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Richard Logue

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Everything posted by Richard Logue

  1. Re: Odd request Which one of you Latin experts want to take on a small project for me? I need a poem (written by me in English) translated into Latin. Its going to be a clue in an adventure I have cooking up in my head. I'll buy ya the next $20-25 book (from the online store!) coming out as appreciation. Send me a tell. RL
  2. Re: unexpected depth to the story - er, suggestions welcome The story can end with the PC's shaking their heads as two Foxbats wrassle around on the floor with each other, bantering nonsense to each other. RL
  3. Re: Suggest Mayhem For My Game! Reminds me of the brief tv show GvE (Good versus Evil). Perhaps a new group of heroes will emerge. Their goals are in line with hunting down the stray demons and puppets. On the other hand.. the leftover demons are recruited by the government. This would be the Big Brother portion of the government. In this scenario, the bad guys of yesterday's adventure become the legally-offlimits bad guys of tomorrow's adventure. RL
  4. Re: Give me your best idea please The Nightwing/Moon Knight Amalgam character was pretty cool. They named him Moonwing, but I've always thought Night Knight woulda been better. Its what he tells the bad guys just before he shuts out their liights... "Night Knight!" RL
  5. Re: What gives? (Gadgets and Gear) Got it. Thanks guys! RL
  6. Utility Belt, pp. 130. Its set up as a Focussed Multipower. The first slot listed is Advanced Lockpick Set: +2 to Lockpicking, OAF. I'm in Hero Designer trying to put the Utility Belt on a character. My first thought is that the Advanced Lockpick Set is Skill Levels. But when I put it in, the program doesnt like Skills being put in Multipowers and doesn't like Skill Levels being a Focus. What am I doing wrong? How do I build the Advanced Lockpick Set as part of the cool Utility Belt? Richard
  7. Re: Give me your best idea please In my campaign world, I have a Batman-ish type character in my fictional city of Arcane City. He is Archangel. His ways are the same as Batman, but instead of being gadget-oriented, he's mystically-oriented. I also have an English character with the same sort of demeanor. He's Black Knight. He belongs to a group called the Round Table. He's Batman-ish in a more "agent" sort of way. Richard
  8. Re: TK + a brick = deadly weapon? Maybe not, but logically as he became more dense mid-flight, he would begin decending much more rapidly. It'll be laid out and defined more in Physics HERO. Richard
  9. Re: HELP from Italy! The average attack power will range around 12 to 16 dice. That's for beginners and experts. The really powerful attacks can go higher, but probably not more than 24 dice. But that's for the really powerful heroes and villains. That's along the lines of Doctor Destroyer or Richard Logue. Richard
  10. Re: Crisis of Infinite Boredom Fun read. Kept me from being quite so... well, you know.
  11. Re: TK + a brick = deadly weapon? Ape-X! He's a silverback gorilla with super-metal bones and claws and a mutant healing factor. He was created and recruited by a secret R&D branch of the Congo-ian government. Their base is in a weird temple whose floor is littered with diamonds... Character ideas can come from anywhere!
  12. This is for a Champions campaign. I've got an NPC hero who weilds the legendary Excalibur. But other than an HA attack or an HKA, what else should it have? Also, should the HA and/or HKA have AP and/or Pen? Any ideas and help here would be greatly appreciated. Richard
  13. Re: Julie? I've been calling it (insert squiggly mark that means "the book formerly known as Fred") Sometimes I'll just hold it up and point to it.
