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Everything posted by Surrealone

  1. Make the switch to 6e. (Multiple Attack is specific to 6e.) I was quite hesitant to go to 6e 2-3 years ago ... and am playing in one 5er game and one 6e game at present ... and I find after a year of 6e play that I prefer 6e despite my earlier hesitation. Tasha touted the high degree of flexibility afforded by the removal of figured characteristics and I've found that to be true. I also think the addition of Multiple Attack and the retooling of Missile Deflection to be Block-based are rock solid. There are a host of other sane changes/fixes too ... not the least of which entails addressing how badly Regeneration was bungled (by making it a subset of Healing) in 5er. See below for where Defensive Attack is from... Weaponmaster has its place in Superheroic games if the objective of its use is to represent someone who is deadly with pretty much any ranged weapon s/he uses. (It's a great way to represent hyper-accuracy, for instance ... without having to introduce placed shots or the mechanical slowdown associated with the use of placed shot rules.) I do, however, tend to agree that it's best used on unadvantaged powers from a balance standpoint ... for precisely the reason you point out. The sane GM will likely enforce something similar if using Weaponmaster at the Superheroic level. As for Defensive Attack, check out APG1 p38.
  2. Given that he said "It allows her to easily fan pistols accurately, simulate headshots by increasing stun multiples, NRM, etc. " ... it sounds like a Variable Advantage total of +1/2 .... usable on 60AP of power? I say this because NRM is +1/2, Increased Stun Multiplier is +1/4 (and you could buy 2 of those ... meaning +1/2 total), etc.
  3. A few things that come to mind off the top of my head ... and the rationale for why: Fast Draw ... because you can't shoot very effectively while your firearm is holstered or your bow is slung; it also helps with reloads Telescopic Vision (offsets sight PER roll range penalties) purchased at a level to match whatever PSL's one has to offset range mods with ranged weapons ... because you can't hit what you can't see/perceive Defensive Attack, Ranged Multiple Attacks Only (-1) ... because it renders someone -2 DCV instead of half DCV during Ranged Multiple Attacks +2 DCV, Only Usable With Ranged Multiple Attacks (1) ... because it renders someone at full DCV while performing a Ranged Multiple Attack when combined with Defensive Attack Two-Weapon Fighting, Ranged Multiple Attacks Only (-1) ... because it renders the first two attacks of a Ranged Multiple Attack at no OCV penalty (instead of each being at -2 OCV) when using two ranged weapons (one in each hand) to Multiple Attack Rapid Attack, Ranged Multiple Attacks Only (-1) ... because it renders Ranged Multiple Attacks a half phase action (instead of a full phase action) ... allowing someone to shoot&scoot more effectively At least 25m running if the character is not a flier ... to allow for shoot&scoot half moves of 13m ... as well as 25m strafes. This is also especially important when shooting from behind cover and moving from one form of cover to another PSLs to offset cover penalties of your targets ... to simulate being good at taking out opposition that is behind cover PSLs to offset placed shot penalties if your game uses placed shots ... to simulate being able to take head, hand, leg, or other wounding shots with ease Multiple levels of Weaponmaster ... to simulate being able to make the most out of your ranged weapons (of group thereof) Obviously, I consider Multiple Attack a BFD in 6e, as it allows multiple shots to be taken in a Phase ... without needing Autofire. Throw Autofire and the associated Autofire skills into the mix (by Multiple Attacking with an Autofire weapon) and it gets quite nasty very quickly in 6e.
  4. The palindromedary seems to be less trusting in the idea that most people say what they mean and mean what they say ... than I am.
