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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. That's it. That's the sort of nasty look a Moray has.
  2. mattingly, are you perhaps serious about a molasses flood ?
  3. With Orca, it's the human, eyes, nose, mouth bit. Makes him look a tad simple. Maybe lose the human eyes so you can just see the Orca eyes on the side of the head. and the bottom half is too white. It needs perhaps a touch of black at the edges on the legs and feet. Sort of a symmetry with the top.
  4. I liked the switch you could pull with Lung Hung. And it works. Had to beek up the dex in outr campaign but otherwise they were still the same. I'll download the file and give it a look see.
  5. Mangog, You are to be congratulated. You took some of the worse drawings from a Champions product and made them look good. The Man O War one is absolutely wonderful. The Coral one is just right. However the new look Orca does not look as good and the Moray looks too cute. The latter needs to look a little more threatening. The former is just my view. With Moray it is the eye and the teeth that give me the impression.
  6. Q. What was the traditional greeting given to Jessie Helms every time he appeared in Louisiana ? A. It was a controversial points decision.
  7. So DC has never been destroyed. Mind you the British burned down the White House in the war of 1812..... And Boston. Boston has not been destroyed..... Saw a documentary about the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. And that sent Pyroclastic flows which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum. So aside from Mount St Helens, are there any volcanoes near American cities and which cities ?
  8. Why knock off Pittsburgh ? That was done in the Marvel Alternate Universe leaving a huge pit. And in reality, Chicago was burned down and San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake. Then there is the earthquake that is supposed to destroy Los Angeles. A hurricane destroyed Galveston at the turn of the century. So couple of questions Have any other American cities been destroyed (in reality) ? And has Los Angeles ever been destroyed before ? I seem to recall that Alaska was hit by a big earthquake in the 1950s.
  9. This was discussed I think in the old Hero Games magazines. If you don't have Code Against or Killer, then you have the 0 (zero) point Reluctant to Kill. That means you won't kill someone if they are on the deck and unconscious. However you would attempt to save your life by firing at someone. You MIGHT kill them but you would not be shooting them with the express purpose of killing them.
  10. Q. Governor Schwarzenegger, what can every voter expect from your first budget ? A. The 1,376,823 rd Brigade of the US Marine corps, the infamous Screaming Pansies.
  11. The Spymaster also stayed dead. He was an Iron Man villain and was killed by the Ghost. They were both phasing through a wall but the Ghost was quicker and got the tech off Spymaster before he finished phasing through.
  12. I see your point Serpent. However there is no reason why we can't bend things tosuit our own purposes is there ?
  13. The Germans used railguns in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. However acording to the urban legend or the history, the Germans hid their railguns in tunnels which they then concealed. And then lost their location. So somewhere in Europe are some very large guns. And that's where Viper got the idea or pinched the things from.
  14. After a little browsing the Viper book I came up with this:- Everyone Knows it's Windy Viper kidnap the team's resident mystic or a mystic NPC friend of the team. Investigation reveals that a number of recent Viper plans have been foiled by inexplicable winds. Is a new wind using hero/heroine evading their detection or is Bora back with a vengeance ? The Sidewinder sleeps tonight. In the jungle, the mighty jungle See Viper flex their might In the jungle, the quiet jungle Witch doctors see their plight A Wim away etc Hush my people ! Don't fear my people ! Sidewinder sleeps tonight Hush my people ! Don't fear my people ! All Viper sleeps tonight A Wim away etc Viper kidnap some people close to the team. If the team go to darkest Africa and rescue/revive Viper personnel including Viper, their friends go free. But what were Viper up to in the first place and what exactly took down Sidewinder and friends ?
  15. Q. You've booked singing mime artists ? Who are they ? A. The **** me Satan show.
  16. Mangogs pictures remind me of the robots in Flash Gordon. a Sumo wrestler. Is Auger a Sumo wrestler or failed one because the costume is spot on.
  17. Look on the bright side. Nighthawk is not Seeker. I like Nighthawk more than like some of his team mates or wannabe team mates.
  18. Q. What did the Food Standards Agency pass onto the Justice Deopartment as a disturbing development in the Nation's Sexuality ? A. 'I haven't had so much fun since I made Mechanon break down and cry like a baby on the Jerry Springer show'
  19. Q. What remark in the restaurant gave away Mechanon's half human robot stooges ? A. The Heinrich manoeuvre
  20. I aim to bump off Kinetik. He annoys me.......
  21. Q. What was the noise made by the Atlanta Braves when they failed to advance in the play offs ? (Well it's topical) A. Grond ! Grond ! I love you but we only have 14 hours to destroy the Earth !
  22. Q. What did Captain Hardy say when Admiral Nelson gave him his arm ? (Nelson lost his arm in battle for the non Napoleonic fans) A. Tasty, Tasty, Very, Very Tasty ! It's Very Tasty !
  23. JmOz, This would have bugged the Dickens out of me as well. It is understandable if the characters are Morlocks or Punisher/Wolverine types but otherwise no.
  24. Where are the Champions going ? Why to Bognor Regis ! Mind you this is for a holiday. I mean you can go to Disney world anytime, so come to sunny Bognor !
  25. Hermit, Thanks for that. I have not seen MASH in a long while but that was really funny. I could just imagine him doing that. As to V Bay. That could work. Other organised crime units would make use of it as well.
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