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    Khymeria reacted to Stanley T in After Victorian Hero...   
    The thing is, adventures do exist...on DriveThrougRPG,... through 3rd party publishers...
    They exist. They are available. But if nobody buys them...
  2. Like
    Khymeria got a reaction from wcw43921 in Pulp Images   
    Never built in the real world, but many of these cool prototype vehicles are being built for the upcoming Justice Inc. setting. I’ve been running down specs on all these cool vehicles for months. 
  3. Like
    Khymeria reacted to wcw43921 in Pulp Images   
    This, perhaps, is your hero's motorcycle--the 1934 BMW R7, the coolest motorbike that was never built.


  4. Thanks
    Khymeria reacted to Michael Struck in Pulp Images   
    Of course, we can't forget the motorcycles.
    A sidecar is always a good idea:

    This is later (1948) but I love it:

    But I think this is the ultimate Pulp motorcycle:

    Those are the 1930 Majestic, 1948 Moto Major, and 1930 Henderson KJ Streamline, respectively.
  5. Like
    Khymeria reacted to JackValhalla in Who Is The Weirdest Villain You Ran?   
    His powerset is pretty straightforward, he's a techie that builds weapons and inventions for the other villains in his team, but he also has an ability to teleport into a space within line of sight. When he does that, it sets off several nested trigger powers that all have extremely randomized effects. He is also immortal and regenerates from death. Okay so far?
    He's an amnesiac, and he's motivated to find out where he comes from and how he got these powers. He turned to villainy because it takes money to track down his past, and criminal connections are more likely to be useful than hero connections. Okay so far?
    His shadow is on a one-second delay. Any dice rolled in his presence come up as 3s, every time. Food that he touches is automatically broken down into minced cubes.  He has 5 dice of unluck. There is a large tattoo on his back, of an antimatter periodic table that appears to somehow be accurate. He is a genius at a dozen different highly diverse scientific fields. He speaks English, Mohawk, Serbian, and Aramaic, and doesn't know where he learned those from. He has a vehicle proficiency for Giant Mecha, and no idea where he learned that from. He takes 4d6 Stun damage every day at 8:14 AM and 8:14 PM. He is being hunted by time-traveling assassins that never speak. And if he combs his hair the right way, he looks exactly like Nikola Tesla.
    All of this raises a lot of questions that motivates him to learn about his own past.
  6. Thanks
    Khymeria got a reaction from HeroGM in Pulp Vehicle: Auto Union Type 52 Concept, 2023 (1934), by Audi   
    I've included a vehicle talent in the updated and upcoming Justice Inc. called "Blasting From the Running Boards." 
  7. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Asperion in Pulp Vehicle: Auto Union Type 52 Concept, 2023 (1934), by Audi   
    Make them blaster boards. 
  8. Like
    Khymeria reacted to HeroGM in Pulp Images   
  9. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Ninja-Bear in My existential crisis about SPD   
    It could but that seems to me to be more bookkeeping than it’s worth.
  10. Like
    Khymeria reacted to fdw3773 in Simplified Character Template   
    One of my ongoing goals/challenges is to introduce Hero System to new players at game conventions, who often feel overwhelmed by all the data and game details. Here's a character template example that I've tinkered with that has all of the information on one sheet. Some design notes based on previous player feedback are the following:
    1) There are no acronyms and everything is spelled out as much as possible. OCV was modified to "Total Offense Value" that includes all OCV bonuses from skills. The applicable modification was done for DCV.
    2) Skills, Talents, and Perks were consolidated and I only covered the main skills and attributes. If I covered every aspect as much as possible as before, the excessive data would be a major turnoff to the prospective players.
    3) The points invested per skill/statistic/ability is on the Hero Designer file and not listed on the character sheet. Players, especially new ones, were not interested in seeing that data granularity.
    Here's a screenshot of the final product, using the example of King Arthur that I had previously written before. The font is Arial, 10 pt. Attached is the PDF version if you want a closer look. If there's interest, I'll post the template for download.

