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Everything posted by Wardsman

  1. The solution presented would require uncontrolled advantage. How does one turn off a power/mana stone?
  2. Nods. The original question was about how to build a stone that the mage must fill on creation. My second part was an Idea I wa mulling over that was related. I'll think about your suggestion . Because part of my brain likes mana based on EGO & INT. Maybe REC is a more advanced option and they must fill it with mana at first. I don't know about that. Problem is Reserve END is already so damn cheap I hate to put a limitation that reflects it must be filled by an outside source on something that already costs 1 per 10.
  3. Yeah. Been looking at GURPS Power and Mana Stones. Compared to them our END Reserves are cheap. On a related note: I also have an interesting idea for my urban fantasy idea. As you may or may not know, I have been working on a system where every initiated will worker (arcane) takes on a package with disads. The act of becoming a mage changes you, puts you across a line marking you different from the rest of humanity. But I've been struggling the initiation rite. Power Stones are one option. I like magic costing the mage personal endurance or mana and this kind of runs against it. But the idea is to work magick you need to draw power from a consecrated "Mana reserve"( END Reserve). That is the key to the initiation ritual. To become initiated in your chosen path, you must create your paths verion of an END Reserve. It can be a talisman or a casting circle. Create END Reserve, Requires ego roll (act of will) must have various KS and PS related to your chosen path(Must know what you are doing for your chosen path), Probably extra cost of LTE. Of course whatever focus levels you need plus ceremonial limitations that you want. You can be an occult expert for years. But all those rituals and grimoires won't work until you cross over to magery by creating a powerstone.
  4. Say you want spell that creates an endurance reserve to power another effect. But the mage must fill that reserve with his own endurance. What is that worth as a limitation 5th edition?
  5. How do you see spirit and void different? Kind of reminds me of the tantric tattwa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tattva#Tantra
  6. Actually no many of the ideas are similar. RQ Had a well developed handle polytheistic divine cults in the bronze age. Only really new thing is how they handle spirits which actually should fit right in as well as provide a basic magic for fighters and similar classes.
  7. Is that what damage reduction is in 6th?
  8. I agree NuSoardGraphite up to a point. I think most force users should take set complications with the package. Jedi are watched and controlled by the council and have code. Not allowed to marry etc Probably a watched or hunted by their enemies. Make it any dark side users and raise the level. Have I missed a few?
  9. I've been reading quite few old posts with various ideas that are starting to gell. Posts on spirit possession for disease, posts on ancient iron both bloom and sky metal, posts on polytheistic clerics , and few about D&Disms. And it hit me something that would tie all these together, a Bronze Age campaign with input from RQ that would be very much not anything like D&D. So I plan to post some ideas here about converting Mythic Egypt (1st edition FH) to 5th Edition. The setting shares a lot features similar to Glorantha so their ideas on handling multiple cults will be useful. And both are very UnD&Dish. Assumptions: Characters will be at least initiates of one or more cults All characters can have access to magic even if it is just simple spirit (battle) magic Divine is also a form of magic Sorcery (arcane) while limited is an option as well There will be politics between cults Things to work out: which cults are allied and which are not and how does that affect learning of spirit and divine magic. Does Spirit magic which is learned by spirit combat with the spell spirit cost real points Whether to recreate Binding, Enchantment, and Summoning skills like RQ or use standard hero powers How does Iron being a magical metal change things hero rules to simulate spirit combat Spell conversion that take into account the differences in skill dice An example on that last one. A lot spells added bonuses to various rolls like bladesharp which gave bonus to hit and damage (+5% to attack per level of spell i think). I think Shield added to parry and armor. But RQ uses percentile skills.
  10. Given that it includes PD, ED, MD, power Defense, and Flash Defense with the limitation that only protects from magic SFX, 2 seems low, Your milage may vary.
  11. In hero I think speed would limit your game. 9 supers is different than heroics at a speed range of 2-4. More players the lower the speed limit I would set. You didn't say what kind of game you were running. With 4 to 5 players and 2 GM's, we found 3 weeks in one campaign then 3 weeks in another worked well.
  12. Any changes beside no longer being a figured characteristic?
  13. Ghostbusters was roll but not too high if I recall correctly. Again I don't see the fuss but I was exposed to percentile systems early on and did hop around so I didn't get used to something. The only problem I've ever had going system to system was hero speed vs BRP's strike ranks. The are similar but not the same and that can mess you up when you are playing both heavily at the same time. THAC0 never did make sense to me. Armor does not make you harder to hit.
  14. Like I said I learned long ago I prefer skill based systems (Hero & BRP) over Class systems(D&D). I hear they have some changes but still have the basic flaws. But this is all thread drift. To OP I'd just use Arcane defense it was an optional rule in 5th ed Fantasy Hero
  15. Tula Morn (see hero store) had several magic schools done this way. Interesting enough it was a nice hero example of Spell X is 3rd level for this class but 5th level for that class. I usually don't like DNDisms but I thought that was well done.
  16. I don't get the problem. RQ is roll less. WoD is dice pool that you roll under. Every game does different. Deadlands you play poker. Other than D&D who uses roll high?
  17. Do something similar to Mythic Greece. They had Heros , Lesser demigods, and greater demigods. Very different power levels. But the guys with powers had otherworldly forces running interference with their actions(Disads or complications). That is how you do the jedi.
  18. Yeah doing something fate like should be easy. And yes tying the characters together is a good thing. Central casting is that dang high? Yeah I thought about selling Avalon hill RQ too? Those prices are insane. I missed the hight tide on OWOD MET. I could have cleaned up selling that at one point.*Shrug.*
  19. Sounds like issues with overall skill levels in general. I can recall various books pointing similar issues which tie into another threads issues of balance. The fact 6th edition has a heroic level that is just 25 pts less of what we used to call beginning supers (200 pts) blows me away. Sounds more like Fantasy super agents to me. But I'm an old grognard.
  20. 5th edition. I assume it is a feat like power or maneuver? Is it a haymaker with a sword?
  21. So I am giving a boost just using the values straight. Doesn't matter to me though.
  22. Not familiar with fate. Sounds like central casting which run several of our characters thru for many game systems. https://rpggeek.com/rpgseries/2519/central-casting You could build your own with a random chart. 5th edition sidekick had random gen for champions characters. Be a bit of work but you could do that for fantasy. Say one result spent few years as blacksmith (Strength bonus plus skills). Extra years more skills on increases in existing smith skills. I'd still make pay points or you could give some eps. HOUSE RULE! If Magic costs endurance(or Mana, endurance based on EGO & INT), the cost is 1 per five active points not ten. No limitation! No points! Just Base rules! that will help rein the arcanes in.
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