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Everything posted by JakSpade

  1. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Knight Rider: "Knight Rider! A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist: Michael Knight — a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law." Michael King, a lone private detective who has made a promise to bring down organized crime, finds himself in a dark alley on the wrong side of the tracks. Cornered and almost beaten within an inch of his life, he is rescued by a good Samaritan driving a dark colored car. When he climbs in the back, he realizes that the car is driving itself! He wakes up days later in a hospital bed, with a new face, new identity (Michael Knight), and a group of new friends. "KITT" is a 1937 Buick Special Coupe that holds the spirit of Perry "Kitt" Kittrich, a former special police investigator that also became an enemy of the mob. One night, he was gunned down while staking out a rumored mob business, and his spirit has been "haunting" his car ever since. KITT uses his special supernateral abilities to drive fast, jump high, and defend himself from those who would do him or his companions harm. Devon Miles is CEO of Knight Industries, a new technology firm that secretly uses it's inventions to fight crime. The former owner of KI was a friend to Perry Kittrich, and vowed to find his killers, sinking all his money into his company, and passed all the gains to his friend Devon Miles, with the requirement that he use the company to fight injustice. Bonnie Barstow is a top notch grease monkey, always with her hands under some hood or transmission. She maintains all the current and up and coming hardware provided by Knight Industries. In her spare time, Bonnie tinkers with her own inventions, which she usually tries out on Kitt and Michael. Michael has come to realize that Knight Industries isn't all hardware and powerful engines. KI investigates all types of cases, from the mundane to supernatural. He travels through the country helping everyone he can, setting right what once went wrong. Jak (enough flowery speech)
  2. Re: Cool Toys Check out this Lego stuff that this guy has done on his own... I just found it this morning on Sci-Fi Wire... Cthulu mythos, pulp characters, zepplins... who could ask for anything more... http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=10&id=1651&type=10 Here's the full photo gallery of his creations... http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=153341 Jak
  3. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! The Oscars/Grammys/Tonys/Emmys: The adventuring community comes together once every year to promote the spirit of adventure and discovery with the "Tubies", awarding the various personalities of the year with "Tubie", a large gold-plated statue of a vacuum tube. The categories for award are such diverse topics as "Best Scientific Discovery", "Best Creation", "Best Supportive Assistant", "Villian You Most Love To Hate" and "Best Criminal Capture". Adventurers, scientists, masked avengers and sidekicks from all over New York City come out to show their support for the cause, and to ge their award, of course. And it's always a good place for masterminds to show their distaste for their nemesis, and perhaps stop them from getting their awards... Jak
  4. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects I don't have any links for Stargate Hero or Pulp Stargate, and I hope to get some additional stuff thrown together real soon, but here's an attachment for Pulp Stargate... Jak
  5. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Stargate: Austrian archeologists in 1928 discoverd a ring made of an unusual metal in the Giza plateau during their search for religious and powerful artifacts. During shipping of the ring back to Munich, American troops attack and steal the ring. In studying the ring, the scientists discover that the ring conducts an electric charge, but continue to pour more and more energy into it, without results. Finally, after several days of charging the ring, they discover that the ring begins to turn. An earthquake, and spash effect later, the scientists and military personel are faced with a German infantry squad returning from an offworld mission. When the infantrymen are interrogated, the Americans discover that the Germans know more about the gate than they do, have discovered another gate, and have been using it for several months, travelling to other worlds. Jak
  6. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! The Earth Stayed Still (The Day The Earth Stood Still, Part 2): Klaatu returns to the backwards blue planet called Earth, and the world discovers that he is actually a clone. The first time he came to Earth was to warn man, but this time, he has come to protect him. He and Gort have come to root out the individual or group that has made contact with a rival faction of the outer space alliance, one that will surely end in invasion. He enlists the help of scientists, warriors and regular Joe's alike, in a mission that could mean the survival or distruction of humankind as they know it. Jak
  7. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Death and the City (Sex and the City): Carrie Bradshaw, a detective novelist and writer for a local sleuth magazine, solves mystery cases with her band of "meddling kids"... Samantha Jones, a dilletaunt and secret owner of a successful public relations firm... Charlotte York, wife to high society personality Dr. Trey MacDougal... and Miranda Hobbes, a struggling female lawyer. Together, they the ins and outs of relationships, shoes, and pre-meditated murder in a predominately man's world. "Who says a girl's always got to be in distress!" ~ Carrie Jak
