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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Whattya call it? Sounds good to me. Othoe it dosen't realy scream 'steam' to me... Acualy, if I just herd that name without reading this, I would of thought about cowboys with mohawks rideing robotic horses and fraging cyber-injins with there rocket launchers.
  2. Re: All HEROes Must Be Eaten: zombie survival horror If all HEROes must be eaten, then I can see how DOJ is going to get rich, cause we would have to buy new books each time we eat them. Pass me the katchup, please.
  3. Re: Mister Magnum for review Three With One Bullet (Autofire 3 shot, cost one Charge to use). "The A-Team Effect" (Energy Blast, Explosion, Stun Only, Does Knockback, Must Be Something Nearby Which Can Explode If Hit By Gunfire (-1/4)).
  4. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Anyways, back to the ploting... (For any non-violent suppervillian) ]For The Girl Who Has EVEYTHING...: The heros haven't seen there old nemisis in a while. Just when nothing seems to be hapening, the nemisis calls the heros. It seems that he has been kidnaped by this rich girl who always wanted her own supervillian. And too make maters worse, he has to wear a special collor which blocks any of his powers. Can the heros help him? Will the heros help him? Will the nemisis be her pet forever and ever? (Cue theam to Tiny Toon Adventures...cue Emyra...cue screaming)
  5. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Thank you. My problem is, of course, that I am using a public libarie computer. When I did my Digital Hero artical (anyone remember that one? And did anyone test my Fent rules? It is hard for me to test them, since I don't have my own gameing group), I basicly used the spellcheck program on there word proserer. And, basicly, I am not going to waist my time doing my replies to messages twice (since my time on theas computers are so limted).
  6. Re: European Enemies... And you CANN have Bora back. All you have to do is take this shovel... As for Pantera...you could ask Telos realy nicely to creatte one for you. Or do what I did, and have her be a product of Profesor Murote's resourse (you know...the old leader of Terror Inc., now as dead as Bora...prehaps). Also remember, villians never end up totaly dead. Thay could be cloned, raised as undead servents, faked there own death, or even some new supervillian coomes along who has simuler powers and takes the name for her own...(just to name a few)
  7. Re: Title for the next HERO villains book Well, all is fun till someone sergets Enemies: Mr. Roger's Neberhood. But you do have a point. There are many untaped theam ideals which would of made good Enimies books. Like, say...: ...Enemies Americana (villians from the fifty states of the Uniited States Of America, and prehaps Canada and Mexico also)... ...Enemies: Thay Came From Sheboygan (an entier book of comidic enimies to toss at your heros...or have Steve toss in the curcilar file, since the only comidit villiand he likes are Foxbat and Caption Cronos that we know of)... ...Enemies: Leftovers (the tons of villians which ICE said to Steve "We Have No Room For Them" duuring the ICE/HERO era)... ...Enemies: Arcadia (original viillians which were supose to be introduced in the now canceled Champions Computer RPG (Remember that one? With Red Devil burning up a Mario clone?))... ...and much MUCH more!
  8. Re: We're Gonna Need Guns Oh, and the "Z-Group" ability to shoot at a hex instead of a person, and then cause eveyone in the hex to basicly jump up. Prehaps an Explosion, Stun Only, Does Knockback/Knockdown attack?
  9. Re: We're Gonna Need Guns What I would love to see is a gun kata where the hero shoots three thugs with one bullet. I don't remember, thoe, does Charges count as each 'burst', or as each individual bullet? This also requiers a limitation to repersent that the three targets must be close together to each other relativitly. How much of a lim is that?
  10. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Sorry...there is no spell checker on this computer (which is not my own, BTW), and there is no spell checker program for the bulitian board program Hero uses.
  11. Re: The Harmons endure! Wasen't this also a trate in the Henderson line? (Acualy, it IS a trate in the Henderson line...especaly cause The Marksman has the Longevity: Reduced Ageing form of Life Suport). This begs to question, are the Harmans related to the Henderssons?
