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Everything posted by Wardsman

  1. Define low power. Also some may want magic to be rare. And fighters dominate. Some may not. I have been thinking of rewriting Mythic Egypt for 5th edition with some ideas from Glorantha on its magic and cults. Both settings are Bronze Age and polytheistic. Fighters and thieves could get some simple but limited battle magic(spirit magic). Divine would be a little bit more developed but tied to serving the cults (Ra , Horus, Set, Isis). And there would some arcane casters with a powerful, flexible, but limited ritual system.
  2. Caveat: I haven't seen 6th edition. But disadvantages/complications should be part of the build and you should use them. "And this was with 175 (125+50) point characters." I don't know about the new system, but I'd think 75 +75 or even worse should be your starting point . Maybe 50+25 but that is just me. Addendum: Some of us started with 200 pts in our supers games. So I'm not surprised you are having issues.
  3. Hero can require more work for a GM than other systems. You decide if you allow martial arts , how many combat levels etc. And if they balk, remind them it is a tool kit system. I'm looking at a system where all mages as part of their package deal define susceptibilities and vulnerabilities(taboos) as the cost of doing magic, Very thematic of many myths. Susceptibilities cut right thru defenses. I'm also building this into my more supernatural monsters so a fighter who can't beat something physically could use lores to bring something down. Variations on desolid and damage reductions are good for building tough mystic creatures. Just define the attack that ignores it. And don't make it easy. "The ogre can't be hit most mundane weapons. But a cudgel of rowen harvested and crafted by thy own hands will allow you to defeat it." You can get away with that in fantasy. Start with all char max except one defining stat that they pick at15. The other one goes to 20. Look at building a ritual based magic system. They might be able to hang spells for combat. But once that is gone they need a long time to recast. So give Magic users other options in combat. If Arcane casters use endurance consider ramping it up to Long term endurance. If you allow divine tie them to charges or endurance batteries that only recharge while (1) they are in good standing with their god and (2) while they do rituals and prayer for their god. Acolytes and priests in RQ(who get reusable divine) owe 50% and 90% of their funds and time to their God. Not a bad idea. It also allows you to say priest you need to go do this. Devise some sort of sacrifice needed to activate found magic items. Don't make them point and click. Magic should have consequences. Example all summonings are noisy in my world. Any mage in the area can sense them with their arcane sense. Can you post some of the problem character builds?
  4. That seems to be the key. Have pre digested bits of rules and make basic setting decisions with their preferences in mind. Don't hit them with fact you can simulate almost any magic system at first. Their eyes will glaze over. And while I'm leaning to the create effect for enchantment. It might be too much for beginner mages. I may use the enchant skill from 4th edition. That seems cleaner for a noob to me.
  5. Turns out the main creator and columbia games had a falling out before he died. So now there is dueling games systems.
  6. Bad analogy. AD&D was never a toolkit system Hitpoints are closer to body and stun in hero yet they are not You were supposed to use all the rules in PHB and DMG. But never saw any who did. D&D hit points seem kind of weak actually. When converting I use (2 x hit points)/level It gives me a halfway decent body for the character. Stun is figured normally. Like I said the flaws were there early on. 2nd edition Champions and RQ were my escape route. Pity it is still the main gateway into RPG's the ideas that are the base of the system are incredibly old(mid 1970's) Yes I played with this when it was the new rules and the old guard who taught me sneered at it.
  7. What was the issue with the FH campaign?
  8. I'll check those. Turns out the fate site I found had a hero 5th edition section. http://www.culpan.org/harnwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.OldRules Problem is I don't know enough of the original harn system(systems?) to know what is lost in translation.
  9. I've found a Harn fate sight and Burning wheel site dedicated to Harn.
  10. Found some old threads that referred to older threads but bit rot has struck. Harnforum.com is now a japanese hair loss site. http://www.warflail.com/harnlink/ 404 http://home.interlynx.net/~brand/harn/harnhero.doc 404 http://www.lythia.com/ is still active. Any other suggestions?
  11. I base mine off the old Robin Hood Supplement set in 12 century England. https://www.amazon.com/Robin-Hood-Outlaw-Campaign-Rolemaster/dp/0915795280 Mostly barter but a few coppers. Real treasure would be silver pennies.
  12. I seem to recall ultimate skill having some ideas that may apply. I need to look at those.
  13. In the TOS Engineering and drive system(nacelles) were away from the hull for a reason to protect the crew. You cannot have compact ship like the defiant. The drive system is too dangerous. The last Anti-matter STL design I saw from RL was 480 kilometers to provide safe rad distance for the crew and necessary heat exchanges to cool the drive system. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/slowerlight.php Search for Frissbee anti-matter rocket. Then there is issue as to why we would be building human crewed warships and not drones. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/misconceptions.php http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacewarship.php
  14. If you have a device that can convert 100 kg of matter into pure energy, you don't need nukes. Nor antimatter for that matter. http://www.edwardmuller.com/index.php?Page=calculator Hell Just dematerialize part of the enemy's ship without an angular confinement beam.
  15. Study spell research at the end of the day? JOT DOWN FOUND SPELLS? To study and record lore about the target of the mission? What is a reason to keep that feel without resorting to vancian magic and spell memorization? Your ideas please
  16. Does that include the padding underneath? Maybe metal armor should have some nonresistant bonus to account for that?
  17. But hidden in that simple roll and hit points are feints and counter feints, blind stupid luck , and a host of other factors that get rolled up in one roll and hit points. Tell me have you ever tried to use the armor class adjustments based on weapon speed factor in the original AD&D DMG? In fact I have to say that I have never seen anyone run a D&D game by all the rules. They cherry pick. At least they did in the AD&D day. Can't speak to the new stuff. BTW thick leather is damn useful for handling 900 degree cast iron which has cooled some after it released from sand mold.. I know.
  18. How does that compare to the military lift mentioned in the AD&D books
  19. If you want a digested version look into middle earth role playing (MERP) It was a Role Master lite system. Something of a gateway into how role master does things with the Middle earth setting.
  20. May be on a cell? I concur. Though I might create a scifi gadget call a viacel now.
  21. I still have chessex hex map that I use china markers on.
  22. It might be needed till they adjust. Even I had to unlearn a few D&Disms when I left it. It is amazing it is still the gateway game after all these years! But every system has a point of view. Deadlands took some getting used to when I was exposed to it. Now I've played both RQ and hero. Both are skilled based but RQ uses percentiles. One could argue that is better. It is a matter of preference.
  23. You bring up a good point. We have bell curve in the attack roll while D20 is staight line. Situation is reversed on stats.
  24. RQ had Snake Pipe Hollow and Apple Lane. I did see an apple lane conversion for D&D in Dragon back in the TSR days. Yeah we had to flesh out the keep on the border ourselves. Came up with the backstory fort the caves of Darkness(Chaos). It became the seed of a much larger campaign. Then we all branched out into new systems MERP, Hero, RQ
  25. This base DCV or are we counting combat modifiers that may change from phase to phase? Anyone got some numbers to plug in from their campaigns? I would add that this may be instructional to newbies on the differences between the two systems and what may be lost by sticking with an AC system in hero. But it takes awhile to unlearn certain modes of thinking. It was that way with my group back in the day. Just look at the stories from when Britain went from old pound to Pound Sterling.
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