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Christopher R Taylor

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. All of the Player Characters have been designed and colored, you can see them all at my Pinterest page, but only some if you haven't signed up for an account. I'll bundle them up and upload to somewhere else if people want. Now its on to villain coloring. Some of the villains look a little whacky but I'm okay with that, because they're bad guys and can look offbeat or lame (Power Crusher, anyone?).
  2. Adamantium skull + bullet = bounces off, not sinks in.
  3. I think having a stripped-down basics sheet to play and an HDC character to build and spend xps on is the best approach. Nobody needs to see the modifier values of every modifier on their powers, much less all the modifiers. "Fireball: Blast 9d6 vs ED (fire) Area Effect: Radius 4m (+¼) Explosion (56 active points)" or "Fireball: 9d6 Blast explosion 4m" which is best for a character sheet? The latter, I believe. You can have all the rest in the HDC file. Similarly we don't need how much each characteristic costs on the character sheet. That's a throwback to the "fill out your sheet by hand as you build it" days. You just need Stat - Value - Roll. And if you break OCV, DCV, OMCV, DMCV off to its own section, that helps greatly unclutter the characteristics section. I'm not a huge fan of splitting too many characteristics all over the page though, because then you have to hunt your stats instead of just use them. I mean D&D does that, they put saving throws and resistances and hit points and AC all over the sheet, but that makes me have to hunt things on a sheet until I'm really used to it; not great for beginners.
  4. Yeah per phase seems more reasonable than per segment
  5. Multipower doesn't ignore active point limits. You have a 100 point multipower, you just let that character have a 100 active point power. To bypass the limitations that multipower usually applies; negating its purpose. If you can just build a multipower big enough to allow you to have several gigantic powers on at the same time, all that's happened is that you've let people buy a ton of powers cheaply.
  6. I'm not the one making this up, the company put out a book that proposed this as an optional rule. This isn't a house rule I came up with. Nothing about the idea changes Regeneration from a Standard rule except someone's determination to make it so as a house rule. I agree completely, we get side tracked a lot here on minor quibbles rather than the main point of the post.
  7. Very nice! I have seen several gaming websites give very positive reviews, and that makes me happy, maybe more will hear about it. Interestingly enough, going around the internet, Hero has a really good reputation still and is admired as a game company
  8. Its a 100+ active point power. Multipower isn't a structure outside the rules, its part of your powers. You can have as many powers as you have points that are 100 active points in that pool. This is "not in my campaign" territory.
  9. Probably was one of the Immortals because they really want to make that a thing, like "Fetch".
  10. So does summon. And followers. And they have since they were put in the game. What's changed is the double whammy of more expensive character builds and higher point values with static active cost limits. Which I thought was pretty compelling but apparently since you can build a 100 point multipower in some insane GM's game, that doesn't matter.
  11. OK well lets try again with a different image host.
  12. Steve could answer this but were we not discussing this context I think you'd agree that "restoring stats to their proper level" is in no way "raising" stats. Raising is Aid. Restoring is Heal. Not really any reasonable way to deny that unless you just really don't want people to heal as much as they roll on the dice because you figure it will break the game, somehow.
  13. The issue for me is that the powers each have gotten significantly weaker over time in the same game and build. The active cost remains the same no matter how you build the power or what framework you put them in. Being able to buy them more cheaply in real cost doesn't change that, and active point caps (particularly in frameworks) negates any potential lower cost in the end.
  14. Yeah I am not sure why its doing that. I can see it when I post it, then when I come back, its not there any more. I even attached a link to it so you could use that, and the link is not there, or the alt text 😕 I'll give it one more try with a link
  15. Except that section says "check below for more information" which below has the text I quoted about raising or lowering powers. Its in the base rules, in the part of the book you are referring to, a clarification of that rule regarding what is and is not affected by this rule. You can heal others is the main difference (and heal body parts that have been destroyed). If you're referring to Regeneration, then REC is usually better but Regeneration is in addition to recovery. It lets you stack. Its fine to just declare Regen only working on BODY because it was merely meant as a way to simulate certain abilities in source material (like Wolverine regenerating) and give a way to get body back faster than the very slow healing in the rules. Later, as Healing was added and Destroy (then Drain with longer recovery rates), then the dynamic shifted and Regeneration's purpose and concept shifted.
