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Everything posted by fdw3773

  1. Some power ideas/descriptions for your consideration: Might of the Oak: +STR Attribute, Strike, or Blast vs. PD Thorn Barrage: Blast vs. PD with Area Effect Advantage Wall of Brambles: Barrier Trickbind, Tangleweed, Ensnaring Vines: Entangle Fruits of the Spirit: Aid or Healing Death Blossom: Ranged Killing Attack Spores of Sleep: STUN only attack/NND (Life Support) Wooden Carapace: Barrier or Resistant Protection (Armor) Mist of the Woods: Flash vs. Sight, Area Effect Strength of the Sequoia: +STR Attribute, Strike, Blast vs. PD, and/or Knockback Resistance Shroud of Leaves (or Vines): Some type of concealment power Nature's True Sight: Enhanced Senses Commune with Nature: Telepathy Touch of the Sundew: Entangle or Clinging Snapdragon: Hand-to-Hand Killing Attack Nature's Fury a.k.a. "Not-so-happy-trees": Summon plant creatures (or Ents)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is an updated character sheet template that I developed for Champions, 6th Edition. It's in Microsoft Word format, making it easy to edit and print out.
  3. Thanks! Yes, I will make the template available shortly and have the link posted on this thread. It's on Microsoft Word, making it easy to type in, edit, and print. The Superman image was taken from the DC vs. Mortal Kombat video game. I adapt from images from various video game screen shots and promos. In this case, it was from DC vs. Mortal Kombat. I've adapted other superhero images from DC Injustice, Batman: Arkham Knight, and other video game promos.
  4. Here's an updated version of the character template I developed earlier. Since it's intended for players to show up at a convention and begin from the start, some basic guidelines I followed were to incorporate between three to five of the main skills, talents, and perks for a character and to focus mostly on powers and hand-to-hand combat skills when possible. While it is not as detailed as other write-ups, a player can readily play the character and have a good idea of the powers and abilities. 🙂
  5. Has anyone ever played Wearing the Cape RPG? It's a superhero themed RPG based of a series of novels by Marion G. Harmon. It runs on the FATE game engine similar to ICONS and is fairly rules-light from my understanding. It looks interesting, but am curious if anyone here sampled it as a rules light alternative to something as structured as Champions. 🙂
  6. Yes, I have it as well and use it periodically since I own a Mac and the Freedom Force Character Tool doesn't work on that platform without something like Windows Parallels. 😉 There's a pretty active City of Heroes fan community that posts their character creations as well that I've used to draw inspiration now and then.
  7. Yes, I've played both Freedom Force and Freedom Force Versus the Third Reich and really enjoyed them. I enjoyed the Character Tool the most where I spent a lot of time with the custom skins that I created and used from other fans as art for the Champions characters I created while also creating some custom characters in that game based on them (two samples are below). 🙂
  8. So, while perusing the various racks at my local comic and game store, online stores like Drive Thru RPG, and stumbling upon game reviews by lucky chance, I've come across various new and also obscure superhero RPGs. I was wondering if others had experiences reading the rules or playing them and seeing how they match up against Champions. Some examples: Brave New World - Superhero gaming is a dystopian U.S. Aberrant - Published by White Wolf Guardians - This version is based on the D20 system from D&D 1st Edition on the premise of, "What if Gary Gygax focused his energy in the superhero genre instead of the fantasy genre?" Wild Talents - I don't know much about this game, but apparently it's a modern day follow-up to Godlike that took place during World War II where it's "superhero roleplaying in a world gone mad" Truth & Justice - Rules light superhero RPG on the PDQ system Sentinels Comics RPG - Published within the past year after a Kickstarter effort Prowlers & Paragons - Print on demand and more recently an Ultimate Edition was released following a Kickstarter effort Spectaculars - Blending of RPG and board game elements Hearts & Souls - Rules light system by an independent company that's available on Drive Thru RPG Any others worth mentioning??? 🤔
  9. Yes, I'll still script some characters here and there for fun and nostalgia and post in the Downloads section. I'm simply not running any events once in-person gaming resumes at the local conventions as I had in the past.
  10. Got it. I just replied to your message. Consider this lot CLAIMED!!! 😀
  11. I'm retiring my Champions/Hero System to focus more on other projects and want to pass on my Hero System 5th Edition book, Champions campaign materials, and figures to another fan rather than recycle them. Please send me a private message if you'd like to have them for your collection and we'll go from there in mailing them out to you. Thanks! 😀
  12. I don't have a Form Fillable PDF, but here's a fillable 5th Edition Character Template in Microsoft Word where you type in the data and print out. CharacterTemplate5E.docx
  13. Before the pandemic and more recently as people are starting in-person gaming again in friends' homes, I've overheard various D&D players/DMs discuss their respective campaigns where their player characters were epic-level (Level 20 or higher) and essentially demigods/planeswalkers as depicted in Magic: The Gathering in terms of power level. Basically, it would be the equivalent of creating a Champions character but for Fantasy Hero in the 400+ point range (or even more), depending if you're using 5th or 6th Edition rules. Has anyone done something similar in their respective Fantasy Hero campaign?
  14. My interpretation of that scene from the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring film was that Sauron was using the power of the One Ring to make his mace strikes more devastating, impacting multiple targets at once per strike with a death blow. The One Ring glowed before each strike, implying that it was powering up Sauron before the mace strike, sort of like how Green Lantern's power ring glows before he delivers a massive attack in the comics. Like I said, it's kind of difficult to convert and script out the One Ring and the others for Fantasy Hero, whereas converting things like Perseus's winged sandals and cap of invisibility from Greek mythology were pretty self-explanatory from the story and easy to adapt.
  15. Has anyone tried converting the Rings of Power depicted in J.R.R. Tolkien's work (Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, etc.) to Fantasy Hero? I read the trilogy, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion years ago and the description of what kind of abilities each possessed were difficult to script out due to the vagueness of actual abilities in the text. A LoTR wiki does go into detail about the three Elven rings and little bit about the Dwarven rings. We know the One Ring gives its bearer invisibility and corrupts the user over time but since only Sauron knew how to wield its power that was briefly portrayed in the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring film, it's kind of unclear of what the full extent of its abilities are. Your thoughts?
  16. I watched Domina, an Epix series focusing on the rise of Livia Drusilla, the third wife of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus who would become Rome's first emperor and assert her own influence through his political rise.
  17. Does anyone remember the super speed villain known as, "The Dash?" and where his game stats are published? I have Classic Enemies for 4th Edition, Enemies III for 3rd Edition, and Enemies II for 1st/2nd Edition with no sign of him. I remember him being featured in an issue of Flare in the early 1990s and reading his stats at one point for 3rd Edition (I think) but can't recall the publication.
  18. Firewing comes to mind for me for a Silver Surfer type character, who's been around since 3rd Edition if I remember correctly. Here's a brief snapshot from 4th Edition Classic Enemies: FIREWING STR 40 DEX 30 CON 45 BODY 15 INT 20 EGO 20 PRE 40 COM 20 PD 15 ED 15 SPD 7 REC 22 END 90 STUN 78 Powers Multipower: 1) 16d6 EB 2) 12d6 Explosion 3) 10d6 EB, Armor Piercing 4) 12d6 EB, Affects Desolid 5) Force Field +20 PD, +20 ED, Hardened Flash Defense 5 Full Life Support 20'' Flight Faster Than Light Travel (32 LY/Year)
  19. Nati Dredd's rendition of Drunken Scotsman and Lonely Mountain.
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