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Ockham's Spoon

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Everything posted by Ockham's Spoon

  1. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? That is (was) a big problem with COM in my mind. To take an extreme example, lizardmen might have a low COM to a human eye, but they might be quite gorgeous to another lizardman. Who defines beauty? Granted there are usually some societal norms, but those can change significantly between cultures. Throw individual preference into the mix and COM becomes a rather arbitrary stat. That said, I see no problem keeping COM if the players like the flavor, and just granting one level of Striking Appearance for each 3 points spent in it. Or you could define it as a Perk, 1pt = Cute, 2pts = Beautiful/Handsome, 3pts = Striking (and grants 1 level of Striking Appearance), 4pts = Gorgeous, etc. There are no mechanical effects except for multiples of 3, but that isn't so different from having a 14 INT instead of a 13 even though the extra point doesn't give you a bonus to any INT-based rolls. Its just flavor.
  2. Re: Icons: The Chrysalis Phase Gradual change is how I would be inclined to do it too, but the thread title made me think they would be emerging from their suits like a butterfly from its chysalis. So what happens to the suits as the wearer absorbs the powers? Do the suits lose power, or can someone else pick them up and start their own transformation?
  3. Re: Superhuman women less attractive in 6th Edition? COM was a sfx: you are good looking. It could function like Striking Appearance as a complimentary roll sort of thing, but then it was acting just like PRE anyway, making it redundant, so dumping COM made sense. But COM is not the same thing as Striking Appearance strictly speaking. I have known people who from a photo you would not describe as exceptionally attractive (average COM), but in person they definitely had Striking Appearance - it was all in the attitude and body language. Conversely, I have also known people who take a great head-shot (high COM), but in person are too aloof or cold to be attractive (no Striking Appearance). In 6e you can still be beautiful (just sfx of your appearance), but not a hottie, or vice versa, or both. That said, if I had been doing the conversions I probably would have granted Striking Appearance to most high COM characters unless they were specifically described as cold fish.
  4. Re: Icons: The Chrysalis Phase So can they buy off the OIHID limitation on one ability at a time, or does it represent a one-shot metamorphosis? Because if it is the latter, you might save some book-keeping headaches by just giving the heroes a lump of XP all at once when you are ready for them to leave the suits behind. That lets the metamorphosis be plot driven instead of accounting driven, which IMO would be good.
  5. Re: Limitations on Combat Skill Levels - same as the attack itself?
  6. Re: Limitations on Combat Skill Levels - same as the attack itself? Yes. What is the point then? Conceptually he doesn't become less skilled because it is dark. This is no different than a sharpshooter who has the same skill with his rifle in air or underwater, even though his rifle won't fire underwater. Practically there are differences too, or at least there can be. Maybe the levels apply to all his ranged attacks and only Photon Blast doesn't work in Darkness. Or as I noted above he might ultimately buy off the limitation on Photon Blast, but then his levels are still useless in the Darkness until he spends points there too. It is a matter of what you want the character to be able to do now vs. later, how you want to spend XP to develop the character, but most importantly why the character is a good shot.
  7. Re: Damage Negation: how much? Hugh is right, it depends on what you want. Damage Negation is better for stopping STN to keep a character from being knocked out but somewhat less effective against BDY, so if you want a character that is tough but not armor plated necessarily Damage Negation is a good pick, e.g. Wolverine would get Damage Negation, Collosus would get high Resistant defenses. As for how much, I think I would base it pretty much on the cost. 30 points will buy you +10 PD/ED Resistant Protection or 3 Levels Physical and Energy Damage Negation, or some combination thereof.
  8. Re: Limitations on Combat Skill Levels - same as the attack itself? Hugh, you are right that the levels have the same utility for a static character, so on one level you want them to cost the same amount. But if Lightbeam gets to spend XP and encounter lots of different situations then there is some distinction. Let us assume Lightbeam figures out how to focus his Photon Blast so that it does work in Darkness fields. If he bought his CSL straight out, then he can use them when the limitation on Photon Blast is bought off. If he bought his CSL as the tracer that doesn't work in Darkness, then he has to spend extra XP to buy the limitation off on his levels too. The advantage to buying the CSL outright is that he can advance more quickly later. The situation is similar, though not as profound perhaps, to a character that buys his powers with the limitation "Not useable underwater" because he knows the character is only going to be used once in a desert setting. If the character is never going to gain XP, you might well have a much different character than one that is designed to develop over the course of a campaign. My real contention though, is that if you have limitations on levels, or any power, they should make sense for the sfx. They shouldn't be taken just because it saves a few points. I don't mind if a good character concept saves points, but I don't want to encourage munchkin builds.
  9. Re: Here be dragons... or Dragon? If you are going to err, do so on the side of too powerful. A powerful dragon might not finish off the PC's for any number of reasons (the PC's aren't worth troubling with, it wants the PC's to live so they can spread the fearsome its reputation, it just gets bored with the PC's, it has a hot date with that cute dragon on the other side of the forest, etc.) but a wimpy dragon just gets killed which will only compound problem of overconfidence in the PC's. You can define the dragon's breath as a Killing attack or a normal one, or even give it a Multipower to give it both if that is convenient. As noted above, a big PRE attack in the beginning will put the PC's at a serious disadvantage, especially if followed up with a tail-sweep or area affect fire breath that hits the whole party.
