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The Main Man

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Everything posted by The Main Man

  1. Re: Magic the Gathering Hero? An Aid or Boost to END and REC may be on the right track. The END Reserve itself could be bought with 0 END and 0 REC - it gets its supply from the Aid/Boost. The Aid could be 1d6 and then a bunch of extra dice could be bought to raise the maximum effect. Each +1d6 effectively represents 1 land. Might the Aid use END from the character itself to represent the drawing of cards?
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I too saw The Expendables last week and liked it. I give it 8 out of 10 ticket dollars. I've also seen Tales From The Script, a documentary about screenwriters, their craft, and their world.
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above There's controversial evidence that Cancer invented the question mark.
  4. Re: Magic the Gathering Hero? Speaking of which, I think that the END in the reserve would simulate the potential maximum mana of a deck, but it's the REC that would simulate the lands themselves. What if REC started low and then had to build up somehow? I'm thinking an Aid REC for END Reserve would work as a standard power.
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death Tribble has been to every continent on the planet, including Atlantis.
  6. Re: Complicate the Person Above Hermit knows that Pluto is now a planetoid for a very sinister reason.
  7. Re: Magic the Gathering Hero? My friend and I assume that 1 Power (and thusly every point of damage) roughly corresponds to 3 Damage Classes in HERO. It's still a case by case process, but it's a helpful starting point. Similarly, every point of Toughness provides 3 Physical and Energy Defense, possibly raise BODY, CON, and STUN by the same number of points. Damage Reducers could be simulated with Damage Negation.
  8. Re: Magic the Gathering Hero? I think that Endurance Reserves should start at 0 END to simulate the drawing of more and more lands. Think of the maximum END in the reserve as the maximum number of lands in your deck. Green may specialize in Aiding END Reserve while Red may specialize in Draining it.
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death Tribble often does just whistle dixie.
  10. Re: Magic the Gathering Hero? I and a member of my group have discussed how to make a Magic: The Gathering HERO campaign, and my personal conclusion is that it would primarily be a Superheroic campaign. Each mana color would probably constitute a separate Multipower with a corresponding Endurance Reserve.
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death Tribble is actually the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung who has come to challenge Earth's greatest fighters for control of the planet. He is voiced by Tim Allen.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Hausu, M.D. Cape Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas Dario Argento's Hook John Waters's Some Like It Hot David Lynch's Little Nemo's Adventures In Slumberland... Scratch that, that could be kinda awesome. How about David Lynch's A Christmas Story?
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It's a creepy YouTube series based on a SomethingAwful meme that is in the vein of The Blair Witch Project. The video above is the first video of 26. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking to run a horror campaign; it's minimalistic approach is admirable.
  14. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? It's a creepy YouTube series based on a SomethingAwful meme that is in the vein of The Blair Witch Project. The video above is the first video of 26.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Hanging With Doctor Whoper
  16. Re: What do you think of Endurance Reserve in 6E? I never meant to infer that; I meant that, based on phookz's Multipower: The maximum effect would actually be only 60, not 180, because the 10d6 Aid has the largest maximum effect. Using any of the lesser Aid builds would only extend the Fade Rate as per their construction or else to help reach 60 if the 10d6 Aid (likely) doesn't reach it in one roll. Also, wasn't this thread about Endurance Reserve?
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above L. Marcus is not an actor in real life, but he plays one on TV.
  18. Re: What do you think of Endurance Reserve in 6E? Oh yeah, Stevezilla did clarify that 5er had the same rule. And it's at the top of the page.
  19. Re: What do you think of Endurance Reserve in 6E? 1) Yes, Aid's maximum effect functions as Healing did; 2) I also addressed the Power Framework issue: a Slot's Active Points may not exceed the Pool's Point Total i.e. the Pool must also be adjusted, whether individually, through Expanded Effect, or through division of dice rolls. I'm sure that this rule existed back in 5e.
  20. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer hates mittens.
  21. Re: What do you think of Endurance Reserve in 6E? Speaking of HERO 5er, as the "HERO guru" of my group, I read snippets of the core rules at least once a week to catch things that I may have missed ever since one of the less experienced members called me out on a rule (Trigger, if you're wondering). And now whenever I discover something in 6e, I go straight to 5er to see whether the ruling is actually new or not. Announcements are smoother when the players realize that a rule didn't change but rather that they were wrong about it in the first place.
  22. Re: What do you think of Endurance Reserve in 6E? There's this tidbit too: 6e1, page 139, column 2, "Positively Adjusting Power Frameworks." In summary, you must adjust the Power Framework pool in addition to the power in question. It normally takes two individual adjustments to do this, but Expanded Effect can short-cut it. It then says that a slot may not exceed pool points regardless of the adjusted effect.
  23. Re: What do you think of Endurance Reserve in 6E? This Aid discussion sounds overblown. See 6e1, page 136, column 2, "Maximum Effect." In summary, if a character is the target of two or more like Adjustment powers, the greatest effect may not be exceeded by any lesser or equal effects. So arguing over the aforementioned Multipower is frankly much ado about nothing because only the Aid build with the highest effect would overshadow the others, relegating them to only expanding the fade rate and only up to their maximum effects at that.
  24. Re: Complicate the Person Above Edited for possibly offensive content: L. MARCUS -kissed- AND -hugged- A GIRL IN 1990!
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