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Everything posted by DasBroot

  1. Definitely agreed. Good hasn't abandoned the world. Evil hasn't triumphed. The Republicans saw a chance to take all three levels and took it - nothing more, nothing less. Mr Trump will make America look like a buffoon, certainly, but we'll be just fine.
  2. "Hey there ... nice rack." "Creep!" "What? I meant the antlers!"
  3. It doesn't matter if she's over-rated or not, really - the point is that yet again our president-elect couldn't shrug off having mean things said about him in a highly public forum (without even using his name) without immediately punching back like the most insecure high school boy there ever was. "Did you see Donald in the stairwell last period? He dropped his books and tore his pants picking them up. What a loser." "Those pants were sabotaged in home ec by Becky! She's jealous of my marks and I think she's mad that I won't go out with her - I know she secretly wants me. She's the loser!" Please, Mr President - trade in your paper mache armour for tank quality ceramic composite.
  4. Yes indeed. The "Divert auxiliary power to the shields!" approach. If you have a really high initiative that can work. Otherwise, if I'm not mistaken, you get 'stuck' with the shields up because as soon as you gain benefit from the pool power in a phase you can't change it with your action. I have played characters with defences in MP - but the other powers in the pool with it tend to be thematically related non-combat powers. One of my player's character has an electrical manipulation MP that provides them with PD/ED with an electrical shield but it can also be used to power a city block (now that was a fun power to create) or cause a blackout - deliberately (The character already kills nearby iPhones on a regular basis just by using her powers as a Side Effect).
  5. Indeed. Considering how much of our current model basically says 'x exists because y would make no sense if it didn't' I feel they have some wiggle room.
  6. Do not grieve for me. Soon I will be one with the Matrix.
  7. So ... only a fool wouldn't want better relations with the Russians, North Korea will never get a nuclear weapon, Mexico will pay America *back* for the wall, and Meryl Streep is over-rated. Where did that jpg go... ah... here it is... It sure is, Mr Nimoy. It sure is.
  8. New Republican Congress reverses ethics move after outcry An interesting development. Trump told them to find something better to do in a twitter rant and they dumped it. We know from campaigning that he's not afraid to go against his party (he's a RINO anyways - Republican in Name Only) - but is this a hint that his social media rants may have pull with them?
  9. REM should come out of retirement and perform one last time at the inauguration. Not sure if they should close with "Everbody Hurts" or "It's The End of the World As We Know It". They just have to say they're going to perform "Shiny Happy People" beforehand. Poetic justice since he likes to use their music without permission anyways (In all seriousness I hope he's a good president. The fact he hasn't been able to keep his hands off twitter after the election, like he said he would, isn't a fantastic start.)
  10. I'm with massey - so long as it's not functioning as an indirect attack or an invisible one then it's just a cool special effect. If the villain's hand glows as he uses it the attack meets all the criteria for being a standard attack. Is it logical that a window will reduce the damage of this special effect? No. Will it unless you pay for indirect? Yes.
  11. Declaring 35 Russian diplomats persona non grata isn't that terrible a response. Putin, of course, has said that he'll be the bigger man and not expel US diplomats as a response to this baseless action. (Likely because he wouldn't want to lose out on such valuable potential information gathering sources)
  12. But he's not a puppet. All his advisers tell him so.
  13. US Senators call for sanctions against Russia over elections hacks "We have to sanction Russia for these cyberattacks (and) send a clear message to the incoming administration that there is a lot of bipartisan support in Congress for going after this," Sen. Amy Klobuchar told The Associated Press by phone from Latvia. Donald Trump dismisses US sanctions threat to Russia "We ought to get on with our lives"
  14. I only made it halfway through tracing the left image with my eyes before both of them went blurry, seemed to be vibrating, and I got a piercing headache. I feel... funny.
  15. There was liquid adamantium in the evil lair. I assume he just re-dipped.
  16. I don't think we should build more nukes until we've used all the ones we already have. Fair's fair.... some of those poor things have been sitting idle waiting for their big moment for fifty years.
  17. I find it amusing that he went through the effort of putting on a full body costume and then leaves the mask off so he can be identified. It's like a crew robbing a bank in ski masks and one guy wearing a ski headband instead because full masks make his skin itch.
  18. I would too. I think a remake of the Passion of the Christ with a non-caucasian female lead would be the most boycotted movie in history. I can easily imagine every major incendiary movement finding something to scream about. It would be glorious.
  19. It really depends on what kind of 'journey' they're going on. If they're starting before they have any powers but have the seeds of heroism in them and you mean to end up at 'superheroic' in power than something like 175 is appropriate. That makes them teenagers who are as competent as government agents. Not good enough to be Batman's sidekick, but definitely unrealistically skilled. I once ran a game where people built at 175, no powers, and then had their latent powers unlocked by a cosmic McGuffin after the first story arc. That gave them an immediate 50 CP to spend on powers (bringing them to 225) - and then they gained xp at an accelerated rate until they were full fledged superheroes (325) after a few months of play and xp gain slowed to normal. It actually worked pretty well. There was a much broader spread of powers than I usually see in game, as my players tend to be twitchy sitting on 15 xp and might buy a cool 7 point power instead of holding out to spend 30 on their advantaged killing attack.
  20. I enjoyed POI for its entire run - though the show, like many that switch tracks, did lose a fair number of fans when it moved more towards science fiction than procedural. Seeing as how I'm a fan of William Gibson and Arthur C Clarke *I* certainly didn't waiver when themes from both authors started ramping up. Based on the positive tone to the spoiler tag I'd say you're in for a treat.
  21. "And as they say back in old Naples that's amor-aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii!"
  22. Captain America - Civil War I liked it. Forgot I wasn't watching an Iron Man movie a few times, though.
  23. Exactly. Trump is a noob. Plus, if the allegations are true you've proven that you CAN interfere with your most powerful rival - and if there are no repercussions you can meddle with it again.
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