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Shadow Warrior

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Everything posted by Shadow Warrior

  1. What a tremendous book Champions Complete is. I got my copy a couple of weeks ago and already half my group have bought their own as well and we are launching a new Champions campaign in two weeks time, our first game in, well, more than 10 years. It is exactly what was needed after the off-putting bloat of 5th and 6th editions. Truth be told, prior to the arrival of Champions Complete I had actually dug out my old copy of Original Champions (the 64 page typeset one with the monochrome Mark Williams cover) with a view to using that to get the gang back together. Well done to all concerned - this is inspirational stuff.
  2. Thanks for the reassurance, Andy - I've just put my order in!
  3. Thanks, guys. I'm a bit old school so if I got the PDF I'd just never read it, never mind use it to run a game. I'll check out the shipping on the damaged one in the store. The only guy willing to ship to the UK on Amazon wanted $85 for the book and another $35 for shipping. Noble Knight had one too but they wanted $50 for the shipping.
  4. Evening, all I'm based in the UK and I'm looking to pick up a copy of Fantasy Hero 6th. Could any of you kind folks here bear to part with your copy (in return for money, of course!) or know where I could get hold of one without incurring heinous postage rates? Most shops I speak to over here just look blank at the mention of Hero Games. Many thanks, Marc.
  5. Re: Traveller Hero, Revised deckplan sample Spot on, guys, well done. Now it's time to put my money where my mouth is. BTW, any plans for any hardcopy product?
  6. Re: Traveller Hero, Revised deckplan sample Great stuff. This is what I really need from a Traveller Hero product. Well done guys.
  7. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! Awesome! Now that rocks If you can do that, these will become must have purchases for me. Starships with a 2m hex overlay are so generically useful for Star Hero games I can't see myself not getting them.
  8. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! That sucks big time. Deckplans in Hero scale would have been the major selling point for me. Hero stats for the ship are of much lesser interest as game specific ship stats aren't that often used in Traveller campaigns in my experience. Can't see myself buying these products, which is a shame.
  9. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! Hi there Has anyone involved in this project got any comments on the non-Hero standard deckplans? I hope there are plans to rectify this as this would put me off buying. Thanks.
  10. Re: Hart-Felt Productions announces new books for the Kandris Seal Universe.
  11. Re: Hart-Felt Productions announces new books for the Kandris Seal Universe. Many thanks for the response. Is there a non-HERO system hardcopy version?
  12. Re: Hart-Felt Productions announces new books for the Kandris Seal Universe. Any further news on the hardcopy version of the Kandris Seal?
  13. Re: Captain Jack Fortunately that theatre is a mere 20 minute walk from where I live. Mrs Shadow Warrior went to see John Barrowman in "A Few Good Men" last month - she said he gave an excellent performance.
  14. Re: Three New Hero Plus Adventures Now Available! Many thanks, Steve and Ben, for the prompt action on that one. I'm pleased to report my folder of Hero Plus Adventures now looks super spiffy! Thanks again.
  15. Re: Three New Hero Plus Adventures Now Available! Is there somewhere I can get a full size version of the "Solar Smith" cover? I'm just about to print it out and file it in my Hero Plus Adventure folder and that would make it look extra spiffy. Thanks.
  16. Re: Questions and Suggestions for my next campaign. And currently being broadcast on BBC7 every Saturday evening, at 18:30 BST. For those out of range of BBC Radio transmitters, you can listen to it on the BBC7 website. Top pulpy listening, I can assure you. Episode 2 is currently up, blurb as follows: Doctor Who Storm Warning: Aboard airship R101 for its maiden voyage, The Doctor (Paul McGann) and Charley deal with a glitch in time, a ruthless spy and a mystery passenger. Episode 2 of 4. [Rptd Sun 12.30am] Click here and scroll down to 18:30 in the schedules. You will hear the end of the previous programme (Journey into Space) and some continuity announcements / trailers before it gets going (about 2 minutes in). http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbc7/listenagain/saturday/
  17. Re: To Map or Not To Map? Glad to be of service, Guy. You are right, I'd far rather pay the very few shekels necessary for a legit copy. Another good place for legit pdf shopping is DriveThruRPG.Com, although not for TSR stuff.
  18. Re: To Map or Not To Map? If the Wizards site doesn't have what you're looking for, most of TSR's back catalogue is also available legitimately in pdf form at good old RPGNow. 1st Edition AD&D pdfs 2nd Edition AD&D pdfs A module is normally just a few US dollars. For example, module A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity (the tournament adventure for GenCon XIII) is available for USD 4.95.