  5. Where did you see this goal stated? I ask because I don't see such a goal stated anywhere in the original post ... and because the OP cited 6e1 ... and 6e1 p357 makes it clear there are several forms of UOO, one of which is UAA, another of which is Usable Simultaneously. (i.e. They are clearly outlined by RAW as different forms of UOO ... meaning they are not things that can be combined with one another ... and having cited 6e1, the OP must have read/known this.) Thus, what I saw/see is a question about how to set UAA to Usable Simultaneously in HD -- which is why I answered as I did. As a reminder: There are actually cases where you might want UAA ... that is AoE. As an example, a Darkness (natively AoE) bought with UAA results in a Darkness that is attached to the target (rather than the target being able to escape its effects by exiting the radius of the Darkness). UOO covers this case in 6e1 RAW, too, of course.
  6. Add the 'Usable As Attack' advantage to the power and then in the Modifiers section (where the Advantages & Limitations you've added appear), look to the right of the 'Usable As Attack' listing and you should see an 'Edit' link followed by the words 'Usable As Attack' with drop-down arrow. Click that drop-down arrow and you'll see some options, one of which is 'Usable Simultaneously'. You could also click said 'Edit' link I referred to, and HD will open up a new dialog box with a pile of options/adders for 'Usable As Attack'. If you do it this way, make sure to set the Options portion of that dialog to 'Usable Simultaneously' if that's what you want.
  7. Regarding buying Fast Strike twice ... no, you don't have to do that, at all, if you buy Stretching with the Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) advantage. But, I digress. You seem to be asking if you need to buy Martial Dodge twice (HTH and Ranged) ... and I have played under not a single GM who rules that one must. (i.e. The GMs under which I've played treat a dodge as a dodge, regardless of HTH/Ranged attack classification. To me this just seems like good common sense ... but I suppose that's not exactly common. )
  8. With a MP, each MP slot can represent a specific kind of potion one can make. This works well enough if the MP Reserve, itself, has a charges limitation to help represent only being able to make so many potions (as defined by the slots).
  9. I've read about the Heizer PKO45's. The 8lb SA trigger is kind of a turn-off, but the 0.8" thickness is a selling point for those who want to pack .45 ACP in a slim package. It will be interesting to see what the 9mm varietal's dimensions are, since modern 9mm single-stack offerings have been at the 0.9" thickness for nearly a decade, already.
  10. Then I think what you meant to ask about (but didn't ask about, originally) is how to portray alchemy ... since that's the preparatory component/activity that yields the potions. However, since you asked about potions ... you got responses about (wait for it) ... potions. i.e. The Trigger vs. Delayed Effect remarks in the original post weren't really enough for people to clue into the fact that you were really inquiring how others toolkit alchemy, itself, I suspect. Interestingly, in Superheroic games, I wouldn't toolkit Alchemy, at all -- as I think that's more inline with an agent-level game. i.e. a VPP or a MP with charges is 'good enough' for me (and many ... maybe even most?) when it comes to a SuperHeroic game.
  11. Ok, that clarification helped. I understand and agree!
  12. Please translate for me, as I didn't quite follow what you meant, here. (Yes, I know what you meant by BDH, that wasn't the issue ... I just couldn't make sense of 'feels that what BDH is just fine'.)
  13. I'm with the others - potions are fragile, single-charge, non-recoverable OAFs that require gestures, IMHO. And if you really want to get serious you add side effects that occur only if a second potion is drunk within a given window of time (to represent potion miscibility issues).
  14. All the more reason for it to cost points (be they resource points that have been awarded or what have you), right?
  15. IIRC, the UNTIL Superpowers Database (Revised) has a LUCK Powers section in which a number of Luck-based Power concepts are written up.
  16. I'm on the same page as Christopher R Taylor, as the Duplication approach (with the default form being the duplicates ... bought at a lower power level than the lead form ... using appropriate limitations) is the one I'd use. The concept of Combining is detailed in APG1 starting on p58 ... and p59 goes into the use of Duplication for this purpose.
  17. g3taso, It may help if you think of the NA as a Power in its own right (complete with SFX, END costs, etc.) -- because, per RAW, it is. Per 5er p244: "Naked Power Advantages are considered Special Powers (and therefore may no be bought in Power Frameworks without the GM's permission). Naked Advantages are distinct, full-fledged Powers with their own special effects, and may have other Advantages or Limitations applied to them (such as Reduced Endurance)..."
