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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. More importantly, how many is too many?
  2. You know what you could do, is install a DMZ between those two groups and populate it with rude French-speaking people.
  3. Trump admits Republicare specifically screws the people who voted for him
  4. @gewing: Sorry to hear about your layoff. Layoffs never get any easier, and it especially sucks when it's the result of other people's incompetence or politics. It was after layoff number four, when I discovered that my then-new job wasn't going to pay anywhere close to what I'd promised, that I started having my 3am panic attacks.* Even now my savings accounts are in shreds, although that has more to do with runaway spending than multiple layoffs in the span of four years. We can tell from your posts that you're brilliant, so hopefully the job market will catch on to that. Just remember that you are more than your job. Work your (human) network to try and find an opening, even if only for a stopgap position. List all those things you wanted to do but couldn't because you were working, and do some of those. Work out and spend some quality time with your family. I don't know your housing situation but try not to be too attached; be prepared to bail before you go way far into debt, if possible. And definitely spend lots of time posting here, or else use your new free time to write Hero supplements. We are pulling for you. * The employment-related panic attacks have faded, replaced with marriage-related panic attacks... but that's another issue.
  5. Of course, this administration sets incredibly dangerous political precedents daily, but it's nice if one doesn't stick.
  6. Or a dream. Are we talking about... inception?
  7. I'm sorry, did you think we were going to let you die? You will not escape so easily, my friend.
  8. Said the flaming rodent with the Gillian Anderson fixation.
  9. robocopy (source directory) (destination directory) (filename)
  10. Cygnia's husband should apply for the job. He'd be better than any Geno Smith.
  11. But the money won't even be saved. The cost of health insurance and healthcare will go up as the customer pool shrinks. The CBO analysis shows that this plan will leave Americans worse off than they were before Obamacare.
  12. Hope he was equipped with adamantium lacing and claws and that his mutant healing factor kicks in soon.
  13. Agreed. But so far good governance, hard work, and investment have failed, and right now the person who's made the biggest dent in the fossil fuel hegemony is a deranged dot-com billionaire technocrat who thinks we're all living in a computer simulation.
  14. I completely agree. That said, I think that scientific miracles are easier than regulation and public investment, because I am old and jaded. A couple of other notes: - I completely agree that biofuels are carbon neutral and could be a good way to immediately reduce net carbon emissions. But it's not going to happen because it's expensive, and I'm old and jaded. - I completely agree that we don't have time to wait. But we will. - Nuclear isn't much harder now than it used to be, but renewables have eaten nuclear's lunch economically. - We have a pretty good idea what battery parks will cost. - I understand that electrics have been chasing ICEs for 150 years. Much the way firearms chased longbows for 300 years or electric lights chased gaslights or cell phones chased landlines. I repeat, the battery tech is here now, and is still improving rapidly while ICE tech has made only marginal improvements for decades. Honestly, if the current subsidies on fossil fuels were repealed, total cost of ownership for EVs would be decisively lower. Your linked jokes are cute, but they look dated. Whoever Lucas is, he's not Tesla or LG, or even GM or BMW.
  15. Did he suffer? Or did he die without feeling the pain he deserved?
  16. That literally happened on base here once, back in the eighties.
  17. And Terrelle Pryor escaped the Factory of Sadness and made it to... Washington.
  18. jfkdlsajhgvflksrda
  19. Guns are different because in reality they eventually rendered all melee weapons and armor obsolete (militarily speaking). No one would pretend that spears and longswords are competitive with modern repeating firearms in real life. But because we still want melee weapons and armor in our fantasy game, it would help to figure out a way to balance them with guns, both tactically and in terms of campaign effects. The usual method is for magic to blunt the effectiveness of firearms and/or boost hand weapons and armor to match. Exactly how this is accomplished can depend a bit on the prevalence of magic in the campaign. If magic is everywhere, guns kind of become just another focus. If magic is uncommon, guns probably need to be fiddly or rare to balance them. To address the scrimmage question above--assuming a fiddly gun, one would expect gunners to remain toward the rear of any formation and seek cover or high ground from which they can employ their fiddly firearm in relative safety. Reload times and limited ammo mean that you would prefer to either use firearms at the outset of an engagement to seek an immediate advantage, or else reserve shots for strategic usage against stationary or especially dangerous enemies. In particular, you'd probably want to shoot the enemy wizard first. Conversely there are probably any number of ways a wizard could interfere with a gun user. Jostle him with TK, get his powder wet, set his powder off, bust the trigger mechanism, blind the firer, turn the bullet to cork or the barrel to glass, or just curse the thing so it'll miss. I could go on. Magic, being magic, could do all sorts of things in this regard.
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