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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I'd give the breechloader 1/2 DCV for an extra phase and the muzzleloader 0 DCV for a turn. And I think that's being generous to the muzzleloader. Loading one of those is a serious chore.
  2. First stage landed successfully. Second stage still copacetic and progressing toward deployment.
  3. SpaceX launching used rocket in 15 minutes
  4. Putin hired 1000 people in fake news psyops campaign targeting swing states in US presidential election
  5. Muslim women form human chain on Westminster bridge in symbolic solidarity with victims of recent attack
  6. ^ Grand Canyon illuminated solely by lightning.
  7. If you weren't scared already you haven't been paying attention.
  8. This is completely counter to my understanding of Aquaman's origins and original portrayal.
  9. Someone has to instruct those seniors! Congrats!
  10. True, but fandom was an insignificant sliver of the potential audience when Smallville started out in '01. It's stupid, because it does alienate that guaranteed segment of viewership, and ignoring canon is hardly necessary for writing new good stories.* Smallville eventually did manage to succeed through good writing, while the Snyderverse both ignores canon and writes badly, which is really kind of remarkable. * Continuity, on the other hand, can and should be ignored when it gets in the way.
  11. And then the murders began Seems familiar somehow.
  12. I parked my car in the parking structure (goddammit) to pick up the last of my belongings from my former employer, which had gone out of business. I meandered down to the now dusty and mostly vacant offices, where pale sunlight filtered through the windows to illuminate dust particles hovering sadly in the stale air. The only thing left for me to get was a very large glass vase full of long-dead flowers. Carrying it back to the car, I passed Keanu Reeves in the parking structure (goddammit), who was in the process of loaning a bright green Lamborghini to a friend of his. I wished I was a friend of Keanu Reeves. At the car I set the vase down and took a good look at it. It had been used as a fish tank as well as a vase, so among the roots of the dead plants floated the mummified corpses of once-bright tropical fish, now dull and leathery. Some of them had their mouths locked around the aeration stones, as though they had died gasping for a last breath of air. A few dead butterflies floated in the water with the fish, stiff and papery. All were magnified by the lensing effect of the round glass vase.
  13. This dude is preparing to buy and publish the browsing histories of the scumbags responsible for destroying our online privacy
  14. Again? Some people are suggesting Ex Machina as the perfect title for Sorkin. I can't disagree.
  15. So, not optimistic about the new rated-R Sony Venom movie that's been announced?
  16. Iceland experiences record breaking baby boom nine months after humiliating English football losers in 2016 World Cup
  17. 359 humans? Damn, I'd better get started.
  18. Fantastic headline. The city of Oakland does seem to have dodged a bullet, financially at least.
  19. I've had the same experience, though I usually phrase it as "never date a psych major".
  20. It's not as though that particular relationship is ever going to make logical sense. As it stand the Harley-Joker relationship was one of the highlights of that particular film. (Which I still think was a TMNT movie in disguise.)
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