  16. Presently, based on previous editions of Hero, Summon and Multiform are based on 1 base point for each 5 character points of the target creature (so a 60 active point summon or multiform gives you 300 points of a character). But with each edition past 4, there's been an increase in point base for each character has gone up, and 6th edition's restructure of characteristics made all characters more expensive even if identical build to previous editions (by around 50 points, depending on how stat-based the character is, in my experience). This means that all characters necessarily are more expensive, including things that you might summon or multiform. So those 60 points are buying less than they used to, even while your character's base points have gone up. Meanwhile, 300 points is less than a base character a recommended Champions Game will have a character be built around, by around 150 points. So your points for summoning are going down in value in two ways at the same time, making summoning and multiform weaker and weaker than ever. Just raise the active point caps for your campaign, you say? Sure, except everything else in character design is based around 60 active point values for all characters in superheroic games. And this gets even more troubling in lower point value games like Star Hero or Fantasy Hero. So you'd be boosting everything else while making Summon and Multiform barely keep up. Maybe these powers might be recosted so that you get more bang for your buck? Character points divided by 3 or something?
  17. The latest version of the Champions Begins ad. this is the kind of thing I used to print up and put up in a game store to attract people to a game I was going to run; with a paper under it giving details and times. https://postimg.cc/mh9GNWKj The final version will have the female variant of Trooper on the end and Vulcan in the middle, so it balances out the listing.
  18. I always thought Kang was kind of a boring villain and Time Travel has little appeal to me as a movie concept. Lets hope the writers at Marvel can do a better job with the character. But right now the comics guys are rehashing old summer events that actually sold comics, so I am not very hopeful.
  19. Its an interesting approach, although the first stage of Regeneration is 2 points for "Regenerate 1 body per week" (Moving it up from the default of 1/month)
  20. Again, Regeneration is not an adjustment power and is not subject to the "adjustment powers have half effect on defensive powers" rule. And while the examples and errata is inconsistent, the rules do state pretty clearly that the halving only affects powers that raise or lower stats (Aid or Drain, in other words) and healing does not do so. However given that 6th edition excessively reduced the cost of END, I could live with that stat being halved in effectiveness as a general rule for Regen and Healing. Another option would be to increase the cost of regeneration at any rate faster than once per turn. For example, make it 20 for once per phase and 25 for once per segment (or just don't allow once per segment as a rule: that's too quick for game balance to allow).
  21. Aid yes you are right, Healing no: Healing does not increase or decrease stats, it only restores them. As regeneration is a Special Power, not an Adjustment Power, that wouldn't apply in any case. But buying 1 character point of END recovered per phase (5 END) is only a problem, as I said, because END is too cheap in 6th edition. If it were 3 END per 1 point or even 2, the concept wouldn't be that big an issue.
  22. Again, unless you allow the "Regeneration per Phase" rate which then makes it actually better than Recovery, since you get those points every phase without taking a recovery to get them. No matter how high you buy your recovery, you only get it once a turn unless you take a full phase at ½ DCV without being interrupted. Plus, Regeneration could cover stats like CON or PD, which don't normally recover. The kind of build I have in mind is like Shrike's Lycanthropic (or Troll) regeneration, or an effect that helps you get back mana a bit quicker for wizards. The only place that really makes me hesitate is END costing so little. It is, in my opinion, too cheap in 6th edition.
  23. Yeah Tolkien's magic was pretty subtle in the books as well, the fire pinecones in Hobbit were about as close to D&D magic as he got, the rest was really just imposing your will and force of personality on the world around you kind of magic
  24. Yeah but those only apply against attack powers, not healing or Aid
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