on to this charater. As thay say, nothing exists in a vacume.
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