  8. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Eraser: The player characters are members of an elite US Marshal's team that protects and sequesters informants before they are to testify in court. Their latest charge is a woman who works for a New England think tank that develops new weapons for the military. The woman has informed the government that she has discovered that the main entity behind the think tank developing the weapons is none other than , and he's bogarting their latest invention (an Electro-Gun that pierces the toughest armor), and plans on selling it on the Black Market to the highest bidder. In the mean time, the villain has discovered the leak in his organization, and has shifted all his resources into stopping (and probably killing) the young lady spy. The player characters are ordered to protect the snitch, and make sure she makes it to testify before Congress, a week from now. Unfortunately, the player characters don't know that the villain has eyes everywhere, and they don't know who to trust. Is their boss on the take? What about one of the PCs them selves? Jak
  9. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! HA! This just came to me... Dude, Where's My Car: The player characters wake up after a rather gregarious night (or nights) of carousing, only to find the coupe is missing. As they gather together to find out what happened to their favorite automobile, random events begin to take place. Faceless minions attack outside their favorite coffeehouse, albeit bent on their destruction. People they have never met drop by, thanking them for all their help. A professor at the local university calls upon them, because they are late for the presentation they had promised to give. A strange crate arrives from Persia, with one of the character's name on it, and with strange locks that no one seems to have the keys to. As the players continue on their merry way, they begin to put the pieces to their adventure together. But just what caused them to forget their whole debaucle? And just where is the coupe? Jak
  10. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! From another thread: Hard Rain: A mad scientist uses his gadgets (a weather control device, and his new zepplin) and minions to beseige a small town receiving a rather large bank shipment. He hopes to flood the whole area (crippling the local police), loot the town, and wait for the dam to break, destroying the remaining community. The heroes are members of the local community that are caught in God's Fury, the worst storm of the century. Then they see the zepplin drop in over the bank... Jak
  11. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Oh man, good idea! Hidden somewhere on the island is a REAL immunity idol! Both great ideas! The Amazing Race could revolve around various international cultural events, such as the Running of the Bulls, etc... Jak
  12. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Of course! Your absolutely right! Jak
  13. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Snake Pliskin in the darkest reaches of Africa. Snake Pliskin goes to Tibet. Snake Pliskin in Inner-Earth. "Son of a bisquit eater must pay!" ~ Jack Burton Jak
  14. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Hmmm... another one... Friends - An actor (Joey), a paleontologist (Ross), a businessman (Chandler), a masseuse & singer (Phoebe), a chef (Monica) and (whatever Rachael was) hang out together, fight crime and the day to day struggle in New York City. Hey, this does work. Great idea! Jak
  15. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! "He's just not a farmer, Owen. He's too much like his father..." ~ Aunt Beru Jak
  16. JakSpade

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Let me try this! Speed - Pop Quiz, Chumley... There's a bomb on an express train. When that train reaches 30 mph the bomb is armed. If it drops below 30 mph, boom! What do you do? What do you do? Jak
  17. Someone has started a Pulp One Shots (The Flood of 1927) thread on RPG.net. This idea started me thinking about a Christian Slater movie, Hard Rain, and I posted some ideas there... here's my post: A good flood is the proper stage for some awesome pulp action! Just to give you some ideas, you should look at the movie Hard Rain (with Christian Slater, Morgan Freeman, Minnie Driver), which can give you some good ideas for staging combats and action. You've got: A crew of bad guys who stage a armored car robbery during the worst storm of the century Heros caught in the middle of the storm, raging bad guys, and people needing saving... An armored car full of cash, which could easily be changed to a local bank A cemetary, where the money can be moved to, or where a hidden treasure lies A local church where priceless artifacts are being kept from the storm Plenty of intrigue, double dealing, and deals made at the barrel of a gun One of the characters could either (1) be working in the bank, or (2) visiting the bank when the storm hits. There's not really a good warning system at that time, so there wouldn't be that much preparation before the storm. The bad guys could strike in multiple scores, one on the bank, and one on the cemetary, which could be a site where a previous bank hit could be stashed. The bad guys drop to the roof of the bank, take the money, kidnap some hostages (including a PC or two), and head to the cemetary. Once they've gathered the booty, they head to the church, to clean it out as well (hey, who's greedy? ). This gives the players plenty of opportunity to stop the bad guys. Also, if the PC group is split up (some kidnapped, and some in boats), it's a great way for some roleplaying. How will the hostages signal the rest of the heroes as to the bad guys plans? Just some ideas for you... Jak
  18. Re: Three New HPAs in the Online Store I just can't seem to belt out Netzahualtloctollin... I'm sure you have much practice at it... SteveLongQuatl... Now, to take this pulp supplement and bend it to a Pulp Stargate theme... Jak
  19. Re: Three New HPAs in the Online Store Ok, I've been going over the Inner-Earth pub, and I have to give it a big . All the Aztec names are a bit hard to pronounce... but it's kept me pretty riveted so far... Kudos, Evil Steve... I mean *CURSE YOU!!!* Jak
  20. Re: Pulp Hero Resources Hehheheheh... Thanks mucho, my friend. I'll try my best to keep coming up with things to post... Jak
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Who ya gonna call? Jak
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