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Doc Samson

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Everything posted by Doc Samson

  1. I joined a local Champions game last night that has been running for a short time and wanted to share an intertesing power build one of the player's was using, with you guys. All of his powers ran through and END Reserve that could only be refuelled by the energies of the "Underworld" (i.e. Hell, the Afterlife, Tartarus, ect.). Of course there is only one way to acquire said energies... you guessed it, the character has to die to recover the End in the Reserve. The character has a Regeneration with Resurrection to bring himself back to life after his Reserve is full again. They didn't warn me ahead of time so I was a bit shocked when the character killed himself after his reserve ran out on the way to a battle. It was an interesting concept to say the least. The character's name is Half-Life.
  2. Re: Easily forgotten Tangent --> There was a very short run independent comic named The Forgotten that had a similar concept, but to an extreme Magnitude. He could not only cause poeple to forget who he was after he was gone, but to forget he was there while they were looking at him! Mr. Mystery (the main character) made the entire world forget he existed when he retired. As far as mechanics go, a No Range Self-Only Change Environment to lessen the chance if the character is noticed seems more appropriate then invisibility. Invisibility would work, but it isn't subtle. As Change Environment forces an initial roll (PER to notice the character in this case), if the target made the roll they would just notice an otherwise inconspicuous character. If one somehow detects an invisible character, I think they will be a bit more concerned regardless of SFX. To cause someone to forget you completely, I think a BoECV Transform would be alot smoother of a mechanic than Mind Control (though a bit more costly). There would be no need for a command (well-worded or otherwise) and the cumulative nature of Transform would allow for much more gradual levels of success or failure. As above, I'm not even sure it could be done with Mind Control, whereas Transform includes an example of a memory altering Mental Tansform.
  3. Re: Char: Meeb!!! with new pictures Still laughing at the pics and repped!
  4. Re: Help: Elephant Man? I hope you feel late is better than never. I found this in a DnD book. I am trying to find an art gallery from the TMNT rpg but have had no luck so far.
  5. Re: Top Five vs The Unknown Menace! Wow...me and Lord seem to have very similar ideas, even including what basic archetypes we thought such a group would need. Now I am curious to see what others come up with. I really wanted to work Captain America in somewhere (even if only as a second choice) but I just felt there was a more well-rounded choice for each role he exemplifies (i.e. physical, leadership, or morale support).
  6. Re: Top Five vs The Unknown Menace! I am going tp try to pick 5 based on each's specialty or ability to overcome a a specific type of situation. Here would be my line-up. I think I would have to go with Superman (heh, you opened the door) for physical power and leadership (my second choice would have been Thor). Next would be Mr. Fantastic (second choice would have been Batman) for his scientific knowledge and problem solving skills. Third would be Dr. Strange for his mastery of all matters of magic and the occult (Dr. Fate could fill this role as well). Fourth I would choose a jack-of-all-trades character to aid the three main characters with what they do best. I think Martian Manhunter would be the best choice here (with Green Lantern being my second choice). Lastly I would choose a "diehard" character, the kind that just by being there increases the group's chance to "win". For this role I would pick Spider-Man (Wolverine would be my second choice here).
  7. Re: Character name help!!! I love a good TK Brick. Here's a few suggestions (the origins of which should be obvious)... Willpower Dr. William Powers Major Force Major Thomas Force Strongforce Dr. Samuel Armstrong
  8. Doc Samson

    Champions LARP

    Re: Champions LARP That was...awesome
  9. Re: [Character Review] BRUTE The first thing that jumps out at me is the lack of KB Resistance. Assuming a 15 dice campaign (as your STR is 75), you are gonna spend alot of phases standing up and returning to the combat. An average hit is gonna send you around 8 hexes each time. You can use your STR to resist KB but it costs you half your DCV and a half-phase action (i.e. not woth it in most circumnstances). I would suggest a minimum of 10" of KB Resistance, to make sure only above average (for a 15 dice campaign) attacks can send you flying.
  10. Re: My CU based webcomic
  11. Re: More Help Please Not to go on a physics lesson but the original four forces are Gravity, (Electro-)Magnetism, and (Strong and Weak) Nulcear force. I always thought Strongforce would be a cool theme (and name) for a character. Graviton Control and Magnetic Control have been beaten to death.
  12. Re: My CU based webcomic Nice! Fun read...now if I could only figure out how to rep someone.
  13. Re: Power Game. Give it a try. This isn't nearly as powerful as some of the above, but I did break a game with it once. Transform Into Anything V.P.P. (Max Active) Control Cost (Half Max Active) Advantages: Cosmic (+2) Limitations: One Type of Power: Multiform Only (-.5 to -1.5) (In our campaign we settled on -1 as it was only one power, albeit a very versatile one.) I literally played a different form every night, sometimes two or three. I exploited every NPC Vulnerability and Susceptability we knew about. It was alot of fun for me as I loved having to prepare a new character sheet every week, but the GM lost alot of hair until I toned the character down (we eventually limited him to just animals, then a set number of forms after that). It was alot of fun.
  14. Re: Energy Body...... You can do that, but you will still need the Affects Phycial World advantage to interact with anything solid (such as with your STR, EB, or Damage Shield). Neither Doesn't Protect Against Damage or Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects allow you to interact with the physical world offensively. I think it would be easier (and alot cheaper given the cost of Affects Physical World) to leave them seperate.
  15. Re: Energy Body...... The Boards are acting wonky for me today. Four times now this post was wiped while editing. Now I see a few poeple have beat me to the punch anyway. To be able to pass through small openings and holes, I would go with Desolidification with the Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects and Does Not Protect Against Damage limitations. A small amount of Teleportation would also work, but I think Desolidification is more appropriate. To harm people that touch you, without harming people you want to touch, take a Damage Shield and just turn it off when you need to, like when the Human Touch puts out the fire on his arms to catch someone. To be resistant to physical damage and more resistant to energy damage, I would take Damage Reduction and Armor, with higher levels in ED than PD. To simulate powers that only work while you are in energy form, take the limitation Only In Heroic Identity for those powers. A Multiform would also work, but I think the limitation would be more appropriate. For any powers that don't work consistently, you can take the Activation Roll or Requires A Skill Roll limitation. I hope that helps, enjoy.
  16. Re: Good-by Speedster As posted above, AE attacks (speed doesn't effect the DCV of the hex you are in), Damage Shields (though a Running Drain or Clinging DS is just plain mean spirited ), and Force Walls (especially the invisible kind) are all good powers against a speedster.
  17. Re: Suggest a Name? Mr. Mystery
  18. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Very Nice, thx Log.
  19. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Woot! Not too shabby Log. Thanks How would you do up a masculine version of this costume, from this picture of mom and dad?
  20. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Just for laughs, take a look at the page I found about an incarnation of the Thunderbolts. http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix3/tboltsmillvisions.htm Interesting line-up eh? Here's the team for comparisons...
  21. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Hmm...I didn't think to try it when I applied. It doesn't to want to take it after the fact. Thanks anyways
  22. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Heya Bunny (or anyone who knows how to), How did you get the character page on hero central to link a word file to your character name? I have tried to put a word file in the Hero Designer file spot but it doesn't work. Thanks in advance.
  23. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Anyone do any thinking about a group name yet? The Redeemers has popped into my head a few times.
  24. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game
  25. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game
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