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Roter Baron

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Everything posted by Roter Baron

  1. Re: Complicate the Person Above Keyes Bill owed me € 500 and couldn't deliver. It's the reason why he is undead ...
  2. Re: Picking up and using weapons I would charge points the docking style way: One XP less till the thing is bought off. Or try to put it in a gadget-based mutipower - that way it should be only one or two pints worth. But here is another thing: A SuperHERO took the gun AND the wallet of a THUG who was k.o.ed by another hero and wants to keep the gun to use it? Just great. So he just committed theft or even robbery himself. But even more interesting is the gun. Malfunctioning? Savety on? Hell no! Let him use it! It's the gun of a thug, for crying out loud! Probably was used be said thug and a couple of more before him in robberies, murders, man-slaughter and whatnot. And was probably stolen before itself. That's some pretty nice plot-hook that the player handed to you on a silver platter. GET HIM! - Really, that should be fun.
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above I barbecued for the Public Preachers of the Republique Quebecoise et Congoloise? I am not sure about the French spelling but it is simply not true! Hey, Sideburned One: Don't start to tell tall tales about me here. I have a reputation to lose! Well, kinda ... sorta ... anyway!
  4. Re: Complicate the Person Above Death tribble says he lives in London which is true. But he is not English, or British or Anglo-Saxon - NO! He is the former, much hunted Axis villain DER TRIBBELMANN! Yes, DER SPANDEXTOD (one of his many aliases) is not dead. He is hiding and I urged the United Superheroes of Europe to go and get him and cart his aging arse in front of the U.N. tribunal before he does the Slobodan or just wastes away from watching to many episode of "Coronation Street"! He is responsible for these horrid war-crimes: 1) Bad imitations of Der Führer at parties (okay - he was charged with that one by Nazi-Germany in April 1945, so I guess we can fugetaboutit) 2) Wearing real tight spandex costumes in really loud colours that blinded Allied soldiers who had to watch him bending over. 3) Torture - he tried to count to three (that's the "tribble" thing in his name - see: He is also dyxlex ..,. disleyx ... can't write well) and always failed. Drives you nuts in no time! That and other things! Now people: Get him! Now, that he is old and unarmed! And too fat for his loud spandex costume!
  5. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Odi et Amo - "I hate and love" a serenade by the Roman Catulus from 84 BC, presented by Omnia on their CD "SINE MISSIONE". A CD full of pagan/ Roman songs to honor long forgotten gods of ancient times. Greta stuff for every neo-pagan and lover of ancient folk music. OMNIA - Ask for it BY NAME tomorrow!
  6. Re: Zombie Nazis in the Desert! Sie are a klear Meister of der German Grammar, Herr Krebs! Hochachtung - zis Wörts are not easily to manage, but easy to mangle. Sehr gut, sehr gut! Ich reputiere Sie dafür (REEEEEEEP!)
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above Yeah, but who twisted him and doused him with Goode Olde Bitter Schnaps and lit him like a candle? That was you, Narratio! You can't blame Den Todestribbel to be a little pissed about it - especially that was your methode of putting out the fire again ... Me and the boys thought the twist- the-Trbble-and-give-him-a-light was cool and not uncalled for. But it was the peeing-the-burning-Tribble-out-thing that made the act tasteless, cruel, undignified and uncivilized.
  8. Re: Zombie Nazis in the Desert! Great pics! Great models! And: Great plot! Reppppppppppppp!
  9. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio has finally mastered his two-identities scam to such a level that he REALLY lives in Siberia and Thailand at the same time! Only problem is that he gets confused all the time and walks around in winter coats at the beach of Pataya and freezes his heinie off in shorts during the Siberian winter.
  10. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer has a Secret ID - he is The Extra Librarian: Dewey DeciMan! (dada-dadaaaa!)
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? OMNIA - an English-Dutch neo-pagan celtic folk band.
  12. Re: Complicate the Person Above Hmmmm yummyyummyyummy! Just don't feed me after midnight, soak me with water or open the icebox and expose me to light. Or you'll have a HUUUUGE PROBLEM! By the way, L. Marcus - I'm running out of popsicles pretty fast in here. Time for you to shop for some more!
