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Everything posted by DasBroot

  1. I've both done this as a player and seen it done as a GM. It works pretty well for certain types of characters and I could see applying it campaign wide in certain genres. (One of my games features an immortal with rPD vs Body damage only, and 75% physical damage reduction vs Stun Only. It's a lot of fun to see in play ... a room full of gangsters with tommyguns is as 'dangerous' a threat as going toe to toe against something like the Hulk.) I've also seen someone take a side effect on their PD - a single point of KA when its used. Basically no matter how 'invulnerable' they were falling from orbit or being hit by a train 'hurt'.
  2. Well, if nothing else at least you can always count on the Russians to respond predictably to all this. Same response as any other claim by a foreign power: "Prove it, or shut up about it. I wonder if any other president (let alone president-elect) has ever been so openly skeptical or even nearly hostile towards a core part of his countries national security infrastructure? It must be nice to know better than a few billion dollars worth of operatives, informants, and data analysts.
  3. Clinton blames hacking, FBI letter release for her loss http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38347684 I wish she hadn't. Not that I'm a large supporter (Kasich was my pick) but why open yourself up to sour grapes claims now? Enough people were doing it on her behalf. Oh well.
  4. "I'm on the brute squad." "You ARE the brute squad!"
  5. Cool, but I was a little worried for the girls with long hair (which I doubt had a protective cover of any flame retardant).
  6. "Wait... I think this guys dead but we better check for a pulse." *empties a plasma clip into the body* "No pulse."
  7. Most of those voters were 'overflow' in states she handily one. How is it fair for 38 electoral voters to go against the will of THEIR people for the sake of THE people? It's a lousy system but it's the lousy system we have. Petition to change it, by all means - it could use it - but it's unfair to put the burden of changing the results on the mostly symbolic electoral college vote. They're there to represent their state votes - though influencing the outcome in any meaningful way *would* be a good way to get themselves abolished, I admit.
  8. No Conscious Control - half level, player picks when to use it, GM determines effect.
  9. When it's around. It comes and goes.
  10. To be fair poor Robert Beltran was given practically nothing to do unless they needed some tribal magic done (ugh). He was bored and justifiably so. It was watchable and I liked it overall but more than any other Trek series I think it showed its warts. It was rarely 'TNG first season bad' but it was also rarely 'TNG season 3 to 5 good' either. Most of the leads were just there. It was like half the command crew had Deanna Troi syndrome (a good character rarely used to her potential). And Neelix should have been booted in season one when he started cooking with an open flame on a space-submarine.
  11. I can agree with that. I'm impressed that they've resisted the genre dominating route of 'monster/mystery of the week' for the most part - but I think they could benefit from a little more of it right now. Shows use it because it works, in the long run, with season arcs taking up less than half the run time to provide continuity. The senator/watch dog connection is a fine 5 - 10 minutes of run time season arc to put in the background. Stopping dangerous unregistered Inhumans committing crimes could fill the rest.
  12. Which, admittedly, is pretty much the only way you can put that power on screen and not obsolete the rest of the team.
  13. "What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language? "
  14. "I've got 24 hours to get rid of this bozo or the entire scheme I've been setting up for 18 years goes up in smoke and you're WEARING HIS MERCHANDISE?!"
  15. As a father I kind of get where Diggle is coming from on an emotional level. There's no 'tradesies' with children. Learning that I had a child in another time that was an entirely different child than in this one - and who was 'erased' by some moron who thought his grief trumped all other considerations - WOULD feel like someone had taken a child from me. Like so: "I had a daughter?" "Now you have a son instead." "But I don't have the daughter I would have had if you hadn't played god." "What's it matter? You've always only known a son." "But now I know about a daughter that I should have." "Ummm .... call your first daughter Sarah and we're even?" *punch* Now, if he takes that out on his son in any way ... holds any bitterness that this isn't how things are supposed to be, that he's living a lie and the son is the proof and constant reminder of that lie ... THEN he's an overeacting jerk.
  16. That's a hell of a contract term extension, Robbie. Literally.
  17. This is why it's important to build a team based on the same number of character points each. Fun episode. A lot more screen time for the crossover characters than I was expecting.
  18. It's a good place to be as a politician. If you do a good job you can leverage the fact that everyone 'knows' it was you basically running things in the next election cycle. If things go south you can blame presidential mandate.
  19. Unless you're an actor that gets 7 figures a movie (or 6 figures an episode) nothing good can really come from saying "My character would never say/do that! And I'm going to tell the fanbase so!"
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