  14. Re: The Truly Evil GM Currently in my Champions campaign, I've stripped the PC's of their powers and relocated them to an alternate dimension they are lovingly calling "Nazi World." There, they will have to "make friends" with the alternate version of the very villain that sent them there to begin with. In my 7th Sea campaign, its standard fare for the PC's to unknowingly assist the hidden bad guys. In a past Deadlands campaign, I've played the PC's into joining opposing sides of a range war. Richard
  15. I havent picked up either Grimoire yet. (They are soon on the list.) Are the spells in them compatible with a Champions-genre supermage? I'm at the point in my world design where I'm putting together the "Dr. Strange" of it. Thanks Richard
  16. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I'd like to see Demogogue's stats, myself. It seems reminiscent of a character I have floating around in my campaign world. Great art! Richard
  17. Re: Supervillain Images He has little A's next to his belt buckle. He has a gun. Artillery Arsenal Assault Ammo They could be little R's, I suppose... Recoil Retribution Richard
  18. Re: Supervillain Motivation Made Simple (Villain referring to self) "Talent on loan from God." LoL Richard
  19. Re: Force Golem These are my first thoughts as well. It all depends on what you want force golem to do. Also how independent you want force golem to be. If force golem operates on its own, even if your character is unconscious, then it should be an automaton. But if force golem is simply summoned to do "things" and then is released until needed again, then I'd say set up a multi-power and define the sfx as a golem of force. Richard
  20. Re: Hypothetical Axis Amerika 2005 For anyone who wants to see the flag design I came up with for this scenario, just click the link below. If swastikas upset you, do not click the link below. Again, its just part of the scenario I'm putting my players through. I have in no way, shape, or form an affinity for anything the Nazi's stood for. Nor do I have any admiration for the neo-Nazi idiots running around throwing their hand out for some nutty jackass (Hitler) who's hatreds helped turned the world upside down over 6 decades ago. And thanks to Zornwil who offered to put my graphic on his website. http://www.realschluss.org/misc_hosted_pics/Nazi_Amerika_flag.jpg Richard
  21. Re: Hypothetical Axis Amerika 2005 I am imagine it as being stable. World War 2 is 60 years gone by. The Axis (Germany, America, and Italy) won, so there're no forced occupation. America becoming a facist state was done so "legally" and during the tough times of the Depression. Much like how Germany became a facist state, really. Granted, there are many groups who do not like the way of life offered by the current regime. And there are other groups actively persecuted in more or less subtle ways. But for the large majority of the nation, life is a matter of dealing with the bureacracy and making sure you go unnoticed by Big Brother. The main source of unrest is found in occupied England and France. Rumor is there's some kind of resistance group or haven for dissidents in the Urals. Richard
  22. Re: Hypothetical Axis Amerika 2005 Well, I've started the adventure. I'm going with the America-joined-the-Axis-instead-of-Japan-because-Hueylong-made-fascists-out-of-us context. I very much appreciate all the suggestions you all have given. And I'm hoping they keep coming! In a nutshell, the two PC's go to the alternate universe via a quasi-Siege Perilous-type deal. There, they find themselves in the bodies of their alternates. The one player finds himself drunken private eye with no powers. The other, an alien come to Earth, finds himself captive in a cell somewhere with his foci armbands gone. The first player steps over to the window to look out on the city street and wonder what's happening. He's sees a horrifying American flag on a flagpole across the street.... And that's where I ended the session for the night. There was, of course, quite a bit of build up to that point. The primary focus of this scenario is to divulge to the first player some of his mysterious and unknown origin. In brief, an alien scientist gave him an "extreme makeover" to combat evil occult (former Nazi) forces. During this adventure, he will learn of an equal project on the alternate world. Then he can begin putting things together. Meanwhile, here's the flag of the evil alternate earth America. As the first PC looked out the window, I showed him the graphic I made. (And I sincerely hope no one is offended by this... it is, after all, merely a hand out for my players.) Richard edit... Wow... LoL.. the picture is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. If anyone thinks its inappropriate, just let me know. I'm willing to remove it... in fact, I'm going to go ahead and remove it. If anyone wants to see it, send me a tell and I'll e-mail it to you.
  23. I'm building an attack where the sorceror can cast your soul to the Astral Plane, leaving your helpless body in the material world. (Its for an NPC.) I'm building it as Extra-Dimensional Movement, Usable As Attack. The spell results in the victim's meatbody staying behind. Would that be an Advantage, or a Limitation, or neither? Richard
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