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Kraven Kor

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Everything posted by Kraven Kor

  1. So, Legal but GM beware. Got it; kind of what I figured but wanted to be sure I was understanding things correctly.
  2. That is kind of what I am thinking and leaning towards; but again when reading "Time Limit" or "Delayed Effect" or the like, it seems even the 24 Hour Continuous Charge Force Field would be legal RAW; and that is fine if so but I'll likely not allow it "as such." But is the 24 Hour Continuing Charge Force Field? In theory, an attack power has a "lasting effect" in the sense of the damage done; so swapping an attack out of the VPP does not undo the damage dealt. Things are a bit trickier once looking at defensive powers or attack powers that don't just deal damage (entangle, for instance.) Nobody would rule that if you entangled someone, then dropped the entangle from the VPP, the entangle effect would end. (Or, heck, maybe some will argue that and are in fact correct.
  3. Well, that is for any power that doesn't have some sort of "duration" advantage that I am talking about. In theory, if you build a Force Field that Only Costs End to Activate and has a single, continuing charge that lasts for 24 hours, one could configure VPP to include this power, activate it, then remove it from the VPP to free up the real points for other powers, while keeping the benefits of the Force Field. I think that is even *legal* but could be wrong. Continuing Charges, Time Limit, and Delayed Effect all work similarly in this regard, so far as my understanding goes.
  4. This question probably mostly applies to Fantasy HERO, but I can see it coming up in any genre. Right now, for my Steampunk HERO campaign, I am trying to stick to the letter of the law so far as how much can be active in the VPP based on Pool costs and the real-point cost of each slot. And, for now, I am not allowing anything that is "activate and leave running" without that power taking up its real points in the pool. So you can have a power with a continuing charge, but for the duration that this charge lasts, the power is taking up part of your pool. I know that it is legal to use things like Time Limit, Continuing Charges, or Delayed Effect to create powers that have a duration but are "fire and forget." What is the official ruling on this for a VPP? Is it legal to, say, buy a Damage over Time Healing Spell or a Costs-End-Only-to-Activate Armor spell, with Delayed Effect or similar to be able to activate this power, then remove it from your VPP pool to swap in another power, with the "duration" advantage letting the swapped-out power continue to apply? Is that just all adjudicated in FH by the "INT / 5" active spells? How do you / would you rule on such VPP slots?
  5. Could someone make one that covers higher advantage levels, up to +2 or so? I... suck at making PDF's but could extrapolate from this and make an excel sheet.
  6. I think some skills may degrade far slower than others, and just "fact recall" for KS skills probably only decays once our minds start to slip. I recall reading somewhere that, in all reality, everything we have ever seen, heard, read, or done is indeed locked in our grey matter somewhere - 2.5 petabytes of data, if the random article I just googled is accurate (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=what-is-the-memory-capacity.) The main problem is recalling it, accessing it, since the brain is constantly creating new connections. Something like that.
  7. 100% with you there. Though I really don't think too many "problem players" are doing so to purposefully to have fun at other's expense; I think it is just all part of geeks having some oddball social interactions and personality disorders and finding a group that all has the same viewpoint / problems / needs is not simple. So again I give everyone the benefit of the doubt that they are not being rude or dumb or difficult with any real intent to do so; more just a part of their personality and experiences. And I have *failed* at two online campaigns due to assorted drama of this nature - and wondering if I am part of the problem
  8. I sincerely think that such players are more interested in "playing the game of arguing about the game" than the actual game. And that can be both good and bad; some players pull off rules arguments with less emotion / melodrama than others. I know that in text-based games some GM's have taken me as being melodramatic or argumentative; not really my intent, but intent "does not equal" results
  9. Alternately, you tell him to inhabit the body of, say, your least-favorite Talking Head (Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow, take your pick.) Then take bets to see if anyone notices the difference
  10. Hardcase PUNCHES the extra-dimensional entity?
  11. Exactly. Greatest American Hero got all his powers from the suit (well, sometimes...) Blindside mentioned above would only be OIHID on some or all powers if he could not use said power(s), at all, when not in "costume" or in the alternate ID.
