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    Certified reacted to Pariah in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Avengers International:
    Captain Britain
    Thunderbird I
    Black Panther 
    Nico Minoru
    Pyro (reformed)
  2. Sad
    Certified reacted to Pattern Ghost in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Blue Ops Avengers:
    Blue Marvel
    Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
    Blue Devil
    Blue Falcon
    The Tick
    Enemy: Dr. Manhattan
    It's a multi-company crossover event.
  3. Haha
    Certified reacted to Bazza in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Yep, I'm done. Waiting for Pariah to slap me.  
  4. Haha
    Certified reacted to st barbara in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    John Steed, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Purdey, Gambit !?
  5. Like
    Certified reacted to clnicholsusa in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    I said there was a catch. Ok, let me try again and I'll make sure to only use characters that were officially Avengers but never Defenders.
    Let's see, we need a leader with brains AND the ability to survive long enough to impart his plan to the rest of the team, so, Mr. Fantastic. Now we've got to have some pure muscle, let's add The Thing. Then we'll need some characters that can infiltrate, hit hard from a distance, tank some damage and, oh yeah, fly, so let's throw in the Storm siblings, Sue and Johnny. OK, now... wait... I did it again.
    Never mind, I'll just put down my favorite characters:
    Henry Pym (yes, the one in the lab coat) Moon Knight Dazzler Machine Man Mr. Immortal Jack of Hearts
  6. Like
    Certified reacted to GestaltBennie in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Cap (Steve)
    Thor (Sigard Jarlson)
    Hawkeye (Clint)
    Captain Marvel (Monica)
    Captain Marvel (Carol)
    Scarlet Witch
    Black Widow
    Hank Pym/Antman
    Super Skrull (forcibly assigned, for conflict)
  7. Thanks
    Certified reacted to Pariah in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Pariah =>  <= Starlord 
  8. Like
    Certified reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Well, since pretty much every character in Marvel has been an Avenger at one point or another, you have a lot to choose from, but I think I'm gonna go with this lineup:
    Captain America
    Iron Man
    Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)
    That's enough power and leadership to handle pretty much anything.  The only more powerful team is the old Defenders (Dr Strange, Silver Surfer, Hulk, and a few others).
  9. Like
    Certified reacted to Psybolt in Who Is Your All-Time Avengers All-Star Team?   
    Captain America
    Iron Man
    Scarlet Witch
  10. Like
    Certified reacted to Pattern Ghost in Representation Matters   
    So, it's a pic of him installing Windows 10?
  11. Thanks
    Certified reacted to Dr.Device in Representation Matters   
    Understandable. I remember that incident and was thinking about it after I wrote this. So, for the record,
    This is me two and a half years ago, right before I came out to myself:

    And this is me three days ago:

    I look a little different, but I think you can see me there in both.
    And, just to be thorough, here's a video of me saying who I am.
    (But also, look at my join date on my profile. I'd have to be playing the really long game on this)
  12. Like
    Certified reacted to Dr.Device in Representation Matters   
    So, recently on the Politics thread, I mentioned that I'm transgender. When I came out a couple of months ago, I changed my gender field on my profile to female, and put real pic of me as a profile pic. But I didn't post anything here. I'd considered doing it at the same time I was coming out on social media, but I didn't. I'm not sure why. I only brought it up in the politics thread because it was relevant to the argument I was making.
    But this evening, when I was watching a show with a trans character, I started thinking about how important representation is to me, and to all people, really. I was thinking about the fact that, until someone says something otherwise (or their name indicates otherwise) on these boards (and on the internet in general) , I tend to imagine them as a straight white male. I think a lot of people do that. I mean, I don't think we even do it consciously, but I'm aware of the times when someone says something that reveals that they aren't a SWM, and I'm a little bit surprised. I don't like that. It bothered me when I identified as a straight white male, and it bothers me now.
    And that's why I'm posting this. Representation is important. I want any other LGBTQ folks on the boards to know they're not alone. Also, if anyone's curious about what it's like to be trans, and to transition, I way overshare on my Tumblr, or feel free to ask me any (not too personal) questions here.
  13. Like
    Certified got a reaction from Pariah in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    The Dragon (s) The Doctors (Reed Richards) - specifically, all the corrupt members exiled from the Council of Reed's.

  14. Like
    Certified reacted to Psybolt in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Option:  Carrie (Carrie)

  15. Like
    Certified reacted to csyphrett in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    I would like to pick Egon Spangler as my sixth hero.
  16. Like
    Certified reacted to Psybolt in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Hero:  Dr. Henry Jones Sr.

  17. Haha
    Certified reacted to Psybolt in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Hero:  Sister Jude (American Horror Story: Asylum)-- 1964

  18. Like
    Certified reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    The San Dimas Dragon, none other than the legendary Dracula!

  19. Like
    Certified reacted to Doc Shadow in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Hero: Victor Von Doom. Doom 2099 version

    Well anti-hero really, but for our purposes Doom will be heroic.
  20. Like
    Certified reacted to death tribble in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Hero 3. The Great and Powerful Turtle just after the attack on the Astronomer's headquarters (still during the spawn attacks)
  21. Like
    Certified reacted to Hermit in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Hero #3: Zorro aka Diego de la Vega
  22. Like
    Certified reacted to Hermit in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Second Hero Pick: Doc Savage
  23. Like
    Certified reacted to death tribble in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Things do not look good for our heroine......
  24. Like
    Certified reacted to Psybolt in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    Hero#2:  Marion Crane (Psycho)- 1960

  25. Like
    Certified reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in June '18 Superdraft: A War for the Ages   
    The option, time traveling device for San Dimas heroes, the Phone Booth.

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