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    unclevlad reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The library advocates quoted in that article say they can't understand why the Texas government would be doing this. If you look at the pattern of Governor Greg Abbot's other actions and policies, the motivations for this one become painfully obvious. I won't spell that out here out of respect for Dan Simon's own policy, but I doubt anyone reading this will mistake my meaning.
  2. Haha
    unclevlad got a reaction from Pariah in College Football 2023-2024   
    Yeah, but Coach Prime's goal...Colorado recruiting out of Texas and Florida???  Let's take another Asia song...
    Wildest dreams
    Wildest dreams
    Wildest dreams
    Wildest dreams
    Fly away...
    No, not in this world
    No, not in the next
    No, not in my wildest dreams
    Besides, it's old news.  

    Oh the UNIVERSITY!!!  OK, that's a little different...the players left months ago.  (47 of em...in the spring window alone.)

    The Pac 12 is a dead man walking;  the WAC and Mountain West are still probably considered little league conferences.  Not sure that the Pac 12 of the last 5 years is *that* much better in the major sports, but WAC/MWC have even worse image problems.  Big 10 is bloated.  I'm not sure the Big 12 will really have great cred in its new alignment...at least not in football.
    ESPN is reporting meetings are scheduled for tomorrow...and suggesting the move may be announced tomorrow.  Finebaum minced no words...if Colorado leaves, "you might as well give [the Pac 12] last rites."  
  3. Haha
    unclevlad reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Extra! Extra! Read All About It!   
    Musk’s Twitter Rebrand as ‘X’ Gets Site Blocked Under Indonesia Porn Laws
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    unclevlad reacted to Cygnia in Extra! Extra! Read All About It!   
    The First Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor
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    unclevlad reacted to Cygnia in Coronavirus   
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    unclevlad got a reaction from slikmar in MLB 2023   
    I can only partially agree.  Come on...base running 101, you tag up when a ball is caught.  That started in little league.
    Much of it?  I don't think it's so much that players haven't been trained to run bases, it's that they're trained to NOT THINK.  To be mindlessly aggressive, throw out every runner, try for every base...even when there's no chance of it working, or a really slim chance.  Even when the situation says NO.
    It isn't even the 3 true outcomes.  Heck, I'd bet players never heard of that until quite recently...that's a stat geek's point.  There's indirect applicability, in that hitters were mis-taught for ages.  Always swing for the fences, strikeouts are acceptable as long as you can blast the ball.  Pitchers taught to avoid contact...maybe that's 3 true outcome related, but I'd say blaming 3TO is putting the cart before the horse.  3TO is an attempt to isolate the pitcher-hitter interaction, separate from the defense.
    Condensed down:  players are taught skills...not the game.  Second point:  the push to be noticed.  Want to make your all-city little league team?  You have to be good...but you have to stand out.  Same with all-state in HS, or catching a scout's eye.  The summer sports camps, run mostly by the sports gear/shoes companies?  That's where you get those 3, 4, 5 star rankings you hear about ALL the time with football and basketball college recruiting.  You have to stand out.  And of course, you're ALWAYS!!!! taught to give 110%!!!!!  Don't THINK, just GO!!!
    In part, because it's not  just narrow aspects of baseball;  it's not just baseball.  What's valued more, a dramatic slam dunk, or adding 10-15% onto your free throw shooting percentage?  In football...sticking the ball out to try for the extra foot...thereby exposing it, and sometimes losing it.  There ARE times to do that...but more where it's wrong.  There are roots deep in the overall culture of sports here.
  7. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Pariah in NFL 2023   
    I could go for the Washington Swamp Rats.
  8. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in MLB 2023   
    I can only partially agree.  Come on...base running 101, you tag up when a ball is caught.  That started in little league.
    Much of it?  I don't think it's so much that players haven't been trained to run bases, it's that they're trained to NOT THINK.  To be mindlessly aggressive, throw out every runner, try for every base...even when there's no chance of it working, or a really slim chance.  Even when the situation says NO.