  19. Re: Announcing — HERO PLUS ADVENTURES! Just a quick point of order. The description in the on-line store doesn't tell you anything about the adventure at all - even a one line plot summary would be a great addition. I know someone interested can find that in this thread if they want to, but you don't want to risk putting anyone off who's having a fit of laziness! Also second whoever above said that the store needs rationalising. The new adventure is buried right in the middle of a load of old stuff (some of it very, very old 4th edition stuff). Great idea though - I'm purchasing as soon as I've posted this.
  20. I too can remember when White Dwarf was good! I remember with much fondness lifting the first Champions adventure I ever ran from there... Slayground in issue 39. Very, very similar to the funfair section of Champions Battlegrounds but 20 years earlier!
  21. Two of my favourites were a martial artist who worked as a waiter in his parents' Chinese restaurant in Birmingham (UK) and a mentalist who hosted a late night cable TV chatshow called Mysteries of the Mind.
  22. Many years ago (about 1984-ish) I ran a Champions adventure loosely based on the 1972 TV adventure "Day of the Daleks" , a story which has itself been credited as being one of the influences on "The Terminator", dealing as it does with soldiers sent back in time from a post-apocalyptic, machine-ruled future to kill the man they believe responsible for starting the war that led to their future, and in so doing inadvertently causing the war themselves. Anyway, the players were a small team of superheroes, peripherally involved with the main action of the TV story, as they had been assigned as part of the security for the world peace conference. They did briefly meet the Doctor (in his Jon Pertwee guise) in passing and had a somewhat more intimate and close up encounter with a small squad of Daleks and Ogrons during the attempted attack on the conference. Good fun was had by all and no one felt that it particularly jarred with the rest of the campaign. Of course, this was in the days before the widespread availability of video recordings of old episodes and no one could remember what the plot was all about anyway, so a straightforward plot "lift" was nice and easy to do - oh happy days!
  23. Oh yes, I'm the grumpy old git of the gaming world who never misses an opportunity to remind all those Warhammer players that "White Dwarf isn't as good as it used to be you know and it all went wrong when they started publishing it monthly". They occasionally had a Champions scenario in there as I recall - quite a couple of good ones too. I remember "Peking Duck", essentially a super hero bar room brawl set in a Chinese restaurant in (London's) Chinatown and another time travelling one, "Strikeback", which was a sort of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen type thing with Captain Nemo and Sherlock Holmes, years before that was even a gleam in Alan Moore's eye Cheers, Marc.
  24. Marriage Yes it is. However, they got divorced not much more than a year later.
  25. Forgotten Futures This sort of game can be a lot of fun. Many years ago I ran a game using Traveller rules in which the players were sent back in time to Victorian England to track down a deranged Vargr who had stolen some prototype time travel gear from an Imperial research station. The Vargr had a drug dependency that he couldn't fulfil and had become a psychotic killer lurking in the East End of London, murdering prostitutes. Well, it seemed like as good an explanation for the identity of Jack the Ripper as any other! What made it a really enjoyable game to run was the way the players threw themselves into what was a very atmospheric game. They were issued with what was felt to be suitably incognito period clothing based on what the research scientists had seen in surviving 20th Century films but in fact looked somewhat out of place. The players really roleplayed their hearts out, acting bewildered by the unfamiliarity of it all and making deliberately stupid mistakes that more "gamey" players wouldn't have. In fact, they were enjoying it so much they told all their friends and I ended up running the same game three times simultaneously! Oh, how much spare time we all had as teenagers!! Incidentally, this was based on a scenario published in White Dwarf at the time, "An Alien Werewolf in London". If anyone wants to track it down, it was in issue 62 (February 1985). Anyway, what I was going to say is that a good resource for this type of roleplaying is the Forgotten Futures game. I've never used the game system myself but the source material is truly excellent, covering all sorts of Scientific Romance style (Verne, Wells, Conan Doyle, etc) games. It's currently only available for download at the Forgotten Futures website but it was published in paper form a while back by Heliograph (the people who reprinted Space: 1889 - another good source for this sort of RPG) and copies seem to turn up on eBay pretty frequently. They are also working on a game of their own called Zeppelin Age which is supposed to be a pulp roleplaying 1900-1940 type of game. Hope some of this ramble is useful!
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