  10. Re: Limitations on Combat Skill Levels - same as the attack itself? I think the question you need to ask is "Does it make sense that the CSL have this limitation?" Case 1: The hero Lightbeam has a Photon Blast attack that does not work in Darkness fields. He practices regularly with it so he is a pretty good shot. Can he buy CSL with the limitation "Not in Darkness fields"? No, because that doesn't reflect the sfx of the skill. Case 2: Per Case 1 except that Lightbeam never practices with his Photon Blast. But he can make a little tracer to help him aim, like a laser targeting spot. Can he buy CSL with the limitation "Not in Darkness fields"? Yes, because the sfx is such that it makes sense. Now the question is why would anyone take Case 1? Hopefully because you are building the character to conception and not just scrounging for extra points. More practically, as Xavier points out, it ultimately leads to more flexibility as you sink XP into it. Also, there are some things you couldn't reasonably do with the tracer, like use those levels to bounce shots.
  11. Re: Here be dragons... or Dragon? Let them fight a dragon, not Balakarven Blacksmoke, but a suitably powerful dragon to give them a serious challenge (I'd recommend some Damage Reduction and/or Damage Negation). Then mention that Blacksmoke is way more powerful than the dragon they only narrowly dispatched, so they won't be so eager to tangle with Blacksmoke. Now if you want to be nice, the dragon they kill was encroaching on Blacksmoke's territory, so Blacksmoke is favorably inclined toward the PCs (not that he couldn't have dispatched the rival, but the PCs saved him the trouble). If you want to make the PCs sweat, the dragon they killed was one of Blacksmoke's children. Blacksmoke might be indifferent, dragons not being very maternal or considering any spawn that couldn't handle a few adventurers to be a weakling anyway, or he might be angry. He may send them on a side quest to mollify him, like retrieving the slain dragon's hoard. Make the PCs sweat more by noting Blacksmoke may or may not know the exact amount and composition of the hoard. Do the PCs keep some for themselves or not? What happens if a thief or a fairy playing a prank steals some of the treasure?
  12. Re: The Lost Cover Art Caption Contests: Issue #53 "Paging Dr. Moreau"
  13. Re: The Lost Cover Art Caption Contests: Issue #52 "Not the Cuddly Bunny Dimension. Again."
  14. Re: The Lost Cover Art Caption Contests: Issue #54 "When Cub Scouts bite off more than they can chew"
  15. Re: TV show concept There is a fine balance between having fun with the powers, which draws viewer in initially, and telling a good story (this week on Smallville, Clark amazingly encounters even more kryptonite!). The powers play an important role, but they shouldn't be the only thing. And as sinanju points out, you really need a lot of clever people writing so that you don't leave open loopholes or make the storyline too contrived or let the empowered characters become too powerful just because it is convenient in one episode (seriously, Peter Petrelli in Heroes had to be an aggravatingly stupid individual to keep him from dominating everything). I have no illusions about doing TV myself, but I would love to see Joss Whedon do an X-Men type series on TV; not the X-Men but mutants of his own creation.
  16. Re: Here comes the swarm! I've built swarms as a single creature with an AoE attack of one sort or another, and then given it 75% Resistant Damage Reduction, Not vs. AoE attacks, to represent that it is hard to kill a swarm with a sword. Also give it Desolid, only to fit through small cracks, to let it get through grates and under doors and the like. This build lets the swarm be a creature the heroes encounter or a summoned monster if it is a wizard spell. I usually assume if the swarm takes enough damage it disperses, so I never bothered pro-rating the damage based on the size (BDY) of the swarm, but it wouldn't be hard to slap a limitation on its attack like that.
  17. Re: Dangerous Beauty Striking Appearance is built as +5 PRE only when appearance might be a factor. That pretty much sounds like what you want to me, so I would just buy Dangerous Beauty with the Striking Appearance talent.
  18. Re: Immunity to cancer I agree that if cancer is not going to come up often in your campaign, then 3pts might be more than is reasonable to spend on it. But I have had campaigns with supervillains or monsters that inflict cancerous diseases, and I assumed if the question was being asked that cancer might be in the pipeline for Steve's campaign, even if immunity to cancer was just protection from some NND attack. Of course from a roleplaying standpoint, these cancers are usually curable with super-science, magic, or a side adventure of some sort, so it isn't a grim as cancer in real life.
  19. Re: Spiderman's Web I didn't think Teleport could add/remove velocity by itself. Did that change in 6e?
  20. Re: Out There Idea: Universe as Mind Class Reality manipulation by mentally connecting with the universe is a clever sfx, but mechanically this is a suite of powers that are not mental at all. For what you have detailed, I would go with a VPP that requires an EGO roll at -1/10 Active points (-½) accessed in the VPP.
  21. Re: Immunity to cancer The problem is that cancer is a generic term for a broad class of ailments with various causes, but those causes are not always known. Once manifested, I would classify it as a disease though, so for purposes of Life Support if you were immune to all diseases (5 pts) that would cover cancer. If the character is only immune to cancer but not the flu or other diseases, I would peg it at 3 points, which is what you would pay to be immune to all bacterial infections or all viral infections, but slightly less that it would cost be be immune to all zootoxins or phytoxins (4 pts).
  22. Re: Spiderman's Web Just make the web a Barrier. Put a +0 Advantage on it "Does not inflict impact damage on objects crashing into it". It can still be broken if the object crashing into it does enough damage, but it is too springy to inflict damage itself. You can't use it to hurt a fast moving supervillain, but you can use it to save people from falling. Consider we are trying to replicate comic book moves. Now if Spidey was just standing on the ground, he could catch MJ. Realistically her neck would be broken falling off a skyscraper and having her decent stopped over the space of a meter, but this is the comics and if you catch a falling person they are unharmed. So I don't see why you couldn't just define a Barrier to work the same way.
  23. Re: "The orcs stole your underwear again..." I've tried a few comedy campaigns, but I find they always slide from witty to zany to surreal and any thought of plot or character gets completely derailed. A little comedy can enhance a campaign, but a campaign focused on comedy loses everything else. Its the difference between adding salt to your food and having salt be the main course.
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