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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. Hasn’t Harlan Sanders been dead since the early ‘80’s? And kind of well.......“We don’t give grandpa the tv remote.” before that? He may not have liked anything but his afternoon custard.
  2. Sometime ago when they had to start providing the nutritional info on their products, they decided to tinker with the recipe of the chicken to reduce the amount of salt. (one of the 11 herbs & spices) While I don’t eat the coleslaw, I’d be willing to bet they did the same thing about the sugar.
  3. Going through caffeine withdrawal is much easier when you’re in the Intensive Care Unit and wasting away again in Margaritaville on Demerol. It’s being told afterwards that you can’t have any anymore that’s a b1+ch. Nowadays I watch Dunkin Donuts commercials like they’re porn.
  4. While for me, having to give up coffee (due to heart problems) is one of the great screaming unfairnesses of my life.
  5. I’m going to admit something no guy is supposed to say..........I can’t stand the taste of beer. I’ve had people try to convince me that I just never had the right type or brew or whatever and I’ve had to taste a lot of stuff I didn’t like to appease them. So let’s not make this one of those sessions. When I do drink (I keep VERY strict rules for myself about how or if I’m getting home) I either go with sweet drinks like rum & cola or sea breeze or good quality Irish whiskey. This keeps me from the power drinkers, because I can switch out the first two with non alcoholic substitutes over the course of the night or I can insist that “You don’t pound 25 year old whiskey.”
  6. I agree that if my regular group were getting like this it might be a sign of trouble ahead. But Dsatow said this was at a Con and play one time/never see each other again groups are usually hyped up on adrenaline and caffeine and get into a “no consequence’s” mindset.
  7. Pink Floyd: Live in Venice 1989 “Night of Wonders concert from a floating platform in the Venetian lagoon. It attracted 200,000 fans in St.Mark’s Square. Thank you PBS.
  8. I also am old enough to have lived through the ‘70’s and due to a misspent youth far too much of it was spent in bars and discos (not drinking, I worked with a few bands as a roadie) so while I am pained to admit some of the dance music back then is more palatable now and the folk/rock stuff was nice.....most of the music stunk. As an example I give you...........Rick Dees’ musical masterpiece, Disco Duck!
  9. Don’t fault yourself, it is kind of a brick. More for scholars and purists than comfortable listening. The original album had only five cuts. Maybe the brevity is part of its brilliance?
  10. NOW YOU TELL ME!?!?!?! I just made my first purchase of a PDF from the online store about 2 1/2 hours ago. Bwah-ha-ha on Tjack!
  11. No she doesn’t. Even though they’ve been separated for years my father’s being killed hit her hard. She’s torn as it is wanting to make sure I’m safe here in the city with her and needing to continue her work. I don’t think she could handle this “night job” of mine very well. I love her and she trusts me and I feel like I’m betraying her by going behind her back like this. But I’ve been given this opportunity to do some good in the world. To be the kind of man my father was. He gave his life in a shootout with a crew of human traffickers. He died so that those women and the ones who would have come after could be free. Now some aliens hand me this suit and suddenly I’m facing the same kind of choices he made. He couldn’t be with the woman he loved because what he did scared her so much. I can’t put her though that. But I can’t stop doing this either. That’s why I want to learn everything you have to teach. The better I can be, the longer I can go before she’ll know.
  12. OK then. My Fath- uh, somebody who taught me used to tell me about stake-outs. The best ways to blend in, the need for stillness. He used to say it was a lot like hunting. The way you have to let the forest settle back around you while you waited for the quarry to come to you. The young man turned his head away to look out his window. I’m hoping to learn that kind of thing from you. That and the other things I’m gonna need to know to try and make a difference here. I get that your not the most talkative of people and I’m not expecting us to be best buddies, but if your expecting me to just be some unquestioning soldier in your war than we’re both going to be disappointed. I’ve just heard some things about how you work and I wanted to get things straight right from the start...sir.
