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Everything posted by NuSoardGraphite

  1. I would allow it. The extra segment and -5DCV modifyer will ensure it isnt used often. Especially when any archers who abuse it will meet up with opponents with large movement scores or ranged weaponry themselves. I have no issue varying the sfx of Haymaker from being a powerful hit with all ones Strength behind it to a carefully aimed shot meant to strike the most critical areas of the body. Either way, the end result is +4 DC and Hit Locations will still be observed. Of course I observe DC maximums so a 1d6k arrow will never do more than 2d6k.
  2. These are all Professional skills, but I do think it would be useful to come up with categories and not similar skills or subskills and how they fit together.
  3. I allow Acrobatics to replace the Dex roll for Dive for Cover. The character gracefully sommersaults to safety instead of leaping haphazardly behind cover.
  4. I have a universal formula I apply to skills if it could apply in combat. If the skill roll is successful, the user gains +1 to OCV or DCV (whichever is applicable). If the skill roll is a critical success, they gain +2. The skill could be acrobatics, contortionist, sleight of hand, Fast draw, etc. Depends on the context etc. Heck, I even allow the use of Interaction skills like Oratory (you can give a temporary bonus to your comrades) Interrogation (the intimidation option. cow your opponent into making a mistake) or Acting (pretend to be less competent so your opponent gets sloppy and provides an opening) to combat under the correct circumstances.
  5. Thats the formula I do in my head.
  6. I ask the players their final OCV or DCV. I do all the math in my head. I have been doing this long enough to where it is instantaneous.
  7. Altered hummans and rubber headed/suited aliens. Most of the aliens that humans in my setting interact with are humanoid. The excuse for this is the same one that Star Trek uses....an advanced and ancient race eons past travelled throughout the galaxy and seeded the living worlds they found with the blueprint for humanoid life (based on their own physiology). As far as alien cultures go this is a pretty standard space opera setting, so the cultures dont get too weird, I do however try to shake up the stereotypes a bit. For example, the ancient and powerful contemplative race not only acts mysreriously, they pretty much do whatever they want. This includes things like showing up in the middle of a war between rival factions and ending it by destroying both sides simultaneously. Assassinating powerful political figures in broad daylight during a galactic wide broadcast and wiping an entire planet with a population of several million settlers out of existence with absolutely no explanation whatsoever. And everyone knows they cant do a damned thing about it, because this race is just so ridiculously powerful. Fortunately for some reason, these people favor humans and were the ones who gave humans hyperspace technology. Yet they refused to help at all when humanity ran into a hostile race of alien reptiles who very nearly halted humanities advance into the galaxy. Enigmatic doesnt begin to describe them. But of course, this beint Space Opera, there are a host of beings while nof necessarily good for PCs, will make excellent obstacles or mysteries to solve. I have a player who is making a.character now and he wanted to be some form of human/alien hybrid with the alien being an energy based creature. So I had to create an alien being who uses humans as hosts while it slowly feeds on their bio-energy, eventually leaving them an empty husk. The characters father was infested with one of these energy vampires when he impregnated the characters mother and some of the energy vampires DNA got mixed in the process. This made the character a hybrid with three parents. In addition to this, 5he characters genes which controlled psychic powers were switched on and he came out with the psychokinetic ability to control energy, with a natural ability to leech power from living beings to bolster his own abilities (Transfer) I have stolen a lot of different aliens from various sources....GURPS Aliens and Planetary Atluses, Alrernity Stardrive and Battlelords of the 23rd century just to name a few.
  8. I have zero issues with running space battles with Hero Systems vehicles rules. They work just fine. Its just that the defenses of military starships in TE are so high that the weapons are relatively ineffective against them. It would take dozens of hits before any of them even started taking Body damage. Reduce the defenses of warships (I say between Defense 10 and 20 for the hull and between 10 and 20 defense for the Force Field with charges that require repair after the shields go down). That way a 4D6k laser cannon isnt much of a threat but might be able to wear the shields down. A 6d6k particle beam might get a few points of body through here and there, but an 8d6k plasma cannon is dangerous, ripping through shields in short order and absolutely devastating to a shieldless vessel. 10d6k+ planet busters and nuclear weaponry will still be very dangerous to all but the toughest warships. Shieldless vessels hit by such weaponry should be toast.
  9. In my opinion, the ships dont pass muster. The writeups are bloated and imbalanced. An attempt at a space battle with the published stats would prove to be an exercize in frustration.
  10. I type "sci-fi fashion" into google images and the results were fantastic. I recommend doing it. Here are some favorites.
  11. Its a lot of work. Lots of stuff to convert. I'm converting Shadow World to Hero and its been an ongoing process for years now.
  12. Its a lot of work. Lots of stuff to convert. I'm converting Shadow World to Hero and its been an ongoing process for years now.