  18. Yup. That level of precision is important, because the presence or absence of certain verbiage can have substantial impacts to how the game is played -- especially when some players' only exposures to the rules are CC when other players' are well-versed in 6e. I've seen too many people try to sweep the subtle but important distinctions under the rug as if they are minor when, in fact, they aren't. (Example: Classes of Minds is a BFD ... because whether or not it's present in the ruleset used for the game results in a massive delta in how Mental Powers are handled in the game per the rules a written.)
  19. 6e has a post-release errata file posted to address its issues ... so it is, actually complete. Show me the author-provided CC equivalent and then your comparison will actually be apples-to-apples. Until then, you're just defending a position wherein the facts don't support said position. I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill of it, I'm just calling a spade a spade when people claim something has everything you need ... when it actually doesn't. Care to get us back on topic again?
  20. zslane: It's nice to see someone (else) acknowledge that delta after many old-timers' repeatedly insisted things were fully interchangeable between 6e1/6e2 and CC. Kudos to you.
  21. But it actually isn't. Where's that Images Complexity Table, again?? Oh right, it's missing. Kinda tough to use and/or adjudicate the Images power properly if you don't have that table. Hence, "all the rules needed for Champions" (to use your words) are NOT present. And to bring us back onto the topic of this thread: the 6e Must Be Used At Full Power limitation is missing, too -- despite its inapplicability to powers that aren't Body-Affecting (sans GM fiat, of course). Frankly, I think the Beam limitation is where I'd steer people (sans GM fiat) and, if they don't like all that comes with it, then there's just not enough of a limitation to warrant a cost break, IMHO.
  22. If the person with this damage shield will be a mentalist, then my advice is to forget a damage shield based on doing STUN ... and go for a damage shield whose psychic backlash manifests as a Drain to EGO and/or OMCV. Drain natively works using Power Defense ... which walks right around the Mental Defense worry. Also, neither EGO nor OMCV are subject to the halving rule for defenses. Thus, a mentalist with this sort of damage shield enabled is prone to weakening his/her opposition with it each time s/he comes under attack. The above becomes especially effective if the damage shield has the Damage Over Time advantage ... built so that whatever limited Power Defense the target has is only applied once ... after it's cut in half by Armor Piercing ... with a bit of Penetrating thrown in for good measure. This is, I have found, one of the a few ways a Damage Shield can keep on giving after the initial hit from an attacker ... without relying on a Linked power. Psychic Backlash (85 Active Points; 42 Real Points): Drain EGO & OMCV 1d6, Area of Effect (2m Surface; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Expanded Effect (x2 Game Elements) (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Constant (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (12 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +4) No Range (-1/2), Mental Contact Only (-1/2)
  23. Damage Shield is the droid you're looking for to cause an attacker to suffer damage when s/he hits a character -- specifically the Mental Damage Shield varietal detailed on the page Lucius provided.
  24. Unless you want to play a guy who uses Images ... and the only version of the game you've ever owned is a hardcopy of CC someone gave to you as a gift (meaning you don't know these forums exist, either). Then you're SOL -- because the book is actually not complete enough for someone to know how to properly use that power ... or for a GM to adjudicate it properly. So no, it's not actually complete ... in that it can't run a game properly on its own ... where proper is what's defined by 6e, of course. The foregoing is but one example, but all of the other citations are places where improper things occur when running with only CC by itself ... as a result of its omissions. But continue to call something with omissions (be they accidental ... or intentional) 'complete' if it suits you. I've given you enough facts to prove the point beyond question, but I can't make you accept them, nor am I trying to do so. You asked and appear to dispute the response I provided based solely on opinion -- without any evidence/citations from CC or 6e that disprove the omissions (errors?) I've noted ... and therefore we must agree to disagree. If a missing table (that is actually referenced by the book which lacks it) doesn't prove something is incomplete when you ask about how it is incomplete ... I don't know what will.
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