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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Haven't had time to look into how this leaked into the mainstream press what the science actually is here. Been busy with things like tracking down the dolt minions who let this out hospice care and narcotics.
  2. If you make him angry enough, Death Tribble vomits forth fresh, sweet posies.
  3. There's an extra interpreter, providing translation into Klingonese.
  4. Made for great suspense while playing TREK, though.
  5. And in the bizarre realm of ups-and-downs that my life has become, today's long-hoped-for cry-for-joy moment: my daughter shipped out on her full-time first job today.
  6. Today the prognosis was made terminal.
  7. Let me add that Exabyte tapes suck also.
  8. I had to explain the line to my daughter & her friend this evening (they were using a command-line prompt to circumvent a monetization grab when copying files, which is what brought it to mind).
  9. The Universe would have ended in a terminal cosmic orgasm if Death Tribble's last post had lasted unsuperseded for a full year. We couldn't have that now, could we?
  10. Here's hoping for a playoff game during a Lake Effect storm. Because I'm perverse that way.
  11. Almost certainly the latter. When McDonnell-Douglass bought Boeing with Boeing's money, the business-type sleazebags took over, and imposed their version of management (which had nearly taken McD-D down the toilet in the first place). And that version is: you don't have to know anything to manage, you just have to push people around and make them do what you say, simply because you say it. This is in direct opposition to the old core of Boeing, which was solidly in the Build Airplanes Right camp. Nothing shows this as clearly as the 787 fiasco, and I know a now-retired Boeing engineer who was on that project and all but predicted the outcome.
  12. For the name alone: Castle of Oblivion A well-earned name, considering its ostensible purpose. Sadly, the link doesn't provide a good location.
  13. Q: What's the motto of everyone worth a billion dollars or more these days? A: Just stack another zero at the end.
  14. I assumed the former was a delayed consequence of the near-apocalyptic winter storm and public utility crisis in Texas back in Feb 2021. Y'know, the "Hell freezes over" thing. It wasn't actually Hell that froze over, but Texas is an approximation thereof, as Gen. Sheridan referred to once.
  15. Q: What's one of the fun parts of Monte Carlo studies of early Solar System dynamics? A: It's less fun 4.5 billion years later.
  16. Whenever it makes for the smallest hit against the salary cap. That's knowable, but I don't have it in my head. The Pete Carroll days in Seattle may be over, also.
  17. Conversant in seven extinct languages
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