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Everything posted by DasBroot

  1. As an aside my Siri is set to the little used male voice and I told 'him' to call me 'Dave' "I'm sorry, I can't do that, Dave." I am easily amused.
  2. That'll help those poor Rust Belt supporters out.
  3. Hmm... that DOES seem to be the villain of each seasons' MO...
  4. Savitar's design still amuses me. Who ever thought that Sauron from the start of Fellowship of the Ring would take up sprinting?
  5. Followers with the power. No joke. I've seen someone try and use it in one of my games using independent foci. One follower had a magic sword - to lend to his boss. One gave him a shield. One a suit of armor. They were armorers of an order of Paladins, you see, and the character was the last of said Order. Who totally didn't want to do it to get 240 active points of powers for a fraction of that in followers. Honest.
  6. I'm not locked in here with you! You're locked in here with ME!
  7. * Note that when the retail software product reaches its end of sales date, it can still be purchased through OEMs (the company that made your PC) until it reaches the end of sales date for PCs with Windows preinstalled.
  8. There's a surprising number there that I like but did NOT vote for - Batman, for example, is the quintessential street hero in theory but I have a hard time applying the title to anyone who goes toe to toe against truly super powered beings and holds his own. I voted for Nightwing instead. Same for people like Shadowcat and Luke Cage. She phased a mile long missile through the earth and he can shrug off 50 caliber rounds. That's not street level - the street's just where they work. I'm going to stump for Huntress - no powers, believable utility belt tricks, and not really known for trick arrows - just a highly athletic woman with a crossbow taking the scum of the city down.
  9. I've seen it used in my games - especially in late phases by 'regeneration scrapper' type characters. As mentioned since you don't need to decide until the attack hits they tended to hold their actions until they were attacked - if they were missed, they'd attack. If they were hit they'd try and roll with it. The idea was, combined with their pd/ed, to reduce damage to a point where they would go back to full stun on the post 12 recovery. Ie: Fakeverine with pd/ed 20, recovery 30, and a DCV of 8 gets attacked 6 times in the phase by Nin-Jar (ocv 8), 12d6 attack. In theory Fakeverine will be hit 3 times. Without rolling with the punches Fakeverine can expect to take a healthy 16 stun a hit (48 stun) and be a little wobbly before he recovers 30 (which makes Nin-Jar cry anways but at least he's making headway). If Fakey rolls with the punches successfully on the segments he gets hit that is reduced to 8 per hit (24 stun) and his mighty mutant REC eats it for breakfast post 12. If Fakey gets unlucky and is hit all six times he'd have taken 96 (and might be taking a nice nap) and might not even get to use the post 12 recovery. If he rolled with it all, though, he'd be wobbly at 48 stun taken before his recovery takes him to 18. That's a pretty hefty difference.
  10. DasBroot


    I often have rotating casts of NPCs that join the team for specific scenarios (or when requested). They could be considered GMPCs - same power level as players, something I'm interested in playing but never will get to because nobody else will GM a game, ever - but they're definitely closer to the 'allied for a task NPC' side of the spectrum. Sort of a mix between GMPC and free points in Follower, in practice - the players like having them around and ask them to do both a lot of off camera stuff (like in last session, for example, when they asked a brick they knew to attack the far side of a villains compound) and on camera stuff (help with the boss fight). The brick is a campaign regular, is as powerful as the PCs, and has been a hook for a few stories (such as saving her from being framed). They like when she's around, like her as a 'person', and feel they can trust/depend on her in a fight. They also know that her entire life has been nothing but bad decisions, really, so tend to not rely on *any* suggestion she has about a current situation, That part is always important, in my opinion - I make the GMPCs likeable and loyal but always give them quirks that make any non-combat suggestion suspect *unless* the players are counting on said GMPC to know something they don't about the situation at hand. Transparency goes a long way in my games - if they ally with a selfish manipulator it's obvious to them from the start that he's aiding them out of self interests, and they can be fine with that (or not, if he's not useful): Moments of 'curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal' go over like a lead balloon at our table.
  11. I've given up asking 'why' for the most part. Sheesh, did he realise that he didn't make the front page of the US and Canada section of bbc.com/news yesterday or something?
