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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: Complicate the Person Above My confusion was a result of seeing Cancers Action man collection soon after seeing death tribbles Barbie collection. I was blown away by the way that Cancer had both Action Man and GIJoe dolls plus a whole slew of copies such as Captain Action and Tommy Gunn...
  2. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death tribble (not Cancer at all... honest) collects limited edition Barbie dolls. His current pride is the Hammer horror tie-in, "Lesbian Vampire Twins-of-Evil Barbie" in an unopened box complete with underwired translucent night dress, antique multibranched candlestick and Cinema still shot from the movie.
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above Ever wondered where those red carpets, used at all movie premiers, comes from? It seems Cancer has a thriving cotage industry involving his body hair and a small loom. Apparently the Discovery channel are to do a "How it's made" episode on the subject.
  4. Re: Complicate the Person Above Unlike some celebrities, Cancer paid to have his home sex tape promoted and sold over the internet.
  5. Re: Top 10 Insupportable Premises in Comic Book Universes Back at Insupportable Premises... Surviving the entropic death of your current universe and the followup "big bang" that creates the next one. (Yes Galactus, I'm looking at you) The energy levels involved... astonishing. And then, after several millenia gobbling down planets across billions of galaxies like they were peanuts / chocolate coated raisins / gummy bears - you get taken down by some two bit punks on an out of the way planet called earth? What? Agreed, the "big bang" thing was never part of Lee/Kirby's original concept, but still! And the the whole "Your "girlfriend" gets mutated into some giant form, kidnapped, beaten, tortured, given super powers for a day etc, etc" (Lois Lane come on down!) And yet never seems to seek psychiatric help, maintains a "normal" life style, is able to keep steady employment and still likes you for getting her into/out of those scrapes. I've had girls bust my chops for far, far less. Back at the aging. During Byrnes period at the FF, I remember he did a couple of pages on the Torch visiting an old girl friend who was now married, mother of 3 or 4, gained 100lbs... She had aged, he had not.
  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above Of course, I was only making that association as I'd once seen death tribble give Himmler a damnably fine snog one cold winters night back in '42 as allied bombers swept overhead and searchlights probed the clouds.
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above Interestingly CAncer has never been to any of the planets surrounding Vega. It seems he's allergic to them.
  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above Marcus actually played the Bells of St.Trinians once. Took him weeks to recover.
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble spends his rainy Sundays gilding Lillies.
  10. Re: Complicate the Person Above I thought that "surfing the internet" was just a figure of speech until I saw SatinKitty and her surf board. It's AMAZING how small she can get...
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Looking through the deed polls I find that Cancers name was originally Resank, who are an offshoot of the Alucard family tree... interesting eh?
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above Marcus has friends in high places. REALLY high places. This is why he's so upset about the cancellation of the space shuttle. They'll just have to visit him from now on.
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy, having 3 toes on one foot and 7 on the other, has never found a pair of socks that actually fit his feet
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer is well known in the ballroom dancing world as being able to perform a Tango without having a partner.
  15. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancers phone number has been unlisted since the 80's when the Ghostbusters started calling him!
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above And, as Rex is the owner of Cancers ISP, he'd be the person to know of such things.
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above At last it can be revealed that Birkenstock sandals were really invented by Rex Mundi. For heavens sake do not ask why...
  18. Re: Complicate the Person Above At last it can b revealed that Cancer was the mastermind behind the 1929 world wide Brylcream shortage. He's evil like that.
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy used to work in a toy makers as the last man on the "Tickle Me" Elmo toy line. He was fired after it was discovered that, instead of giving the Elmo toy two test tickles to check the sound box, he'd been giving them two testicles... They're pretty rare now, but you can still find them for sale on ebay every now and then.
  20. Re: Complicate the Person Above Back in the 60's, death tribble once appeared on "University Challenge". The tribble thought is some sort of martial arts contest. Oh how whe laughed as Bamber Gascoigne laid some pain on him to cries of "Who's your daddy?"
  21. Re: Complicate the Person Above The interesting part of this story was that the collection of Elfquest graphic novels used to belong to tkdguy, who a year earlier, had traded them on-line for a unicycle he'd since painted Marine Corp green and named "Thunderbus".
  22. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribbl took a number in the queue of areas wishing to become states within the USA. Currently he's number 3,784 with only one line being served.
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus, never been allowed to enter through the front door in his entire existence.
  24. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer is a well known contributor for Cattle Breeders Gazette... but not in ways you would imagine.
  25. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble owns the worlds largest collection of belly button lint catalogued and sorted according to size, consistency, colour, modulas of elasticity and taste.
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