    It isn't even the 3 true outcomes.  Heck, I'd bet players never heard of that until quite recently...that's a stat geek's point.  There's indirect applicability, in that hitters were mis-taught for ages.  Always swing for the fences, strikeouts are acceptable as long as you can blast the ball.  Pitchers taught to avoid contact...maybe that's 3 true outcome related, but I'd say blaming 3TO is putting the cart before the horse.  3TO is an attempt to isolate the pitcher-hitter interaction, separate from the defense.
    Condensed down:  players are taught skills...not the game.  Second point:  the push to be noticed.  Want to make your all-city little league team?  You have to be good...but you have to stand out.  Same with all-state in HS, or catching a scout's eye.  The summer sports camps, run mostly by the sports gear/shoes companies?  That's where you get those 3, 4, 5 star rankings you hear about ALL the time with football and basketball college recruiting.  You have to stand out.  And of course, you're ALWAYS!!!! taught to give 110%!!!!!  Don't THINK, just GO!!!
    In part, because it's not  just narrow aspects of baseball;  it's not just baseball.  What's valued more, a dramatic slam dunk, or adding 10-15% onto your free throw shooting percentage?  In football...sticking the ball out to try for the extra foot...thereby exposing it, and sometimes losing it.  There ARE times to do that...but more where it's wrong.  There are roots deep in the overall culture of sports here.
  9. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Custom Advantages?   
    It's legal in 6E;  in HD, I think it's the only way to do it.  What is, and isn't allowed through a naked advantage is something to be discussed with the GM, tho, as RAW is extremely nebulous here.
    I wish HD supported a limitation on an advantage...but it just doesn't have the underlying structure needed, and to be fair, it would get rather complex.  Imagine an MP with common mods, a power with standard advantages, a limited advantage, and a standard limitation.  YOUCH!   There'd also have to be a formalization of how this impacted the active points, so...it's not simple. 
    EDIT:  Duke...yeah, back in the day, I had a spreadsheet that handled MPs and ECs and figured characteristics and the like...I think it computed max velocity using the older non-com rules.  If you're doing that, then it can be straightforward to simply convert every advantage to its point cost...and add them all up.  Doing THAT, then applying a limitation to an advantage is easy.
  10. Thanks
    unclevlad got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Custom Advantages?   
    It's legal in 6E;  in HD, I think it's the only way to do it.  What is, and isn't allowed through a naked advantage is something to be discussed with the GM, tho, as RAW is extremely nebulous here.
    I wish HD supported a limitation on an advantage...but it just doesn't have the underlying structure needed, and to be fair, it would get rather complex.  Imagine an MP with common mods, a power with standard advantages, a limited advantage, and a standard limitation.  YOUCH!   There'd also have to be a formalization of how this impacted the active points, so...it's not simple. 
    EDIT:  Duke...yeah, back in the day, I had a spreadsheet that handled MPs and ECs and figured characteristics and the like...I think it computed max velocity using the older non-com rules.  If you're doing that, then it can be straightforward to simply convert every advantage to its point cost...and add them all up.  Doing THAT, then applying a limitation to an advantage is easy.
  11. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Khymeria in Misprint in Rulebook pdf 6e2   
    I don't know if what you found is included, but the official errata file is here:
  12. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I don't disagree, but it's not the point, IMO.  They WANTED to strike these down.  It's one of those pesky anti-business rules.  That it will cost money, health, and possibly even lies, isn't an issue at all.  So, it's not that they don't understand;  it's WORSE.  They DO.
  13. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I don't disagree, but it's not the point, IMO.  They WANTED to strike these down.  It's one of those pesky anti-business rules.  That it will cost money, health, and possibly even lies, isn't an issue at all.  So, it's not that they don't understand;  it's WORSE.  They DO.
  14. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Old Man in NFL 2023   
    I could go for the Washington Swamp Rats.