  12. They also don't emote properly - it's a lot more effective to reach the audience by having their series regulars act savage under the mind control of the apes to get the emotion and body language across. Audiences are much better at reading people than animals no matter how much CGI budget you spend on them.
  13. I liked the aesthetic. They're furred so pants would just get in the way of their insane leaps - the fur itself is close enough to pants for me. That could easily be "My main problem with the series is that they apparently forget that The Flash has superspeed." Seriously. It's like all his levels of DCV were bought with "vs Killing Attacks only". If it's not depicted as being 'lethal' (like bullets, arrows, razor boomerangs, some lasers) he's getting tagged by it. As for the mind control - well, mind control always makes plot holes. If he had access to Gypsy that should have been plan A, not plan C - and if he only gained access to Gypsy because they captured her because she investigated Cisco opening the portal then that's not thinking ahead - that's a Xanatos Gambit: pure coincidence that gets framed in the narrative after the fact as part of the plan.
  14. These days there's all kinds of levels of viable in SWTOR. I have ONE character who is 'hardest difficulty end game' ready with near top of the line gear. It takes a lot of effort so it's really reserved for my absolute favorite - a Sith Juggernaut tank. I have 12 others (altoholics represent, woo) who are just fine for running heroics (solo or team), pvp queuing, story missions, uprisings, and anything else I feel like. PvP and group finder (for random 'dungeons' like other MMO) artificially boosts your gear to be viable. People complain that it's 'too casual friendly', truthfully - it's like they would rather wait for two hours waiting for a match or team.
  15. So much hate for pineapple on pizza. It's pretty much the only place I LIKE pineapple. It's ok, Hawaiian pizza, I still love you.
  16. Silly episode but fun. They did a nice job with the Gorilla City visuals. Keith David voice-overs are always appreciated.
  17. Great visualisation on 'pushing' a power last night. Glad they didn't drag things out too long with last week's reveal. Also nice to see some mileage out of the Triskelion 'set' from Winter Soldier. It's so nice when a multi-million dollar movie can loan a tv show its leftovers.
  18. I thought it was a painting anyways. Being art instead of reality makes it no less 'neat'.
  19. Personally, I think it should only be used as a tie breaker (and 1d6 / 2d4 sound good enough to break a tie). It's a fun contest, by the way, and kudos for taking the time to set it up and run it. I'm happy to vote along regardless. The problem with using larger dice is that on a low vote result it becomes a decisive factor. For example, if there was a vote of 5 - 1 then theoretically a d12 should yield a 9-12 to 5-8 and not affect the outcome. It could also yield a 6 - 13 upset, though, where 2d4 COULD get a 7-9 slight win but that's less probable (I think. Math's definitely not my strong point).
  20. Let There Be Light - Mike Oldfield One of my favorite artists of all time.
  21. I really enjoyed it overall but I wish they'd kept some of the classic noir elements of the first episode for the rest of the series (Jessica narrating about her cases, etc). It's not a proper noir-homage PI show without the narrations. One thing that did amuse me, though (as I mentioned in the watching now thread) is how many times Jessica's CC'd dialogue (I'm hearing impaired) was *scoffs*. If I'd made it a drinking game I would have been dead halfway through the series... As for Jessica's immunity I think it was heavily implied to be her enhanced healing factor (which was a throwaway line) combined with simple viral adaptation - she was with Kilgrave, in close proximity, with him using his powers on her pretty much constantly for a long time - perhaps longer than anyone else. Since his power was a 'virus' in the series I think she just eventually got better - with the murder being the last straw, the last jolt needed for her enhanced body to shake off the last of the 'sickness'. Same with the tasers - it's not explained so there are aspects to her enhanced physique that weren't readily on display (even just a really high pain tolerance perhaps, in the taser's case, and even having bones strong enough to survive using her powers isn't directly stated).
  22. True free is pretty limited but preferred (ie you have spent money on something at some point ever) isn't so bad - as long as you don't want to play the expansion content. It's still a heavily subscription based game - it would probably cost you more than $15 a month to individually buy all the passes, content access, etc that come with being a sub. I drop to preferred between major expansions and the most annoying thing is the credit cap (and only because it basically tells you in the chat channel 'you gained 2500 credits, but can't access it because you're at the credit cap. We'll hold onto it until you sub.' Every. Single. Time you earn a credit over the cap.
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