  13. The Batmobile raced thru the blackness. It’s specially tuned headlights unseeable to outsiders, but from behind the matching windshield they illuminated the night. The silence inside the speeding car was only broken by the hum of the powerful motor and occasional reports from the Police broadcasts coming from the speakers. The young man in the passenger seat finally had to speak. So did you have some specific plan in mind or is this just a stake-out and surveillance situation. I mean I don’t mind putting in the work, but I do need to be back home before my Mother gets back from the lab. She’s supposed to be there late tonight working on a test run or something and while being able to fly up to my bedroom window while invisible does help with the whole sneaking back in part...I DO need to be there if she opens my door to check on me.
  14. All right then, I guess that puts me with you sir. Unless you have some other idea, I’ll try to keep up.
  15. Well...isn’t that something. I’ll call you whatever you want to be called, but the question still stands about tonight. What’s the plan sir? Where do you want us?
  16. “How are ‘ya doing miss.” “I guess you can call me Paladin, I’m a little new at all this and I’m just a guy trying to help.” “I’m pretty strong and fast, I can fly and throw energy bolts but the thing I think that will be most useful tonight is that I can turn invisible.”
  17. The young man leaning against the wall finally spoke as he stepped forward into the light. He took his hands out of the pockets of his jacket. The strange emblem over its heart matched the one on the chest of his dark red costume. “Well sir, it looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” he said in a slight Western drawl. He began to load his equipment from the table into his own pocketed belt and slipped the grappling gun in the holster like pocket on his hip. “Exactly where do you want us stationed, Miss?” pointing at the map.
  18. This makes sense. During the ‘80’s Ferrer and Mumy were in a band called Seduction of the Innocent that played a lot of the comics conventions. One of their songs “King Jack” was about Mr. Kirby.
  19. Well, don’t just sit there man! Daydream! NOW!!! THAT’S AN ORDER, MISTER!!!!!
  20. Did he appear as himself or in another role? I’ve seen stuntcasting on real world TV shows done both ways.
  21. You could be right, but that’s where I first saw the term used and was told that’s where it came from. But what in the name of Shuma-Gorath is a Ward Batty? I know a Roy Batty, but he’s gone now...like tears in rain.
  22. It’s like an arctic version of The Fox & The Hound.
  23. HI SPECKS!!!!!!!! I’m Tjack, and if nobody else said it, welcome to the show! A lot of the info you’re asking about is on the profiles for each member. I started playing in the early ‘80’s and played continuously for about twenty years. Health issues put me into retirement from gaming but I like hanging out here for the people and to maybe help some new gamers along the way. My Avatar is the statue of an Orangutan some friends took a picture of and sent me. Many long decades ago I was at an all summer night game session at a college we used to play at, when I came back into the room after a 3:00 am junk food run to the machines, plopped down at the table dull-eyed, very full beard in disarray, head in hands. One of my best friends looked at me and said “Do me a favor, say “Ape Shall Not Kill Ape”. I lifted my shaggy head and proceeded with the Paul Williams as an orangutan scientist monologue about time travel. And such was a legend born! For many years after I got Dr. Zaius toys, coffee mugs and such for every birthday & Christmas. The answers to your other questions will probably just as long and only undertaken by specific request. If you want to get to know about me or any of us your best bet is just go to the profiles of somebody whose response to a thread you like and read some of their old stuff. Happy Hunting.
  24. ———————————————-SOME SPOILERS?_____________________________________________ Well let me cop to this first...I never got into The Walking Dead, and I always thought that the whole Marvel Zombie thing was a cheap advertising stunt run amok. For those who don’t follow such things the term Marvel Zombie was coined sometime in the ‘60’s or ‘70’s for Stan’s Marvel Bullpen columns for someone fanatical in their love for the comics. It was then taken in the community as a slam for somebody who ONLY read Marvel. No DC, no indie books, no anime, no nothing...and was annoying about it. Then came the success of the Walking Dead series. Marvel’s promotional staff leapt on the idea of a special issue incorporating the term into a whole book. And like a science experiment escaping from the lab a phenomenon was born. The episode was good enough and I suspect will be a “To be continued” situation. I did spend a lot of the episode mistaking the character with the thick accent for Michael Morbius (The Living Vampire) who will be featured in an upcoming movie, but it was just one of “those wombats” from the Ant-Man film. The things that are always good were good here. (How soon we become jaded.) and I believe many of not most of you will enjoy this offering. Me, I’m just waiting for next week.
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