  13. You can also add that the damage can be mitigated by a Con roll to reduce the effect.
  14. Mentalism is merely one of the realms of magic. It is analogous to mental powers but is not limited to that. In the context of a Hero version of RM, Menalism would be a category of SFX for magic along with Essence (traditional magic) and Channeling (priestly magic)
  15. Conversion for stats from RM to Hero is definitely divide by 5. A RM 100 should equal a Hero 20. For racial bonuses, you can divide those by 5 and add it as a bonus to the Hero characteristic.
  16. I mimic the RM2 healing method, just in a less draconian way. I require a Transform spell to heal the wound itself (if its an Impairing or Disabling wound) to remove wound penalties. Then a Healing spell to restore the Body and/or Stun. If one wanted, they could use the Transform method to force the healer to cast a different spell per type of organ being healed (skin, bone, muscle, nerve, blood, vital) which means on the worst wounds, up to 7 spells are needed to completely heal the wounded patient. I am not that mean. I only require two (wound and hit points). As far as Transferral Ways is concerned, that is easily done as a Side Effect on the individual healing spells where the caster takes as much as they healed. With an spell on a trigger that kicks in automatically which regenerates everything eventually, as long as it was acquired as a result of using Transferral Ways. Indeed. One of the reeasons I moved to Heroe. I was playing RM2 fairly regularly when I first encountered Hero and quickly discovered it solved most of the problems I had with class and level based systems with its point based approach. Havent looked back since, except to do the occasional conversion of course.
  17. Itcan be done on the fly, but the GM needs to know both Hero and RM very welle to get the balance right. As long as they make notes of what they do for later referrence to maintain consistency. What element of Lay Healing did you want to mimic? I'm suure I could throw out some suggestions.
  18. I will post a detailed breakdown on tips to converting spells into Hero shortly. Stay tuned.
  19. Heck I might do something as simple as giving weapons and armor Charges. Everytime youngo through a battle, you mark off one charge. When the charges are gone, the item needs repair and has its effectiveness reduced until it gets fixed. Higher quality items have more charges and thus can go through more battles before needing repair. Weapons shouldnt break under normal circumstances unless they are put through extraordinary stress. Such as successfully parrying a critical hit or some such. Or from a maneuver specifically meant to break the weapon.
  20. Its Zack Snyder. His fight scenes ALWAYS look good. Look at Watchmen. Though brief, the few fight scens featured in it are freaking brilliant. Action scenes are his grewtest strength. I see a lot of complaints about Man of Steel, not a single one of them were ever about the fight scenes. The question here has always been will he get the characters right and will the story be good?
  21. I just revisited your conversions for the Emer book and Atlus Addendum. I have to apologize sir. Your actual conversion work is quite good at closer examination. At least in the Emer boxed set, you are very consistent in your conversions from Rolemaster to Hero stats. Not an easy feat to be sure. The main problem with some of the information is mostly stuff thats missing, which in all liklihood is an editing issue and not at all your fault. One of the problems I do have with the writeups are the skill competence of some of the signature NPCs such as the Jherak Ahrenreth. At least two of these characters have an entire list of skills in the 24+ skill roll zone. Thats crazy, even for their level of competence. Even with their INT of 30, most of their skills default to 15 or less. I can see most of their skills being in the 18-20 zone, but more than that seems excessive to me. I'm just curious as to the method you used to convert RM skill ranks amd bonuses to Hero skill rolls. Oh and your conversion for "Reesilliance of Form" is something I really liked and still use to this day. Defending as a Large creature adds 25% damage reduction. And defending as a Super Large creature adds 50%damage redduction. Sheer brilliance.
  22. Those writeups were awful! Dont get me wrong though. I understand what happened. 1:in all liklihood, they didnt give you a whole lot of time to do them 2: you had an extremely limited amount of space to work with. 3: back in those days, most Hero players were coming from Champions and had very little to no experience balancing Hero for a Heroic Fantasy game. In other words, you did the best you could with what they gave you to work with. It didnt help that the Fantasy Hero book back then didnt really take advantage of Hero's versatility. The book was fond of telling you that you couldnt do X or Y which ended up severly limiting peoples games (such as "In Fantasy Hero, we dont use Power Frameworks for spells...those are for Superhero games"....when Multipowers were the perfect mechanic to mimic the Rolemaster spell system) So yeah...not much you could do there. Your conversions were extraordinarily handy to give us a base to work from. Which saved me a lot of time having to wwrite everything from scratch.
  23. The bonuses quickly wear out. The extra time bonuses become inconvenient after the 5 minute mark, which is only a +3 bonus assuming the default casting time is a full phase. One cannot control Celestial or Terrestrial factors and expendible foci are quickly used up and can never provide more than a +3 bonus in my campaign depending on rarity and potency. Of course, permanent foci can be created or acquired that give regular bonuses, but these cost the character points to own. (Skill levels on a Focus....wands or wizards staves or magic enhancing jewelry) Perhaps soon I will post my Spell Failure chart and run it through the gauntlet to see what you guys think.
  24. Correct. The way I use them, they can only remove external penalties such as those from being prevented from fulfilling a limitation or the ENC penalty of armor. They cannot remove the base penalty from the Active Point bonus. Full skill levels that actually increase the skill roll are necessary for that.
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