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The Main Man

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Everything posted by The Main Man

  1. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? I agree; those could be cool. Say, what about reprinting the Available Technical Resources Index? Perhaps make it more generic and using it as a label for items throughout the book?
  2. Re: Stacking Dodge Did you just run to this thread because you disliked this forum's responses to yours in the Champions section? Are you that obtuse and stubborn? You wanted this forum's opinions and you got 'em. Instead of sucking it up, you simply try again here to restate your entire argument as if no one even touched it. Why not hyperlink to your thread?
  3. Re: Combat Skill Levels I think you just about covered it. All I can think to say from there is that CSLs add Damage Classes, not dice. It takes 6 appropriate CSL's to add +1d6 to a Killing Attack, which is the basis for the Deadly Blow and Weaponmaster Talents.
  4. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death Tribble earned the respect of the Samoan people by wrestling with Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka on a trampoline and winning.
  5. A friend and I argued with another friend over whether a character could Dodge as a Half Phase Action and then Abort their next Phase to Dodge again in order to stack the DCV bonuses. We argued that his idea is both mechanically and realistically absurd, but his sophistry boiled down to arguing that if a character dodged, they could "dodge harder/faster." We picked apart argument by argument, moved goalpost by moved goalpost. Then he asserted that we should bring it up to the HERO Games Forums. I agreed, so here I am. So maybe my friend and I are wrong after all. I'll spare all of you our arguments for now because I'd rather hear all of yours on either side of the issue. More importantly, let's discuss the SFX side of the argument, as that was the bulk of his.
  6. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? Actually, the sharks with friggin' laser beams could make for a humorous sidebar note towards the beginning. It also would shill another book as well as exemplifying the "plug in and play" nature that HERO easily accomodates.
  7. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? I second this. I think they would be particularly useful for Dark Champions and Cyber HERO games.
  8. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? I don't know if we can make any specific equipment requests, but... how about an omnitool like the sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who?
  9. Re: Horror Hero rant He plays a companion. We made up our own Time Lord (The Drifter) for this campaign, who will change hands between the players over time. That said, the other players (this one included) started off playing as themselves. Naturally, he's the only one who cannot seem to actually play himself because he cannot seem to swallow his ego and emotionally immerse himself into the game for better or worse like everyone else. I don't know what's worse, that the game is held at his house (it developed after Series 5 ended) or that this is his girlfriend's first RPG experience and she's already better at it than he is. That said, I do mix it up, being that Doctor Who isn't all horror. I think the best description of my current style is Douglas Adams meets HP Lovecraft.
  10. Re: Horror Hero rant But yeah, I have one of those unphaseable kinds of players in a small Doctor Who game I run. Granted the core problem is more that he's one of "those" players.
  11. Re: Horror Hero rant Impressive thread necromancy, but this is an interesting thread. Me likey that Tales of Terror link.
  12. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? A note on applying Clarke's Law to equipment could be interesting. How about revising and reprinting Terran Empire's rules for alien race weapon familiarities? Similarly, how about notes on tweaking existing weapons for nonhuman races for exoticism?
  13. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? What if there was GMing/campaign advice for making particular equipment actually feel special? Like they were toys if you will.
  14. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? Interesting take; Maybe some notes about replacing Defenses with DN for alternative campaigns may suffice if a rough formula could feasibly describe it and keep it viable.
  15. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? That's what HSEG needs: spy gadgets! What if the sidebar suggested possible disguises for various writeups as alternate objects? But yeah, I'd like to see James Bond as well as not so James Bond-style spy gadgets and gizmos, please
  16. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? If possible, I'd find writeups involving Damage Negation and Reduced Negation interesting to see. As for the sling bullets versus handgun bullets debate, things must be taken within historical context. AFAIK, cannons were the earliest guns, and bows and arrows were preferred over slings by that time. Handguns evolved from cannons. Furthermore, compare, say, a musket bullet to a .22 bullet. Musket bullets are a good sight larger, and they devastated at close distances, but the even a pulp era .22 is so much more efficient that isn't even funny. So again, consider the historical (but also nonhistorical) contexts of weapons.
  17. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? Chalk me up in support of organization idea #1. Moving on, I suppose that options for modifying given items or even whole categories to other genres could be neat. Example: rules for making "guns" more suited for Superheroes, or making martial arts weapons better suited for Dark Champions: The Animated series. And so on and so forth. What about Post Apocalyptic equipment? Similarly, what about rules for improvised equipment, or at least sidebars for describing how to makeshift particular items?
  18. Re: Complicate the Person Above Somalia's constitution is a collection of diner napkins with Death Tribble's scribbled ramblings during a conversation with Dennis Miller.
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above Bodkins Odds knows drunken kung fu. He's just not very good at it after drinking booze.
  20. If I Push a Constant power (or a power with Costs END To Maintain), must I pay the Push cost each Phase as well as the standard cost, or only when I activate it?
  21. Does the minimum damage incurred by Penetration count as "exceeding" an Ablative defense for lowering the Required Roll?
  22. Re: 6E What happened to HKA? First, I noticed this strange bit of rhetoric: HA "adds to STR" but, evidently, STR "adds to HKA." Why not look at HKA the same as HA? Second, consider guns: A real world device for propelling tiny, metal semi-cones at high velocities to kill people. Interestingly, I'm not sure if you could put a bullet in your hands and meaningfully harm even a rabbit. 1 pip HA maybe? But wait, guns are built with RKA, not HKA. That's a convenience. We build grenade launchers as STR that propel RKA foci. Technically a gun is no different than a person chucking a rock at someone else (mechanically speaking). It's all kinetic energy. It just so happens that gunpowder is far better at propelling projectiles than human arms. The doubling rule is not one size that fits all, even in the real world. It can be useful, sure, but it doesn't need to be the standard rule.
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above L. Marcus once swam the Pacific "channel" to eat some authentic Japanese sushi.
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