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Everything posted by NuSoardGraphite

  1. Your Strength benchmark for Gawain is off by quite a bit. Gawain had a geas where his strength would increase as the sun rose in the sky. By noon he was as strong as five strong warriors which puts him around STR 25 or more.
  2. Th8s is easy to mitigate. As a part of your spell system, say mages cannot wear metal armor and also cast spells. Thus you will have mages relying on light armors but also stacking magic defenses with them which wont be too overwhelming. How I solved it in my game is I have the Armor encumbrance penalty also affect spell casting rolls. This makes it so mages will run around in the lightest armor they can. My last Fantasy Hero game, the party mage only wore heavy robes (rdef 1) until she got some enchanted robes that provided 5 defense for her. With her Shield spell (10pd, 10ed Force Field) she had a 15 res def, but by that point, it was late in the game and the enemies they faced were quite a bit more powerful so she needed it.
  3. The good old D&D "Defender". I wrote those up as +3 to DCV which also adds to OCV when actively blocking.
  4. I really like the dynamic of a two weapon fighter wielding a main gauche in the offhand when coupled with the offhand defense talent. +1 DCV from the kain gauche, +1 DCV from the Talent, then fight using defensive martial maneuvers like Martial Strike (+2 DCV) and Defensive Strike (+3 DCV) and this makes a fighter who is really hard to hit without needing to invoke dodge or block maneuvers.
  5. Reading through thia thread, some of you guys are overthinking throws and exert maneuvers. These are functions of the Strength characteristic. These are things you can normally do with STR anyway. You can pick up a character and throw them to the ground without any sort of special maneuver really. Disarm is the same. Without a maneuver, you can use your strength to try and knock an obiect out of your opponents grip. To create a "maneuver" all you need is bonus Strength to help facilitate the exert element that comes built into the characteristic. Its pretty simple.
  6. Not even necessary. Just use the rules for knockback or knockdown, whichever you prefer for your campaign. Dice of Hand Attack/Blast can be added tonSTR to determine if the target experiences "knockdown", even if those dice dont actually add to damage. (Only to cause knockdown, -2)
  7. Well, coming up we have the ultimate supervillian. So maybe they arent trying to blow their wad before they get to that.
  8. I did it very simply by creating a baseline and placing everything in relation to the base. I dont even have to write it out. Just give me a weapon class and the DC and I can tell you the STR min.
  9. Good thing many of us use fictional settings where two weapon fighting is totally feasible, because its far too cool to veto for realism purposes IMO.
  10. I tend to go by the factor resistant defense is equal go DC and total defense about double that, it is. Good balance. Less than that, the attack is dangerous. More than that the attack is less effective. In my campigns, most defenses will run betweem 3 and 6 resistant and 6 and 12 total. However, expert combatants, magic users and powerful creatures can exceed these amounts by quite a bit and dominate over average combatants. Thats the dynamic I have tried to convey in my games.
  11. I also adjusted STR minimums. I started with a Broadsword at base 10. Since a sword is 4 DC, for every DC above that add +3 to the STR min. For every DC below, remove 3 from the STR min. So a shortsword at 3 DC is str min 7. A dagger is Str Min 4. I adjust the other weapons based on how their balance compares to a sword. Axes at the same DC level have +2 Str min compared to a sword. A mace or a hammer has +1 dc. It works. This puts the Greatsword at 16 STR and the great axe at 18 DC.
  12. So Clark isnt allowed to get down and dirty? He only "makes sweet love" to lois. How very 50s.
  13. "Brain Energy" i.e. the Amazons practice a form of Qigong.
  14. #3 is long overdue. I support that. I have no problem with #2 as long as it is temporary to put better technology or techniques in place to discover radicalized elements trying to find their way into the country. #1 sounds like a pipe dream. Too expensive and theres no way mexico will pay for it. #4 is odd. I thought Trump said he didnt want to revisit "deals" that previous presidenta already made...
  15. I use a different form of Deadly Blow that I have been using since the 4th ed days. Basically there are 3 levels, +1 DC per level. Level 3 is pretty rare. Each level representing Apprentice, Journeyman then Master skill levels. So my Deadly Blow doesnt automatically give +1d6k bonus damage. Thats the top level only a few masters possess.
  16. I was talking just Republican and Democrat. On the Libertarian ticket, there are close to 10 candidtes. The Green Party seems to skew toward Jill Stein only, but it is an alternative for utra liberals to vote for....provided they get enough signatures to get put on the ballot in your state.
  17. This is exactly why I support double base DC in my fantasy setting. On one hand, it skews a bit more on the side of realism. On the other hand, this allows magical weapons with DC bonuses to be especially powerful tools. And also characters with the Deadly Blow talent to be particularly effective (I allow Deadly Blow to add to base damage) I choose not to go this route in my fantasy efforts specifically because thr double base DC provides such concrete limits that an ultimate Campaign maximum is not necessary. This alows various beasts and powerful spells to perform as advertised in genre without absolutely everyone in the setting being able to match them.
  18. This has to have been the most interesting election season I have ever witnessed. Between Trump and Bernie bucking the establishment, it gives me hope that the people will eventually wake up to the fallacy of the two party system and realize that they have more than two choices available to them.
  19. Classic Cap can bench about 1000lbs. That means his deadlift should be about 3000lbs. Ultimates cap can benchpress a toyota. The most common toy9ta, a celica, weights about 2500lbs. That means his deadlift should be around 7500 lbs. Both versions should be capable of throwing an 800lb motorcycle without too much trouble, especially given the momentum boost. The Ultimates version should be able to hold back that Helo. Even earth 616 Cap should be able to do it while Pushing with a good Ego roll behind it.
  20. Body and Stun scores in my games stay within reasonable range so I observe DC maximums. Observing DC maximum of double the base DC allows you to scale the Defense of your enemies to your players appropriately and makes it easier to adjust the challenge level of an encounter.
  21. Looking forward to it. Since BvS was a disappointement, this is looking like the breakout blockbuster for this year. If Apocalypse is also great, thats a bonus.
  22. I hated that storyline. I loved British psylock. Asian psylocke just kinda came outta nowhwere specifically to put an asian on the team. Wtf?
  23. I disagree. I think they should stick with the source material. It has exosted these many years for a reason. Now there are times in the comics where they experiment with these things, such as Nick Fury in the Ultimates line, which allowed them to use Sam Jackson in the cinematic universe. But in general, you should go with the iconic character, except for where it makes sense to do otherwise. It doesnt "make sense" to change Danny Rand into an asian. It would only be for the purpose of satifying PC and it also strays into the area of obvious stereotypes. That should be avoided whenever possible.
  24. Yeah no. Drastically changing the characters just to please the PC crowd is the wrong move. Marvel has been so successful thus far because they have been pretty faithful to the core concepts and iconic images of their characters. That is a formula they should stick to.
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