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Everything posted by Wardsman

  1. Refresh my memory which books? I think I have something with them in it.
  2. I get that. But as I said this a pastiche. And for me that doesn't fit. Hyperion and Gladiator are both based on Superman. But both are very different takes on him. Same here. I don't really want the stones to step on each other. True Space could clairsentience but only in the Now. While time could do it but only as precog or post cog. Mind could do it as a form of mind projection but I prefer it use astral form(desolid based on ego) or mindscan. My biggest problem is defining soul.That is very broad and contradictory concept. There is an implicit occult or mystical lean on this. Ironically the western world lumps the soul together with mind/ego/personality. It would be easy to do the same and get rid of soul stone all together. But I'm not ready to do that yet. Ancient traditions separated Soul from ego/mind. Some even made a distinction between soul and spirit. Something most modern readers would have a hard time understanding. The ancient egyptians believed we had seven parts that were bound by our true name. For a soul stone to make sense a GM must play world builder and decide what qualities of the soul or spirit are in his campaign. And I concede there could be different interpretations depending on the GM and Genre. I guess I have to put on my Fantasy hero hat and talk to my fellow readers of esoteric lore.
  3. Read the link it isn't clear if it was direct hit or not. That does kind of matter. Nuke blasts are big things with the effects varying depending on how close to ground zero you are. But then again like I said there stories from the same era a howitzer knock him down so go figure. I break down this way. Drama arises from conflict and difficulty. If you can do anything there is conflict, no drama. Boring!
  4. It is one the options was to create another reality. As for soul, this covers the ground of spiritual transformation rules. In your game what do you consider to spiritual qualities of a being. This grey are for me. I've found thinking in terms of Mage spheres from White wolf to clarify my thinking. For me mind will not give tk or tk related powers. Only powers that affect the mind or powers that affect mind powers. TK is a force that puts under the power stone for me. Your milage may vary in your game.
  5. Citation please? Most early stuff I saw do not point that power level. Are we talking true golden age comics or retconned stuff set in that era?
  6. Ok there a lot things I don't like about story line. But there is some interesting ideas in them. They don't even have to be cosmic power level just plot points for new heros. First does anyone know what the 8 stones on Earth 93060 were? As for the regular 6 at least one is redundant. REALITY: The reality stone. it seems to me it steps all over the other stones turf to me. Creating alternate realities or timelines seems to be a combo of time and space to me. That is how they built in Mage the awakening(Son of ether master rote) POWER: I could see power being split by a plot point and creating two heros your standard brick and energy projector that could do almost anything whether he knows it or not. If the two ever combine you a powerful energy brick(hyperion, thunder and lightning on 11 etc TIME: Again a plot point could split it in two and have a standard time elemental and speedster. Perhaps a speedster like the one in Wally Woods thunder agents that ages as he uses his power Space: Teleport, Space warp(gates), Clairsentience? Duplication at range. Fun one Mind: Obviously most mental Powers. Question what about TK and psychokinetic blasts(EB)? TK maybe but the last seems to step on powers turf. Who wins if power faces mind with pk blast? SOUL has me stumped. Part of it is that term means different things to different people. What does soul do that sets itself apart from mind? Yes I know in some mythologies they are not synonymous. What is a soul attack in hero? What soul do that any of the others can't? Should scratch this one as well? Thoughts?
  7. While there are interesting things in the mythos, put me in the camp that Superman is too powerful! I find the golden age one who can bounce bullets of his chest but gets knocked on his ass by a howitzer far more interesting than the modern mary sue. I liked man of steel because it was accurate. Someone with that kind power would cause carnage. No super robots (or superman)rebuilding everything like never happened. That is boring and mary sueish. His magic vulnerability is his worst and most forgotten. I've seen silver age superman trapped inside magic rainclouds. If I recall correctly his champion stats converted from mayfair games depicted all his primary stats in the 20-30 range against any form of magic. That should be his stat range versus Capt. Marvel, Wonder Woman or any magic based hero or villien. Pastiches of supes is a common hobby. If you want to tone him down and make what changes you want. Mine was Capt Halley and his sidekick Kid Comet. A golden Age knock off Superman and Flash. Instead of invulnerability(armor, damage reduction he had his comet halo(Force Field). I tied into that some no range TK with affects whole object to simulate what john byrne did in his reboot. Which fixes the "why don't buildings fall apart when he picks them up" problem. Oh you forgot his Clark kent ID is back up by "super hypnosis". Every sees Clark as older and more frail.
  8. The problem is that liquified or plasmafied bowling bowl still has kinetic energy and mass. It doesn't go away. Reminds me in in DC animated flick superman uses heat vision to destroy kryptonite. Problem is it wouldn't work. Congratulations you took an element that radioactive and poisonous and rendered it a superheated gas. Have fun inhaling that and taking the rad hits.
