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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS Sneak Peek #1: The Triptych Cover! I definately prefer the "Old" Dr. Destroyer. The new one reminds more more of a Necromancer with Bone Armor than a technological master.
  2. Re: Ctrl+V http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/11_3/np1/configuration/guide/1cip.html
  3. Checkmate

    Ghost Cat

    Re: Ghost Cat I get the break outs, but you have no EGO based skills, so that's a complete waste of points, and for DEX you're spending 4 points to go from a 14- to a 15- which IMO just isn't worth it. That's not even the biggest issue, my biggest issues, from a rules stand point, is you've put restrainable on movement powers. Sure it means you can't use your movement powers when you're entangled and grabbed, but then again, who can? Restrainable doesn't limit you at all.
  4. Checkmate

    Ghost Cat

    Re: Ghost Cat Talking purely objectively: he DEX is in a weird place. A 27 give the same CV, but still give you a 14- on DEX skills, or a 29 would give you a better CV. EGO is in an incredibly odd place too, it gives you absolutely nothing. An 11 would give you the same ECV and a 14 would give a better CV. You have no EGO related skills so I'm not sure why you'd put it there. If the extra 2 points you'd get vs Mind Control is your concern, drop your EGO to 11 use one of the 4 points you saved to buy Mental Defense (giving you 3 points of Mental Defense) and you're better off and still saved 3 points. There isn't really any reason to have position shift on two movement powers (and not really sure what the SFX of it would be on the running anyway). The passing strike has already been mentioned as going well beyond what appears to be the campaign norm. If I were GM, there is no way this character would fly. You've spent a grand total of 2 points on non-combat flavor skills (Navigation). Just looking at the name of the character I KNEW there would be a multipower with a limitation that rarely limited, and sure enough there were two limits on it that are rarely limiting (I mean really how limiting is restrainable movement powers? You can't use them while restrained anyway). As a GM I would say it's an extremely min/max'ed generic character with absolutely no soul.
  5. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I read the first book of the trilogy that comes after The Obsidian Trilogy (the Phoenix something or other I think it is), and thoroughly enjoyed that book. It wasn't until I was looking for the second book of that series that I realized there was a series before it so I read the first book of The Obsidian Trilogy, and enjoyed that one too. I haven't had the time to sit down and finish the series (I can tear through a Dresden Files book in short order) but those will definitely be my next stop.
  6. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I finished Turn Coat in the Harry Desden series. I was less annoyed than usual (Jim Butcher must have read this thread and my complaints about explaining everything every time it happens), and was definitely one of my favorites of the series. I find myself of mixed feelings on the series of late. I like seeing Harry get more powerful and learning from his mistakes (and triumphs), I sort of miss the destitute P.I sitting in his office hoping for a PAYING client to walk in. The episodic aspect of the books are getting to me too. I wouldn't mind if one of his cases lasted 2 books or even 3 just to make the intrigue a little deeper. Part of my problem may be that I've only recently gotten into the books so I've read the entire series almost back to back. If I had read them when they first came out and had to wait for the next, it may not be as bothersome to me. P.S.
  7. Re: Captain America Build 350 pts
  8. Re: My Failed Project This is absolutely true. While I like my way better, it really doesn't model the comics quite as well. One of the best examples is Green Lanter Kyle beat up an entire prison without his ring. The female Captain Marvel (the one that turns herself into light Monica something or other) beat up some trained fighters without her powers. The comics seem to agree with the "Standard" Champions giving all supers superhuman stats.
  9. Re: My Failed Project I absolutely agree, but what I find amusing is that people have no qualms at all about capping STR for the normal trained human, but suggest the same thing for DEX and all of sudden people break out the pitchforks and the noose.
  10. Re: My Failed Project Yeah that whole 30 thing doesn't work for me at all. No one that's fully human can push to a 40 STR. And that brings up another oddity I've noticed in arguing this with people. If a player comes up and says I'm a normal human I've trained myself, by simply lifting weights to a 60 STR. There are VERY few people that would accept that concept. Normal humans can't train and get a 60 STR. Most people have a limit for what STR a normal human can reach. However you apply that same concept to DEX and those same people that limit STR lose their minds. What's the difference? To me there isn't one. If you give Kyle Rainer a 13 DEX (being a normal human who's just learned how to fight on the job) instead of the usual 23 DEX, a 20 DEX is ridiculously agile.
  11. Re: The ThunderCats Project Doesn't she do acrobatic leaps into the Thunder-Tank? I don't know I'd go more with conception than cartoon personally.
