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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Trump hasn't done much yet other than launch $100M worth of missiles at a deserted airbase. He even warned the Russians (and everyone else) there that they were coming. It's pretty weak as responses go. Now that he's "sent a message" I imagine we'll go back to ignoring Assad unless Trump needs another distraction.
  2. Are we even 100 days in? Man, I hate being right.
  3. Supercavitating bullets for underwater use A 60m underwater range for .50 is pretty spectacular. You could actually reach a sub at periscope depth with that, though perhaps not puncture it.
  4. Incidentally I had to google for the X-Men titles above because I had no flippin' clue what X-Men titles are out there currently. According to Wikipedia there are no Marvel series that have been running since before 2015. I still don't know what characters are actually in the titles.
  5. The other thing that Marvel has been doing lately is pushing story arcs across multiple titles on a weekly basis. So if you wanted to know what the hell was going on, you needed to pick up Extraordinary X-Men, then X-Men Blue the next week, then All-New X-Men, then Uncanny X-Men, and then like Spider-Woman just to make sure you couldn't keep up.
  6. Why do people always forget Conquest when he was part of the founding lineup? And why was he replaced by Pestilence? Wasn't Conquest the better bassist?
  7. This is a good start but remember to emphasize decisions and teamwork. Should the helmsman steady the ship so the gunner can make more accurate shots, or evade so as not to be a sitting duck? Should the engineer divert what energy he has to weapons, engines, or shields? Should the science officer scan the enemy ship or jam their sensors? And what exactly are the implications of failed or successful skill rolls? This kind of interaction between all the PCs' jobs is what needs to be fleshed out in Hero.
  8. Sort of bummed that I missed the casting call for this one, but only in a fantasy sense, since I'd never have been cast as anything except perhaps a hideously deformed drooling madman.
  9. Yeah, but wouldn't you rather catch leishmaniasis or Chikungunya if exotic-sounding is what you're after?
  10. High School Journalists Who Exposed Fraudulent Principal Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances
  11. I thought Aikman was on Fox.
  12. Black Panther and Ms. Marvel Nominated for Hugo Awards Days After Marvel VP Blamed Them for Sales Slump No, Diversity Didn't Kill Marvel's Sales The latter article even has numbers!
  13. You would too if it was the basis of your multibillion dollar franchise.
  14. Absolutely. But on the other hand, here we have Tony Stark, not exactly a model of psychological stability even under the best circumstances, and he is 1. exhausted 2. breaking up with Pepper 3. reeling from recent collateral casualties in Nigeria and Sokovia, the latter of which was arguably his fault. People have done weirder things under pressure.
  15. It was the former. Tony's relationship with his dead father went through several iterations. Originally he resented his father for being largely absent when he was growing up. Then in IM2 he found Howard's message and had the tearful realization that his father was working on his behalf the entire time. In the beginning of Civil War we see that he regrets having been so estranged from his parents, and then of course he discovers that their death wasn't accidental after all. It's clear that Tony harbored a lot of resentment and/or guilt about his father all along, so it isn't that shocking when he loses it over Bucky.
  16. Romo's headed to the broadcast booth.
  17. Terrorist attack stabbing victim pulls knife from own neck, kills terrorist with it
  18. But don't discount malice entirely either.
  19. What? What ain't no country I ever heard of. Do they speak English in What?
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