  15. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Doc Democracy in Would like advice on doing a "Consecrate" spell in 5th Edition   
    Yeah, but we can go further.  Not only no points, but no rules at all, or just very general ones.  It's a variation on sci fi's maxim...don't even TRY to describe in detail how X works...warp drive, jump drive, transporter, FTL comms.  Hand wave?  Sure.  Dahners had a character figure out how to pull off quantum entanglement...what happens to A, immediately happens to B.  Boom...instantaneous, FTL communications between a transceiver pair, over literally ANY range.  No more detail.  No point in having more detail, it ALWAYS just leads to biting yourself in the foot.  
    Note that I'll say largely the same thing about the necromantic spells.  They're points, schmoints...points don't matter.  What DOES matter?  
    --what does it take to produce a ....................?  Skeletons and zombies are trivial, more powerful (and particularly semi-sentient to fully sentient undead) are something entirely different.
    --special cases...if you're using anything like "someone killed by a vampire will rise as a vampire at the next sunset" then how can this be prevented?  Note that it may NOT be a power.
    --how LONG does raising zombies take...cuz the PCs might want to interfere.
    Where can the PCs be dynamic, in other words.
  16. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from DentArthurDent in Would like advice on doing a "Consecrate" spell in 5th Edition   
    This is also a case where all you're really talking about, is a plot device...so it's not worth spending ANY points, or defining it in game terms.  This is a very common D&D situation.  The details vary greatly, but in general, properly consecrated and buried on consecrated ground, made it impossible to animate the corpse...often, only so long as the ground remained consecrated.  Now, who can consecrate the body?  That can vary.  Sometimes a devout layman is all you need.  Others, you need a full priest.  It'd be unusual, IIRC, to need something higher than 3rd level...because that's actually supposed to be Getting Up There, particularly for rural areas.  But it's manageable to do that, cuz there might be a priest who serves an area of a day's ride.
    Consider:  are the PCs really going to be impacted by this at all?  Or is it just world background?  If the latter, the heck with points.  It doesn't need definition...or, at most, you say consecrating a body can be done by any appropriate priest with an X (or larger) active point MP or VPP for priestly spells.  Or something like that.  
    You absolutely do NOT need to define everything in game terms, when there is no game impact.
  17. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Would like advice on doing a "Consecrate" spell in 5th Edition   
    This is also a case where all you're really talking about, is a plot device...so it's not worth spending ANY points, or defining it in game terms.  This is a very common D&D situation.  The details vary greatly, but in general, properly consecrated and buried on consecrated ground, made it impossible to animate the corpse...often, only so long as the ground remained consecrated.  Now, who can consecrate the body?  That can vary.  Sometimes a devout layman is all you need.  Others, you need a full priest.  It'd be unusual, IIRC, to need something higher than 3rd level...because that's actually supposed to be Getting Up There, particularly for rural areas.  But it's manageable to do that, cuz there might be a priest who serves an area of a day's ride.
    Consider:  are the PCs really going to be impacted by this at all?  Or is it just world background?  If the latter, the heck with points.  It doesn't need definition...or, at most, you say consecrating a body can be done by any appropriate priest with an X (or larger) active point MP or VPP for priestly spells.  Or something like that.  
    You absolutely do NOT need to define everything in game terms, when there is no game impact.
  18. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Would like advice on doing a "Consecrate" spell in 5th Edition   
    This is also a case where all you're really talking about, is a plot device...so it's not worth spending ANY points, or defining it in game terms.  This is a very common D&D situation.  The details vary greatly, but in general, properly consecrated and buried on consecrated ground, made it impossible to animate the corpse...often, only so long as the ground remained consecrated.  Now, who can consecrate the body?  That can vary.  Sometimes a devout layman is all you need.  Others, you need a full priest.  It'd be unusual, IIRC, to need something higher than 3rd level...because that's actually supposed to be Getting Up There, particularly for rural areas.  But it's manageable to do that, cuz there might be a priest who serves an area of a day's ride.