  12. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! The Champions (it is about time thay gain there own plot seeds) 1) Enter...The Chalengers: A group of solo villians which have a real beef with The Champions decide to get together and form a super villian group dedicated to the uter destruction of the Champions. Can thay survive this major threat? For the group, I recoment Taislman (who hates her sister Witchcraft) and Hurclean (who hates Ironclad). For the rest, I acualy have to create them. The leader of my version of the group is Blackbird, a martial artest inclined crinimal who got stoped one to many times by Nighthawk. So he had a costume and a more bird theamed weapions created in order to 'out bird' Nighthawk. Sapfire's nemisis is the Harpy, a mutant with bird-like wings and a powerful, sonic singing voice. She locked in the attic for years, while her twin sister used her singing voice to a rapid rise to fame as a singer. She hates the music buisness, and is insain enougth to kill anyone asociated with it. Defender's nemisis in this group is called Snacher. He was a man who created a tractor beam weapon. He originaly wanted to sell his invention to Harman Enterprises, but he felt he was laffed away by the staff, so he created a costume and decied to 'prove' that his weapion is a feasabul one. 2) ...My Sourses Tell Me...: This one is so simple. Basicly, have someone plant evidence that the Champions are, in reality, a villian group, then let the fists fly. Or, beter yet, have the Champions be convince that YOUR HEROS are villians. Eather way, the results are the same.
  13. Re: The White Rabbit More ideal termology. Mockturtle: Something which appears to be something it is not (illusion, disguise, actors, ect...) Twiddel (Or, more properly Twiddeldee and Twiddeldum): Two things in a sort of simbiotic relationship. One can say that this universe and Otherside have a Twiddel relantionship of sorts. Carpner: Someone who colects Rabbithole Tech, and/or builds/modifies Rabbithole Tech. Vorpel: Something which affects both worlds. Or, bairring that, a corupted version of Rabithole Tech (as if thecnology can somehow be Jaberwakied...the name comes from the hero's Vorpel Sword, which he means to kill the Jaberwaocke with one cut).
  14. Re: We Need More....CHAINSAWS!!!! Let me think (I don't have Fred or Lil' Fred with me right now).... About +1d6 for a 'violent action'.... ...about another +1d6 or +2d6 for the victom being helpless (I am asuming that the thug is, at least, handcuffed, and this, can not properly defend himself except for running away like a scaird kid in a haunted house...remind me to tell you my scared kid in a haunted house story...I was the kid)... ...about +1d6 for a 'vary aproperate setting' (guy hancuffed, prehaps legs tied to a chair, while your asking questions and your friend is reving a chainsaw)... ...just watch out for that pool of yellow *ahemm* juce on the floor. Your friend dosen't WANT to slip when holding a chainsaw in his hands, reved up or not.
  15. Re: Title for the next HERO villains book Just talking about Shift. (LOL...bad homage to Shaft, based on a charater I sorta helped name).
  16. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Lady Heart (From CHS) 1) The Other Cards Are Drawen: When patroling the city one day, she finds three teenage girl superheros who look similer to her fighting a VIPER bank roberie plot. She learns thay there names are Lady Club, Lady Diamond, and Lady Spade. Are thay what thay apear to be, or is something more sinister going on that John Rogers/Lady Heart does not know about? 2) The Charity Date Caper: Lady Heart agrees to a 'win a date with a superhero' prize for a super orientated teen magazeen (with some cash by the company being given to a charity of her choice). Thay pick there winner, then sunenly the winner is kidnaped. Can Lady Heart save the pore lovestruck teen? 3) A Secret Admierer...: Valentimes Day is just around the corner, and someone is giveing her creepy valentimes day cards (for example: If you think my love a pain...then you shall be under a TRAIN). Is there anything to this? Is it some sort of joke? Or is there someone out there who defently thinks "If I can't have you, nobody will"?
