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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Charmed it was a tv show about three sisters (later there was a 4th) who are witches, the "Charmed Ones" who use the power of three to defend the world against evil with... OHHHH I think I get it. Yeah they had those kind of charms too
  2. Pretty damn boss short film about Poland being caught between the bear and the wolf
  3. I have a soft spot for Quark. he actually had some pretty boss episodes, and did Odo have a Klingon House? No he did not! Quark wins! Charmed Sisters Prue, Piper, Phoebe, or Paige?
  4. I'm more of a Trek fan so I'll say Klingons But I got nothing against Wookies. They're cool. Dragonlance time Tinker Gnomes vs Kender?
  5. Oh I am beyond out raged, outraged I say! Government trainee washes out on CiA program, gets even cushier assignment!
  6. Honestly, I don't use these terms in casual conversation but Donald Trump dishonors our nation on an almost daily basis.
  7. Col. Mustard. he often has a magnificent mustache or even a monocle! Swords and Sandals or Steampunk?
  8. As I said, the concerns I would have had existed already in the non electric ones. But with cars increasily chipped and lojacked for police, insurance companies, and anyone who knows how to hack same I think that pretty much our cars are increasingly on the grid 24/7 to the point where soon you might as well have a cop in the back seat of your car. Worse, I'm pretty sure eventually companies will be selling data on our driving habits. I"m not a fan of cameras everywhere either mind you and don't get me started on corporations insisting on being 'friended' on face book. It's a violation of the 1st Amendment in my opinion
  9. What would bother me about Electric Cars has already happened with the computerized gasoline models of the last decade and a half anyway. Privacy concerns and all that. For me? one favorite benefit of electric cars is that they're made of fewer parts and thus should (knock on wood) break down less and be easier to repair (Though there will be a learning curve and I see a lot of old mechanics cursing)
  10. IMO Well, because that's murder and 99.9% of us frown on that despite what our TV shows might have non-Americans believe. Also...the Secret Service guys will drop you in a New York Minute even if their charge isn't worth spit.
  11. Yeah, Next Election we need as a country not to vote for him again in numbers that satisfy the electoral college
  12. Yeah, Diana had plenty of flaws imo as well. And she developed as a character beautifully. Arrogant innocence was shattered and in its place grew a more wiser yet still loving resolve. Diana sees that all is not simple, that the people of this world outside her island are flawed and messed up, and she decides they're worth caring about anyway. They're worth fighting for anyway. She doesn't become Jaded and bitter, rather she realizes that the fact they try so hard to rise above their worst makes them even more precious. And yes, she'll give too much of herself again and again.
  13. It is my regret that I cannot bring Maureen O'Hara from her prime in the past to play the starring role in a Boudica movie with today's resources. An hour and a half of her like that and I'd probably leave the theatre wanting to kill Romans myself
  14. I am not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV, but increasingly I think our President is a barely functioning sociopath
  15. Agreed but then we go back to Sociotard's mention of one word that might fit "Despair" Leave someone in the desert long enough, any oasis will be tried. Whether its a mirage, or worse, poisoned.
  16. It's hard, but it could be worse. I could be a Canadia...oh wait, Wolverine. You guys are set. *Sigh* Nah. I'm actually loving everything I'm seeing about the Black Panther movie. And if it has the perk of making folks of African American descent (or for that matter folks IN Africa) inspired and aspiring, hey! Awesome on top of awesome.
  17. Oh, it is certainly NOT just a liberal thing. I am myself pissed off that we have some delicate 'snowflakes' on the conservative side who take KNEELING as a sign of disrespect. But that will lead to a rant if I get going. And it's more than that. Suffice to say your cousin in law has plenty of mirror images on the conservative side. I've met them. *Sigh*
  18. Going with Lord Liaden I've seen the effect, or more accurately I have a friends who have seen it. One of them works at a College as an Admin and teacher . She also works with sunday school kids too. So she's dealing with everything from tiny tykes to college age young women. And they are JAZZED. I mean, really really jazzed. The movie means more to them than being just a really good superhero film. They are actually inspired. Little girls are playing superheroes more than ever because they feel included more. College Age gals are more interested in superhero stuff (And my friend who is no slouch is happy to fill them in). Now I'm not saying that will translate to more comic book sales. But I know some in ten years some of those college age ladies will be looking to their daughters, and using whatever passes for DVDs by then and going "This movie is one of my favorites and I think it will mean a lot to you too" But I might just be a sap. Look, Patty Jenkins set out to make a movie not for women but just a damn good movie about a superhero! But the point is a segment of the female population has taken it to heart. It means something personal to them that it may not to me and I think LL is right on about it. And that's good. It's GREAT! Now here's hoping the Gambit movie is on so I get a little positive Southerner representation... oh wait, he's a thief and a bit of a jerk. *Sigh* Oh well
  19. I think the lashing out in this case is even stronger because there is a perceived lack of voice. It's not just a matter of others cutting in line, it's a matter of being sidelined entirely, or, again, the perception of it. Examples I have heard and to some degree agree with but I think are oversimplified: Illegal Immigrants are breaking the law. Point this out, or even use the term "illegal" and you may be listed a racist and any further argument on your part dismissed. Me? I'm more angry with corporations on this subject than I am the individuals but that won't save me if someone decides ANY Problem with illegal immigration means bigotry. Some are angry about the PC movement for the same reason. It seems to many that terms White Privilege is used less and less for "Many minorities suffer historical disadvantages that have affected the current day and more" for "If you are a straight white male-shut up". The term comes across as being used to shut down discourse instead of actually getting one going; however noble the original intent behind it. Oh, and racist doesn't mean racist anymore. it means YOU a white guy can be racist. Because someone has decided to redefine it so that only you can really be a racist since only YOU have the power. (Stated as fact, and you can't even debate the nature of power without a label on your forehead). It does smack suspiciously of rigging the discourse. Oh, stagnant wages in the city are a problem... but you know those rural and suburban folks are just hilarious when they gripe about it and should shut up. And if your job is obsolete, why don't you just take go get a college degree in something useful? As if it were that easy, or even always possible (Again, PERCEPTION) The general feeling I get from many is if you shut folks out of a conversation and turn that conversation into a 24/7 Lecture, one utterly lacking good faith, don't be surprised if they get up and walk away. And don't be surprised if some scam artist like trump curries their favor by pretending HE hears them and won't scoff. Again, I'm talking PERCEPTION as much as facts (Which are often multilayered and complicated).. I think the curse of America 2017 is we have most of the population wearing tunnel vision goggles. Honest to god, if the middle class and down minorities and the middle class whites could lift those and look around, they might eat the rich or at least the bankers and CEOs of fortune 500 companies But that's another gripe. And I don't want to go 100 Marx Barring Groucho, NEVER go 100 Marx EDIT: And excuse the many typos and worse. I used to know English. I really did.
  20. Folks tend to lash out against injustice, whether it is true injustice or just perceived as such.
  21. Begonias! I think they're kind of puurdy Hide and Go Seek or King of the Hill?
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