    Consider:  are the PCs really going to be impacted by this at all?  Or is it just world background?  If the latter, the heck with points.  It doesn't need definition...or, at most, you say consecrating a body can be done by any appropriate priest with an X (or larger) active point MP or VPP for priestly spells.  Or something like that.  
    You absolutely do NOT need to define everything in game terms, when there is no game impact.
  19. Thanks
    unclevlad got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Offering the inducement is separate from charging Trump with accepting a bribe...because it was a pardon/commutation.  Found this page:
    It doesn't discuss the issue of whether bribery can be committed, but it does lay out that the limitations are pretty much on what can be pardoned...and those limits are narrow.  The story also points out that the courts are not at all likely to want to take up the question.
  20. Thanks
    unclevlad got a reaction from Pariah in Foods for those that just don't care anymore   
    Doesn't sound bad, but I'd definitely add:
    --season the ground beef while browning...salt, and I'd lean to sprinking about a teaspoon of chipotle powder.  
    --I'd also large-dice a medium onion and saute that to translucent first, then brown the beef with the onion
    Alternate recipe...pound and a half of ground beef, 12 ounce pack of bacon.  Dice and brown the bacon first.  Drain *and save* the bacon fat, and set the bacon pieces aside for a bit.  Use some of the bacon fat to cook the onion, and a bit more when you brown the ground beef.
    Also note:  in this approach, I *highly* recommend a better grade of ground beef.  That off-white cheapo stuff?  70% lean means 30% FAT...and you'll throw ALL of that away, even with Mr. P's starting point recipe.  (Just for grins...I'm looking at Wal Mart's ground beef, as I figure they'll have multiple grades.  They have 73% for $4.40/lb...just about 38 cents per ounce of meat.  85% for $5.16...almost exactly the same price per lean ounce.  90% comes out a bit higher, at about 43 cents per lean ounce.)  
    For something like this, note that the difference between 73% and 90% in the actual beef yield.  73% * 2 pounds...just under 1.5 points.  Instead of 1.8 pounds with the 90%.
  21. Thanks
    unclevlad got a reaction from DShomshak in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    MUST READ.  At least the opening paragraphs.
  22. Thanks
    unclevlad got a reaction from Cygnia in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    MUST READ.  At least the opening paragraphs.
  23. Haha
    unclevlad got a reaction from Pariah in NFL 2023   
    The Browns don't need a new logo, they need to be relegated to the MAC.
  24. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Certified in My own super hero rpg system   
    I haven't created a crowd-funded project myself, but I have backed several.  Mostly new product design, rather than an IP like a gaming system...but I also backed Champions Now.
    You need your ducks in a row beforehand.  I've never been burned...but there've been times when the project was posted somewhat prematurely.  Not all suppliers lined up...or, in one case, where something that was promised *seemed* simple, but turned out NOT to be...and the fix probably meant the project ran deeply into the red.  With an IP, writing and editing ALWAYS take longer than you think, and professional editing won't come cheap.
    You also need realistic goals.  New gaming systems at best target pretty limited audiences.  With no track record, no supporting material, they're tough sells...which also means your presentation...on KS and after...needs to be solid.  
    Last:  whatever you think the effort will be...going formal, going published...double, if not triple it.
  25. Like
    unclevlad got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Extra Speed to Abort   
    I'll toss out...maybe it shouldn't be SPD related.  There's too much baggage there, as CRT notes.
    Let's just talk combat utility.  The unit would be once per turn;  you could in principle buy more than 1.  Let's call it Instant Recovery.  The effect is that you are allowed, as the rules thread poster noted, execute an action to which you could abort, even if your phase is over.  You invoke this;  your last action simply "rewinds" from a terminating action, to a non-terminating action.  You then execute the abort action.  Per normal...the character loses his next phase.  For simplicity, I'd probably say he couldn't apply an Instant Recovery again until after the phase he spent for the abort has passed, as per 6E2 22.
    I'm thinking this wouldn't be cheap, as...while you might not need it that often, when you do need it, it's likely to be at a crucial time.
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