  17. Re: Eurostar, CKC, and then some. Yes, White Flame and Pantera are gone from Chapions history. For the reasion for White Flame being gone, well, why have TWO flame projectors in Eurostar. As for Pantera...the only reasion is Steve dosen't like the charater. There is a lot of that going around (just look at CLOWN). As for Giganto, well, he is somewhere in the San Murtie forest, mutating (see Champions Universe). Look for him to return sometime in an enimies book, or prehaps Champions Worldwide. Hay, who said Champions is realistic? We are talking about people who wear there underwhare on the outside. Oh, and since Deadweight is not a true Champions villian, he is not in the Champions Universe. So you might have to use Gravitar, if only when writing articals for Digital Hero (what you use in your own campain is your buisness). Yes, we have to keep the Ultimates. Besides, what's there to hate about a group of second tear villians getting together and acualy having a chance to be a first tear villian group. Well, Steve COULD of writen up Tyron, but that would be about 25 pages of just him and fasets of him. As for Takofanes (it is so hard to spell his name), he was ment to be a 'link' charater. A villian who is both a Champions villian and a Fanticy Hero villian. Well, chances are, no VOICE, no Seven Horsemen, no Protectors. There will defently be a version of Dr. Wu, and Freedom Squad MIGHT be in Champions Worldwide. Anyways, if you dislike a villian, you can always not use them. Or, beter yet, change them into something you CAN use. It is your campain. You can change it and still play Champions the HERO WAY (unlike many other RPGs out there).
  18. Re: Title for the next HERO villains book Sounds like an excelent title, for a book of "black hats" for a Western Hero game.
  19. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Sons Of Rise, Destuga, Rise 1) Rise, Destuga, Rise Part Two, Invasion Gateway: The heros finaly got Destuga into orbit near Gateway, and a couple of weeks have passed. UNTIL has been examinating the artifical island for a while, but trigered no boobytraps which Dr. Destroyer could of left for them. Then, sundenly, without warning, Destroids start phasing out of the base from a secret room with no way into it. Thay elimenate all the scientist scrounging aboard Destuga, then start attacking Gateway. UNTIL sends for the heros to join with UNITY to defeat the Destroid threat before thay send Gateway crashing into Earth. 2) Rise, Destuga, Rise Part Three, Fall, Destuga, Fall!: Thay helped UNITY repell the Destroids from Gateway, and now there seems to be no problems with the eggheads scrounging over Destuga. Then, frome outside, Black Tallons can be spoted. With special tractor beams, thay start pulling Destuga down into Earth's gravity well. While it is calculated that Destuga will burn up most of it's mass in the astrosphere, a good size chunk of it can still do massive damage to a well populated city. And what a cowencidence, it's projected trajectorie is such a city. Not to mention the scientist still inside Destuga which need an exit out of there before thay burn up also. Can the heros do it?
  20. Re: Nightwind? I would also like to see the stats when I am done also. I don't know, should I make Don as a computer? She can defently use Don's skills. Prehaps I should do her sorta like Firestorm...a "double multiform", one with Donna Morgan as the controler and Don as the 'computer', then also one where Don is in control of Donna's body and Donna is the 'computer'. Basicly, she can give up control of her own body to Don, and when she is in control, Don is around to advise her. And the name Seeker, well, she is seeking the answers of why she has some crazy australian running around in her mindscape, messing with her life.
  21. Re: We Need More....CHAINSAWS!!!! Thank you, Susano, for that writup. Now, anyone for a sander? Nail gun? Power drill? That also reminds me, some movie studio is going to release a remake of the bad 70's splater film The Toolbox Murders this fall. Just how many difrent weapions can a toolbox hold anyways? And woulden't the power coard get in the way? I guess, in a pinch, you could blugen your victom to death with the toolbox (or choak them with the power cords), but that dosen't realy make for good splater, does it?
  22. Alright fokes. How many bloodthirsty vigs do you know who use power tools as a weapion? Chainsaws? Headge Clippers? Wood Chipper? Nail Gun? Will any of theas 'workmen' weapions be writen up for Dark Champions? Would you let Mr. Bloodthirsty Vig-Man to carrie around a battery operated chainsaw for free? Yes, this is sick, but so am I. Steriaca.
  23. Re: Nightwind? And when Seeker gets updated for the 5th edition, expect to hear reports of Steve reciding in a nice room with the walls covered in padding.
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