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  1. Re: A Box of Evil Tricks? So is there already a Professor Pandora somewhere? 'Cause I have an amoral geneticist (biological research being the cat that's questionably let out the bag in this instance) with that handle...
  2. Re: The Mentalist Wrestler Might have to go with invisible power effects, too - otherwise someone a bit more perceptive than the rest could deduce his powers were mental.
  3. Re: Unique, interesting powers Interesting idea. Thanks for the input!
  4. Re: Unique, interesting powers Mine's along the lines of 'cool concept, but how do I write it up?' as well: I want make a duplicator called Gangsta who can make about 16 dupes, all being his slightly above normal street fighting self. BUT, when he merges back with them, he gains more speed, strength, endurance, etc. Perhaps even allowing a dupe to merge with a dupe and become a more powerful dupe, ie: eight double strength fighters, or four quadruple strength fighters, two octuple ...and of course add a moderately fast fade rate for those abilities so he doesn't get too powerful for very long. I can probably figure it out, it's just my procrastination being prevalent that stops me right now.
  5. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others? I currently have an armored medic type in my campaign, Crashcart. He has a healing touch that is linked to a medium-powered telepathy (touching the body's systems via the brain, enabling him to heal what's ailing the victim or amping their physical abilities a bit). I wasn't going to let anyone get too silly with killing attacks in this campaign, but his presence lets it become a little more prevalentm though I plan to not let it get out of hand like our previous campaign - if you didn't buy lots of armor, have a force field or damage resistance, you were going to end up an ugly smear. Crashcart (and other characters in the campaign) on my deviant art page: http://octoberthorn.deviantart.com/
  6. Re: Ankylosaur is up From the venerable Champions 2:
  7. Re: Entangle Special Effects? You could use the old Green Lantern trick: pick up something metallic to rend the entangle - that's the beauty of special effects, after all, especially if you didn't hamper the power with the limitation of only affect ferrous objects. I'd say it was something of a cheat if you had.
  8. Re: Tigra (Marvel Universe) Another small, forgotten power she had during her Cat days: she had a form of physical empathy, sensing that a nearby squirrel had an injured paw. May have been lost to misuse after the full transformation into Tigra, but it was there in the beginning.
  9. Re: Duplication Powers and Tactics This thread reminds me - I had an idea for a character called the Golden Gangsta, who was a moderately dangerous normal. He could, however, duplicate up to 16 times and do all the usual mayhem associated with a gang that size. But his unexpected power would be to absorb his duplicates back and become superhuman for a short period of time (have the bumped stats fade over time). And to make it even more of an accounting headache, have the duplicates able to do the same - so, say, you end with 4 dupes who have re-absorbed 3 dupes apiece and you have a small gang, all with maybe a 25-30 STR, streetfighting martial arts, etc. Probably not legal and most likely a points hog, but sounds like fun.
  10. Radar

    Character Names

    Re: Character Names My longest running character, long since retired, was Radar Rider - named after the kick-ass song from the Heavy Metal movie. Gave him radar screen colors - mostly black with green accoutrements- had him make a flying platform that resembled a a radar screen- phosphorescent concentric rings - voila, Radar Rider. His secret ID was Michael Van Zant - My middle name, plus I was a huge Skynyrd fan at the time and liked the last name. Digging up and old drawing to use as my avatar...
  11. Re: The Qualaties of Doom Not to be less than helpful, but there was a What If story many years ago wherein Doom paused for just a moment and considered Reed Richards' warning on his equations' errors. It was a device, after all, that Von Doom was going to use to try and contact/rescue his mother from Mephisto's realm. Doom still had the overconfidence of his vast knowledge and intelligence, but learned to value his fellow human beings as well. Never got scarred up and became bitter and forged a golden armor instead of a grim grey version.
  12. Re: Name that flag-suited hero! My patriot hero was called Freedom Fighter. And I'd always get the response 'isn't that the same thing terrorists call themselves?' Sure - but if the terrorists win, they get to call themselves freedom fighters.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Nine Pound Hammer - Rub Your Daddy's Lucky Belly
  14. Re: R.I.P. Steve Gerber And that's pretty much how he would have wanted it - out of left field and absurdist. Too bad we won't get to see him follow up on Dr. Fate. Looks like he was taking him in a more interesting direction.
  15. Re: Talk of a base... I plan to take it very slowly when my players get around to wanting to build a base. Plenty of grist for the story mill when it comes to this aspect of the superhero world. I've already introduced a major construction company magnate (Deke Czervik - basing him unashamedly on Rodney Dangerfield's character in Caddyshack) who will get the contract. I've already started sowing seeds of him being somewhat shady but likable, not to mention there is a crime-lord known as The Architect in the campaign cities. Oh, the conclusions they'll jump to...
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