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Posts posted by Sundog

  1. With Belle, while the French language aspect is great, why not use somewhere else it's spoken? She could be Angolan, Haitian or New Caledonian. Or Vietnamese.

    (Come to that, I like Vietnamese. Good reason for her to have other languages and not perhaps what would be expected by someone being pursued by a P.I.)

  2. Sicarius, a lot of what you say is true. But what is also true is that US police are way too quick to escalate the situation in far too many cases. 

    I have seen, both personally and in various media, police turning up to a fraught situation and only making things worse. Instead of calming the situation and separating the factions they come in as Mister Big and start announcing this and saying that when they have NO IDEA what the actual situation is. And, yeah, I've seen that blow up in their face too.

    Alternatively, they come in as a first action, everybody gets cuffed. And then they wonder why even the putative victims don't want to talk to them.

    And in this case, I don't need to see anything more. I don't need to give ANYONE the benefit of the doubt. They pepper sprayed a nine year old child in the face. There can BE no excuse for this.

  3. Just remember that you don't want to lose ALL your hair. Losing eyebrows can be a pain in the neck in warm environments since you no longer have them channelling sweat away from the eyes, and losing eyelashes - which can happen in some forms of baldness - is actively bad for your eyes, as they prevent most small particle intrusion into the eye socket.


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