  13. Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play? DANG! I knew you would put the last 14 XP to good use, Menton! But it does also seem that my Mental Defense Force Field is not working properly ... I'll never shop again at "Foxbat's Garage Sale At Bargain Prices" - damn piece of junk!
  14. Re: Complicate the Person Above Narratio had crazy days when he was young. Meaning he went T-Rex hunting with all the other Elder Things...
  15. Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play? So, if you are Menton and I'm Dr. Destroyer - that make sme your boss, right?
  16. Re: Hudson City Blues To be honest: It is one of the few HERO adventures that I ran as is. Most of the adventures - especially the older 3rd edition Champions ones were just too lame - basically: Follow the red line and bash some heads. Demons Rule was a good one, HUdson City Blues was a great one and I did like Shadows of the City. BTWA, Ssendam, good adventure campaign if you are looking for some super-powered Dark Champions stuff. Never ran it because it wa sto super for my DC campaign and too dark for my regular Champions thing but if you want to have soem superpoweered carnage (yes, carnage) then thta's the adventure to have. P.S:: Rapier, just wanted to say that my milage differs on the adventure. Had no intention to "cross swords", so to say. Especially not with a guy who calls himself "Rapier" ...
  17. Re: Which Villain Do You Want to Play? I was always modest - so I go for DOCTOR DESTROYER! Always liked the good doctor, power armors and German villains with stupid nmaes ("Zerstoiten" - gimme a break!) For something more low-powered Professor Muerte is nice (okay - just a poor-man's-Dr.-Dee ..).
  18. Re: Externsteine Been there this summer (it's not that far from where I live). Looks great, has a very Teutonic/ Celtic feeling to it, but the pagan aspect is more or less make-believe. As far as I know it has not been a religious site of any importance. During the Middle ages they added some Christian ornaments to the stones. But all in all a worthwhile place to visit and not far from the Hermannsdenkmal - Herman's Memorial. It commemorates the victory of the Teutonic chieftain Arminius (later called Hermann) over the legions led by Varus in the Battle of the Teutoburger Forest in 7 AD that ended with the total anilihation of the Roman troops and put an end to any Roman aspirations to conquer more of Germany than the areas west of the Rhine and south of the Mosel river.
  19. Re: Hudson City Blues In my personal opinion Hudson City Blues was THE Drak Champions product that opened my eyes to "How to run a heroic DC campaign?" The only problem with the plot is that if the villain gets his way the module/ campaign really "reorganizes" some of the layout of the city and more than a few of the gangs and criminal outfits. But that is also one of the strong points: The campaign really makes a difference for HC. So I disagree here with Rapier: If you see it, buy it. It#s really worth the money.
  20. Re: Need help with Sikh and Gurkhas Right. You heard the only Danish Ghurka. Err ... Gurka. No, Gurkha ... WAAAAAAAAAAAH! KALIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! ALL MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Re: Hmmm...okay, how about a Bosnian Pyramid? Bosnian pyramids? Yeah, right! What's next - Serbian Dragon Riders? .... waitaminute ... Couldn't it be that the Bosnian Pharaohs hid their pyramids under scrubs and earthworks to get those pesky dragon-riding Serbian raiders of their back? And when that didn't work out they finally had enough and moved to Eqypt which is Bosnian for "The-land-without-dragon-riding-jerks"? Suddenly, all makes sense! Besides my mind running wild with stupidity - interesting story. And it does not seem to me that the people pursuing that pyramid idea are quacks and nutcases - Schliemann's discovering of Troy was also deemed impossible - till he found it. And he disrupted a lot while digging, yes. But without we would stil thinks that Troy was a place like the little farm in the prarie ...
  22. Re: Need help with Sikh and Gurkhas Actaully I don't think it is historically an option. But there where never any female Gurka anyhow, so you ever hand-waiver her anyhow and make her the " one in a billion oh-so-very-special-because-she-saved-the-big-cheese-Gurkha's-life-in-a-bloody-battle-Sikh-woman-who-joined-the-Gurkhas" and go with it or you throw the whole idea of ANY woman in a Gurkha regiment out of the window. "Hey, you look sick!" - "Oh, that's just my religion." - "Hmm, but you are a woman, too: OUT OF MY REGIMENT! - Women, all so sick for Gurkhas ..."
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