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Posts posted by Balabanto

  1. Personally, I am quite tired of being equated with being a racist by virtue of being a white Conservative. I also realize that this election is very painful for our friends, yes friends, on the Left side of the aisle. All of the polls strongly indicated that Hillary Clinton would win and there was a palpable expectation of such. I even felt that was going to be the case. It was quite shocking when the exact opposite of my previous prediction* came true. If it were shocking to me, I can only imagine how utterly devastating it was for those that just "knew" that their chosen candidate was going to be president. Expressing that pain and concern is only natural. I think a little compassion and commiseration is not beyond my ability. Besides, I hate Trump almost as much as Clinton. In a bar graph, you would really have to zoom in very close to see the difference. I didn't vote for him and, being in California, it wouldn't matter if I did. California is a foregone conclusion for the Democrat side.


    The only "win" I see (for me) is that Hillary Clinton will not get to appoint pro-Gun Control justice(s) to the Supreme Court. That was my biggest concern. Now I have a lot more concerns aside from that but I am willing to give it a chance to see how Trump is going to run the country. Who knows, he might surprise me. 



    * I predicted that Hillary Clinton would take the Electoral, while Trump would take the Popular. 

    My problem is VERY simple. Nuclear Launch Codes should not need Child Safety Locks.

  2. And this illustrates why recommending an entertainment is always a risk. :hush:


    Hahaha. Demons Rule is a problem because as written, the villains can't get to the final combat. Literally, there are so many problems with the tacticals and the way the villains are built vis a vis those tacticals that they lose the initial combat outright and go to prison. 


    Scenario over. 

  3. There are plenty of old scenarios that have been out of print for 30 years or more. It wouldn't be difficult to update them for 6e.


    With one exception - their maps tend to feature the old 2m hex grid. Getting rid of those would essentially require the maps to be totally redrawn. That's serious work and money.


    Why would you want to get rid of the 2m hex grid? That is a terrible idea. Speaking as someone who has published several products, the 2m hex grid is a producer of sanity and reasonableness. It keeps older players who use previous editions grounded and things convertible between editions with minimal effort. The 1m scale makes all combats take place in areas the size of a shoebox.


    Removing the grid has the additional ridiculous out of game effect of making mapless combats for low-income gamers, which is really mean-spirited. The size of a combat is often based on the size of a table. Lower income gamers have less space for the table, and a smaller table. My game table, which is basically a large thing my friend made, cost about 1400 dollars. Most people don't have that kind of money to burn for a 10 foot by 4 foot table that seats 10 people comfortably or about 6-7 gamers with their books, equipment, and their raw physical size. 


    There are a million reasons to keep the grid, and almost none to getting rid of it, unless you're going to change the cost of every movement power in the game.

  4. Right now, as it stands, the "average" kickstarter projections for this project (based on my modeling, which is +/- ten percent, weigh in at about 32,800. It will require a lot of extra work to get it to the 40,000 needed. 


    The other option is to add a hardcover level and only print it with the Kickstarter. Of course, this means you're adding 25 dollars to every copy for people who want hardcover. 

  5. So I was work on a background for a character when an idea for the bad guys in the background was a group called the Il Ragno Crime Syndicate. Other than the name, I really don't have any idea who the members might be. Il Ragno means "the Spider" in Italian. So I was thinking that there should be eight members, all of whom have super-powers...So any thoughts, and no they don't have to be spider themed, just Italian...

    Well, thank you for yet another word that means Spider for my eventual S.P.I.D.E.R. sourcebook.

  6. If you missed the Kickstarter, you can now order the book on Amazon. It won't arrive until after the Kickstarter Backers receive their copies, but there is a link you can click on to get the book.




    This is a link to the PDF in the Hero System Store. If you missed this one, now's a good time to grab it. 




    Michael Satran


    Being Bold and Selling Hard!

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