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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: Complicate the Person Above Most people know that Harry Lime was the Third Man, but not many know that Rex was the Fourth Man and would have been third if not for a freak pogo stick accident.
  2. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus has never knowingly worn a suit made from old Mars Bars wrappers
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above tkdguy never babies candied yams. He's tough like that.
  4. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus was Xenophons tour guide during the Anabasis.
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble has patented 17 different methods of human heart replacement, one of which uses a hollowed out turnip, 6 condoms and three plastic drinking straws from a McDonalds happy meal. I often wonder where he finds the free time to think of these things
  6. Re: Nazi Germany's Secret Plan to Bomb New York Last R&R I recieved the complete run of Fireball XL5 on DVD... My childhood game running happily back to me.
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above It has been said that Hermit, in trying to evade the taxman, has declared his residence to be a snow globe of Phoenix Arizona. More on this breaking story as it happens.
  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above After answering an advert in the back page of an old 60's comic, Cancer spends his weekends selling 'GRIT' to illegal immigrants.
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above It's odd that the death tribble has never appeared in the Winter Olympic ice skating events, considering how much work & training he's done for the event.
  10. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble was once sued by the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities after a two week holiday he had there some time in the 1930's. The proceedings and the results are still sealed and he won't talk about it, just giggles and mutters "It went for a walk!"
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Marcus poured his tank of "Sea Monkey's" into a toilet. Given that the comic book advert showed families and whole civilizations of "Sea Monkies", it's odd that he was never accused of war crimes.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above I've heard it said that Cancer once cured a Pekingese of terminal dandruff. He's now being considered for beatification and is rumoured to be a sure thing for sainthood in 40 or 50 years time.
  13. Re: Jack Kirby Does Shakespeare Not many gamers will have seen these, but Kirby's art is pretty much teh gold standard and so a cunning plan is hatched. I Drag & drop into a paint program, erase the sword, transfer to my character sheet and, next gaming night...."I haven't used Captain Blast for a long time, thought I'd give him a day out... Why yes, I did indeed have the King draw my character... he did it as a personal favour to me... like it?" Ooooohhh.... major street cred. Until they find out of course. Kudos for the find.
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above Not many people know this but tkdguy is his own tribute band. Got a decent back catalog of tunes as well.
  15. Re: Complicate the Person Above I was looking at a standard deck of playing cards the other day and, just by chance, happened to notice that the King, Queen and Jack in each suite all look like the death tribbles Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. I wonder how that happened?
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer has recently been seen in public call boxes struggling to change clothes. Nobody is sure but we think he's suffering from Reeves Syndrome.
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above Hey, I remember that! Ray & Dave were warning me about trying to make a song suit all markets. The death tribble had convinced them it was possible, but the commercial failures of Golden Gate Sunset, Brooklyn Sunset and Bridge of Sighs Sunset had proven it to be untrue. (Although both Battersea and Charing Cross Sunset still has devotees in the Underground Bridge cult...)
  18. Re: Complicate the Person Above Marcus was the guiding force behind John Wyndhams 'The Chrysalids'. Although in exactly what way he guided the author shall forever remain a mystery.
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above There's a long and amusing story behind that. Mostly involving death tribble, early experimetns in genetic mutation and the tribbles long standing habit of peering down at his dinner, leaping to his stumpy legs and crying (in his best Colin Brown accent) "It's Alive!". Dinner with the tribble is always exciting.
  20. Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers The ability to erach into my pocket and always have the correct ID allowing me to go where I want and do what I want. Whether it's the traffic police, local librarian, doctors receptionist, bar tender or the guys and machines guarding the thermonuclear devices.
  21. Re: Complicate the Person Above Okay, here's the rest of the story... Some years back, death tribble had got into the iceberg moving business. Not sure why, it was the sort of business deal where minutes of meetings were not kept and nobody shook hands because DNA often left traces. So he needed a quick path down to the Pacific and, as I was still handling some of his earth moving business, I said sure, I could do that. Took me a bit of time to nudge the continents over a smidge but it happened. Only, by the time I'd done it, he'd sold out of iceberg herding and was now into raising Tulips. Which he did quite successfully until the Dutch took it over at sword point. He's still bitter about that, I say live and learn, he says blood vendetta unto the 7th generation.
  22. Re: Time Manipulation based powers
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above Once again, over simplification. It wasn't just tooth picks, there were twelve kinds of toothpicks made from wood, bamboo and plastic, some minted, some natural and some with built in dental floss! We had wooden and plastic coffee stirrers, plastic sword shapped things and folding umrellas that came from cocktails. We had waxed paper straws, plastic straws and swirly straws. Heck we even had 9 kinds of chopsticks in there for main structural bracing. All this we used to build that arch. And why? Because the tribble said "I have a dream..."
  24. Re: Complicate the Person Above See, here's another case of teh tribble getting it slightly wrong. After a slight bit of confusion following reading of another NGD thread, the death tribble had over invested in monkeys. He then spent months teaching those monkeys how to wave little white flags and eat cheese cubes on tooth picks. And there was just no place to put all of the cheese eating surrender monksys, so I let them go. Next thing he'll be coming to me with packs of wolves...
  25. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer was a rising star in the corporate safety film world. He starred in "Box lifting", "Forklift awareness", "Small tool storage" and my personal favourite, "Stepladder Usage and Maintenance". But one day he just threw down his safety hat, glasses and ear protectors, stripped off his coveralls, gloves and steel toed safety boots and just gave it all up. Strange.
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