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David Johnston

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Everything posted by David Johnston

  1. Re: Group Perception Even then no matter what the genre, I haven't seen a heck of a lot of groups trying to sneak more than two people past the opposition. The standard approach is to send out Sneaky Pete and Sneaky Sue, they creep up on the potential observers, take them out and then the rest of the crew just walk in or out. Trying to avoid more potential observers than that is more a Tactics roll than a Stealth roll.
  2. Re: Not Quite WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!" Well, the comic books typically handle this kind of situation in a Ranma 1/2 kind of way. The two rival claimants punch each other and the one who goes down first has to change his name.
  3. Re: Not Quite WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!" One simple approach is just to make it clear: I am the Spectre of Campaign City! That there's another Spectre in Spinoff City isn't really a problem unless he decides to make an issue of it.
  4. Re: WWYCD choosing between two villains to stop? Unless the character actually has some kind of substantive lead on the guy he's actually looking for, there's not much of a choice to be made. The odds that he'll happen to be randomly patrolling near where the big bad will make his move...well he has a better shot at assuming this is a trap and Ambush Bug will lead him into it letting him find the bad guy.
  5. Re: Group Perception I've never run into a situation where an entire superhero team tried to sneak up on anyone. All the sneaking I've seen has been individual, except of course for the attacks by the disposable ninja.
  6. Re: How to end a dystopia... In the end you can have a dark and murky successor to a four colour hero...just by letting villains win. That's how you get after all, the murky mutant hunting and oppressive mutant oligarchy futures of the X-Men, by letting their opponents win. The master Champions Universe timeline only works of course as the "one true" timeline to 3000 when you are looking backwards at it, from the point of view of a Galactic Champions campaign. A fixed past is fine. A fixed future is not so good. I'm actually playing around with writing up two alternate futures, but in truth I don't have enough current Champions resources to do a proper job of it.
  7. Re: Villianous/Heroic Powers Which of course is exactly why she was rejected as a functional heroine.
  8. Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!" I actually made a point of revealing to the players once that there were three different people in various parts of the world, all of whom used crossbows and called themselves "Crossfire". As the AI pointed out, it just isn't that hard an idea to come up with. (Plus there was one Klansman, but they knew it couldn't be him.)
  9. Re: Group Perception That would be 12 and 13. (And 11 for the guys who don't) Not what I'd call a wide variation.
  10. Re: You've taken over the world. Now what? Not much as long as you make sure you are personally way tougher than your flunkies.
  11. Re: Difficulty reaching Super-Hero status Now, personally I would assume that when more than one character has the same hunted that a single roll takes care of it. After all, if every member of the Avengers has Kang as an 8- hunted on their sheet then he'd be showing up to attack them or otherwise arranged to mess with them every game session, and that's not how an 8- hunted is supposed to work. i
  12. Re: Group Perception So to do a group PER roll, maybe we could just start with the highest roll of any of the group's members (which we'll call the "Base Roll"), then total the PER rolls of all members of the group, and apply PER bonuses based on that as follows: Similar to my suggestion but more sophisticated. (I didn't consider it important since Hero characters who didn't get enhance perception have so little variation in their perception anyway) However I wouldn't recommend making that table open ended. In most situations when you have an actual crowd, they will actually get in each others way by drowing out the subtle things you need a perception roll to notice.
  13. Re: You've taken over the world. Now what? It sort of depends on how you define "world domination." The brute force "destroy all military resistance and force everyone follow my rules" method is entertaining but requires the continuous, widespread application of force to maintain. In that sense it's a logistical nightmare, and only a supremely overconfident villain would imagine he could hold off entropy indefinitely. Isn't the answer to that problem just to get your own army of agents and appoint administrative quislings?
  14. Re: WWYCD: "Dude, you stole my shtick!" The Wizard of Oz Incorporated would sue. His name's a licensed trademark.
  15. Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!! The Wizard of Oz Incorporated: Would stop. Think about the situation. Realise it's absurd. And start looking for flaws in what he'd assume was some kind of simulation.
  16. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities
  17. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities
  18. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities It was the Silver Age. Nobody had problems with that kind of thing in the Silver Age. (An often overlooked feature of the Silver Age, incidentally. CVK's may have been mandatory but the casual way that people would screw with each other's minds was simply stunning. There were no rules or reservations at all.) Xavier only developed his telepathic code of ethics later. Even then his commitment to it fell short of being total particularly when it came to non-mutants.
  19. Re: How to end a dystopia... Well the trick is waiting until it's ready to fall. Usually that's when the old guard who first established it are well in their grave, and the successing regime has lost cohesion and the financial viability to keep their troops paid. But the typical Cyberpunk RPG dystopia is not a totalitarian regime in the first place. It is, if anything anarchic but not the nice "we all just get along together and reasonably work out our issues" kind of anarchy. The companies themselves maintain a nigh-totalitarian hold on their actual property but they let the world outside their property go to heck.
  20. Re: Self Defeating Powers Much too simple. Drain versus PRE to linked Aid to Presence, only on drain target.
  21. Re: A Question of Utmost Importance "At least" 18.
  22. Re: Group Perception Do it using the same kind of doubling strength uses. Take the best perception in the group, and add one if there another person, 2 if there are three other persons, and 3 if there are 7 other persons. And bear in mind that you only count people in a position and equipped to perceive what might be detected.
  23. Re: Is "Its cheaper this way" enough for you? Seems to me that megascale teleportation with "fixed points" would place you anywhere within the megascale hex. And most of the characters you'd want to do that to are strong enough that that you wouldn't be able to subdue them that long with a grapple anyway. Essentially in any case, it's the amazing power to make supervillains escape. I'm so impressed.
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