  9. How do they want to change society?
  10. Yes and no. Clarke's law talks about extraordinary actions would seem like magic to a pre technological level. We are talking about about fuzzy super science (itself iffy) and fictional magic that fits a certain theme from a story point.
  11. Vancian Magic refers to the concept that Wizards charge up their spells by studying spell books. And once that spell is cast it is gone. Nothing about paladins in that. Why should a paladin be limited to once per day smite? Why not have his paladin powers run off an endurance battery with a limited recovery. It only recovers thru prayer or rituals to the paladin's God.
  12. Point of order this is for 5th. Don't feel bad. I just look at 5th and found I was using 4 ed. costs. 5th seems lean more your way. The example of a cosmetic doing this that I remember is from 4th Edition Fantasy hero Grimoire. This for must have disad for all spell users in an low power urban fantasy. In this case this is the witch vs witch defense. Consecrated dust acts as a force wall against all paths PD/ED/EGO/ Power Defense. Draw a circle or seal all doors and windows and you get a globe effect. I plan to have a similar one that can be used by normals but it only affects a specific path or witch group. So you must know what witch patch your defending against if you are a normal.
  13. Don't forget bonuses to working magic and enchantment.
  14. Yeah they are call relativistic kill weapons. not a new concept. http://www.orionsarm.com/eg-article/4771ba89da222 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_kill_vehicle
  15. I'm thinking of megascale movement only usable with extra dimensional movement and based momentum going in. In other words you shunt to a smaller space and your N-space drive gets you there.
  16. Source material changes over time. When Champions 1st edition and 2nd came out, it stated certain powers were supposed to be rare. The more it cost the rarer the power. The two on the very costly and rare list were Desolid(40 pts) and FTL(50pts). Comics changed and that rule was diminished while Desolid is still 4o pts. it is more common across a variety of effects. FTL actually got cheaper. Also many people prefer the independents to the current hot mess that is both DC and Marvel where plot and story decisions are being made by bean counters. Sometimes bean counters in other divisions like toys or films, Young Justice anyone? That got canceled not because of poor ratings but because the toyline it was supposed to sell did poorly. The origins of the Maximoff Twins is being revised again due politics between rival studios. Though I've always been partial to the High Evolutionary version of their origin. Marvel and DC do not have coherent settings nor are they thinking in such terms. Superman is supposed to vulnerable to Magick. Hell Black Adam mopped the street with him and he had to be saved by the original Capt. Marvel. But some animators forgot that on JLI. And those two franchises often conflict with themselves as different creative teams handle similar situations or same characters differently. Point is the source material you cite is all over the map. And that without factoring in parallel worlds.
  17. One 4 edition spell did some something similar but using CE and cosmetic change. So I think change was 5 edition. Need to dig out both rules.
  18. Lot of broken links. Including back to this forum. http://www.curufea.com/doku.php?id=roleplaying:hero:conversions:hero_system
  19. Magick should have its own internal logic. Even if it defies real world logic. When writing or building a setting thinking those things rewards the reader or player. Super powers are just as fuzzy in some cases. But yes they should have some rubber science behind them. The original question was as much about fluff and setting as rules. I guess many just don't think the way I do. I was trying to see what others may have done. I do think Fate and Strange type mages are just a little tooo powerful. But then again I'm an outlier. I tend to like the lower power levels anyway. Maybe some sort of karmic cost when a supermage uses a power? You or your subject get the bonus but then must suffer a penalty. Still mulling that over. Maybe mental effects are the purview of magick. Perhaps it would help to decide what powers normal super powers and what they can and cannot do and work from there.
  20. All good ideas ninja bear. Shadow world had rules for ley lines with the essence flows. It was more than +) If I recall correctly.
  21. Apples and oranges in your example. You are talking about a physical shape. I'm talking about a metaphysical quality. And this goes beyond blessed or holy. Several mystic tradition have consecrated items where shape has nothing to do with it.
  22. It is an example. Wildcards has certain plot points that define the setting that make different and adds character. Just as the Aberrant world does. So too does the Godsend Agenda world. Or the World of the Elementals. Each one of those worlds made a statement about the basis of Super Powers that shapes and defines that world. Makes it different and interesting. Starts decision chain that affect everything in world. Some of us refer to it as world building.
  23. Depends on who is doing the writing. But in general I agree And it one the reason I find mainstream comics boring now. Oh occasionally you get reboot and someone tries to redefine a here in interesting terms like they did post crisis superman.. But then the power creep begins anew. Just like Post crisis the gritty street level Black Canary didn't fit with the high flying Black Canary in the Justice League and she was written out of the high powered JL. But eventually Status quo you stated asserts itself. But I find that boring in the end. Character with limits, with definition give more drama and story.
  24. Particularly a system for the Mazarin-Rashoud nodes and Taint.
  25. Thank you for that well thought out explanation. It gives me more to think about. As an aside I take it you quoting superman 3? The comics , at least in 70's and 80's, had it as an isotope that decayed to iron.
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