  12. Re: Domino costume Actually the answer is no. Ask any police officer how many times a specialist gets called in for a typical armed robbery. Now tell everyone that they could make millions of dollars by finding out who this person is and see how many specialists flock to the area.
  13. Re: Domino costume The SO MANY is the reason why. It take tons of work and lots of money. Are the police really going to spend $1,000 for the specialists and equipment needed to recover $100 in merchandise? Then there's the fact that robbers don't typically wear a colorful costume and say "Hey I'm the same guy that robbed that other place!" as well as TONS of other reasons why that doesn't correlate to a Super Heroes secret ID.
  14. Re: My Failed Project I've switched ISP's so all the links have changed. You can get to the website from here though. I'm haven't done anything since Rogue been doing a lot of traveling, (but hopefully I'm nearing the end of all that) and haven't been feeling particularly inspired. I still want to do Tim Drake as Robin (although I guess he isn't Robin anymore, but when has that stopped me?) but who knows when I'll get around to it.
  15. Re: Domino costume Ah, I misunderstood you, I realize this, but if you read the thread again, I think my posts will make more sense.
  16. Re: Domino costume You misunderstand, everything I said above, is real world.
  17. Re: Domino costume While I agree is certain situations it is easy to miss someone. If I always see people in their military uniform, I may walk right by them if they have civilian clothes on, but that is in absolutely no way the same. Even the example where the friend cut their hair isn't the same. You were looking for someone who appeared a certain way, with a certain hair style, you mentally dismissed anyone that didn't fit that profile without ever REALLY seeing them. Anyone a motorcycle rider? Ever have a car driver, look you right in the eyes, and then pull out right in front of you anyway? It happens all the time, because the car driver didn't actually see you. The driver's brain was looking for a car, a motorcycle didn't fit that description so it dismissed it and didn't register. That's what you all are talking about, but that isn't what I am talking about. Take a costume baggy clothes, full mask whatever you like, the problem is there are too many things that give you away. Did you know people can tell your approximate height just from the size of your hands? A footprint in dirt or sand and they know your shoe size and approximate weight. It would be next to nothing to get your actual height, just stand by an object of a known size and you're busted. Talk once where someone records your voice, now they know where you were born, where you spent a lot of your time, how educated you are and more. Sign one autograph and they almost have a psych profile done. There are just way, way, way too many things that would give you away that have nothing to do with how you look.
  18. Re: Domino costume Really? You're okay with people displaying incredible powers and abilities, it's the domino mask you're having trouble with? If we wanted to get realistic, there isn't a costume designed that would keep a secret identity a secret if enough people wanted to find out. Wouldn't matter if you had a full face mask and plastic surgery every night, your secret wouldn't last long.
  19. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE Sneak Peek #1: The Cover! I like the concept of the cover, but it's not my favorite execution. I would rather more shading and detial on the characters.
  20. Re: The ThunderCats Project While sort of off the main topic, but silly Sci-Fi made me think of it. I was watching the latest Star Trek movie for the second time. I really enjoyed it the first time, but as I was watching it again, it struck me how dumb it was. For example a huge drill comes falling out of the sky and starts drilling , and what, no one on the planet thinks to look up and see what's going on, except the one human on the planet? Vulcans are supposed to be the smartest people in the galaxy and not one of them thought "huh, maybe we should fly a plane up there and stop that"? Heck Kirk took it out with a machine gun for cryin' out loud. The Spock gets depositted on an ice planet and he just sits around chillin' (pun intended) when he KNEW there was a base near by. Bad guy puts you there to watch your planet blow up, never occured to him to go to the base and try to call somebody? Nah I'll just wait here, no real reason to, but what the heck.. Oh snap Kirk is here, NOW I'll go to the base.
  21. Re: The ThunderCats Project Maybe, but I think poor writing had something to do with it too. I went back and rented Galaxy Rangers, I got through the first DVD and didn't bother with the rest. In my mind they were so much better.
  22. Re: The ThunderCats Project I would give Tigra more DEX initially but increase Kit and Kat's Only when within 3 hexes of each other, to simulate them fighting off each other. You know after reading this thread, for such a cool concept, this show was really stupid.
  23. Re: The ThunderCats Project When I wanted a character that could sense any animal within a few miles of where he was standing, I thought about Mega-scale sense, I was told that he wouldn't be able to sense anything until after the first mile and I should go with Telescopic. Now I'm not sure if that's official or not...
  24. Re: 350 Point Project Ah so they went back to the 4th ed. way of growth. I like that MUCH better.
  25. Re: DEATHSTROKE: 6th edition updateing You can add Unified Power limitation to powers in a multipower? What added drawbacks does it offer?
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