  12. In the entire campaign, she was able to hold a brick off the ground for a few phases once. Figure basic 12- to 13- DEX roll. Ended up being no more "overpowered" than an entangle. Your Results May Vary.
  13. "Only In Heroic" or "Only in Alternate Identity" is really only for characters who can not, for one reason or another, use their powers "outside" their heroic identity or costume. Shazam has no powers until he says "Shazam!" and becomes, uh, Shazam! Iron Man only has powers when in his suit. Superman has powers even when not in his costume; and thus should not be built with OIAD / OIHID even if intending to "never use powers outside of costume" to protect Secret ID.
  14. Nazi Germany decided that the Jews "had to go." Not every German citizen supported this, and many helped hide Jewish families, etc. Nothing - nothing - is ever so simple or black and white as "us vs. them." You will always have those going along with it because that is just what they do, others going along with it because they agree with the sentiment, and still others who range from silent complicity to rebellious sabotage.
  15. My rule on this was a DEX roll for the TK'd person to grab onto something; if they could grab onto something, they could resist the TK (but still had to "abort" an action to do so in most cases.) Otherwise, hello person floating in mid-air flailing about like it is going to do them any good
  16. Not until they have hit the level were D20 breaks down - from the spells being cast, I think we are closte
  17. Oh and the restrainable deal is still on some powers; but mostly the sensory stuff, and the offensive multipower. Most of his core powers (defenses, base strength and such) are not restrainable and never were.
  18. OK. Removed the IIF and the "Cybernetics" Custom Modifier. Dropped UT and some other stuff, reduced some of the sensory stuff, added the "Always On" to the armor (for now - again, if good enough for Supes, good enough for me, until told otherwise...) Raised defenses a touch in the process - 25 Normal / 15 Resistant. Hardcase v. Umpteen-dot-Three Hardcase 6E - Legal 3.pdf
  19. Well, that depends more on how the points are spent, than so much how many points are given; to an extent. You can build a 400 point "normal person" with zero points in powers who just has a lot of skills, contacts, perks, and resources. Or you can build a 150 point super-soldier hyper-focused on death and destruction. AP and attack / defense limits I think are a better way to encourage "lower power levels" than just limiting the total Character Points.
  20. Well, if it is good enough for superman, should I put "Always On" on Armor and DE Slots and such?
  21. Re: Unified Power I'm not sure I like that idea; since the idea with Unified Power is if one power is drained or disabled or whatever, they all are, yes? For now, I'm trying to see what I can do to drop at least the Cybernetics advantage and get defenses back up to 20 rPD or so.
  22. Well, I'm the GM for this one - setting up some default equipment and "magic items" and such for my campaign / setting. I don't see too big of an issue, but if you want to elaborate on potential issues I'm all ears. The idea is the gun has bullets in a clip, so that is the charges, then it has an END reserve to fuel the END costs of the electrical half. I suppose I could just wrap that into the charges overall.
  23. On character origins and such: I basically said that all "mutation" was based on any or all of the various aliens and other-dimensional entities cross-breeding with humans: Angel + Human = Regeneration, Superstrength, invulnerability, some "light-based" magic powers, "retractable" wings Demon + Human = Fire powers, mind control powers, darkness powers, "magic" Shivan (Hindu God Aliens) + Human = Shapeshifting, superhuman stats, flight without wings, lots of stuff really Sumerian God + Human = Crazy mind powers, extra-dimensional energies, teleportation
  24. Again: Is there an official character along the same lines - Cyborg / Bionic Man - I could look at to see the "official" way to build such? But yes, 400 points is *really hard* to make a well-rounded character with (yet surprisingly easy to make an overpowered one-hit wonder.)
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