  11. Haha
    Khymeria reacted to Ragitsu in Fantasy Immersion and the Things that Ruin it.   
    Strange women in pools, you can trust; frail old men in abandoned subterranean structures should merit a degree of caution.
  12. Like
    Khymeria reacted to ArmlessTigerMan in Fu Manchu and the Si-Fan   
    Just found another resource for Fu Manchu imitators:
    The Shadow of Fu Manchu in Weird Tales
    Jess Nevin's site is awesome, but by necessity gives a broad overview of a great number of stories and characters.  The above page goes quite deep into stories published specifically in Weird Tales with links to articles on specific authors, as well as links to issues of Weird Tales on archive.org.  I recommend it.
  13. Haha
    Khymeria reacted to Duke Bushido in I Wonder Why...   
    True, and thank you.  It hadn't occurred to mw to mention the anachronistic nature of the term itself, possibly because there are still a few people I encounter who use it, myself included (though I would have preferred a Bump of Finance, honestly).  Granted, I have had more than one person tell me I talk like my grandfather, so hey-  you get what you get. 
    That had never actually occurrred to me; thank you!  Having grown up with the term Bump of Direction, I just assumed it was more commonly-known than it may have actually been.
    Phrenology is a real and valid science!  You'll see!  One day you will be willing to trade all of your phlogiston to take back those words!
  14. Like
    Khymeria got a reaction from Rich McGee in I Wonder Why...   
    When I was writing/researching Victorian Hero I struggled with what to include about phrenology. Stick to the facts or since I was mixing history with literature and myth, have some fun with it. In the end, I just couldn’t get past the silliness of it for some reason. 
  15. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Victorian Hero released   
    Yeah he's Justice Inc/Pulp Hero like Doc Savage.  There's some crossover though, in steampunk and early pulp.
  16. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Victorian Hero released   
    Pulp Hero.
  17. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Stanley Teriaca in Victorian Hero released   
    Dose the game cover the "woman prone to faint" effect? Aka "the vapers".
  18. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Hit Locations or No Hit Locations   
    I think they make combat more dramatic and interesting, and raise the stakes.  In a superheroic game, the drama is the spectacle, the larger than life characters and action.  In fantasy or other heroic settings, its more personal, characters are actually in danger.  Leaving out the other combat stuff makes it too safe, and there's less at stake.  Its only one more roll to find the hit locations, and the GM can handle the numbers.
  19. Thanks
    Khymeria reacted to Rhodri in Victorian Hero released   
    I was so excited to see Victorian Hero come out, I accidentally order two copies through different routes.
    It's telling that I haven't finished reading it yet.
    Christopher mentioned earlier that nitpicking about misprints is annoying, and I agree.  Unfortunately I really think Victorian Hero needed much better proof-reading because there are too many misprints, some of them changing the meaning of the text, and that's only part of what bugs me about the physical copies.  For starters I'm not a fan of printing on a textured grey background, no matter how atmospheric it is.  VH is much better than most, but I still don't find reading it an enjoyable experience.  That compounds with having too small a gutter between the pages, making me paranoid that I'm about to break the binding.
    It does seem to have interesting information on people and places that I didn't already know about, which is exactly what I was looking for.  Unfortunately the info about people and places I do know about is sometimes dubious and sometimes outright misleading.  It looks like several bits got edited down for space and the gaps weren't repaired well enough, leaving behind something that I don't think was quite what was originally meant.
    I really wanted to like this book.  A lot.  But I don't.
  20. Like
    Khymeria got a reaction from Sketchpad in Could Rules for Hero Gaming System Be Getting To Complicated?   
    That would be so cool. I used it to start my campaign which is based in San Francisco, where I actually live, so it was perfect. The Protectors themselves are such a potent and interesting group, and adding in the slow twist to evil was great. I second your idea. 
  21. Like
    Khymeria got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Could Rules for Hero Gaming System Be Getting To Complicated?   
    That would be so cool. I used it to start my campaign which is based in San Francisco, where I actually live, so it was perfect. The Protectors themselves are such a potent and interesting group, and adding in the slow twist to evil was great. I second your idea. 
  22. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Could Rules for Hero Gaming System Be Getting To Complicated?   
    He did a followup of sorts in a Haymaker adventure and some assorted related things in other articles as I recall.  I wanted Heine to rewrite Serve and protect so it gets a re release.
  23. Like
    Khymeria reacted to Sketchpad in Could Rules for Hero Gaming System Be Getting To Complicated?   
    Easily one of my favorite modules. I always wished Scott Heine would give us more peeks behind his campaign.
  24. Haha
    Khymeria got a reaction from wcw43921 in Abandoned locations in your campaign world that are frequently used as hideouts by villains, criminal gangs, etc.   
    Blockbuster Video is my usual bad guy hideout, but my next adventure is a more aquatic theme so I am switching to Red Lobsters. 
  25. Haha
    Khymeria got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Abandoned locations in your campaign world that are frequently used as hideouts by villains, criminal gangs, etc.   
    Blockbuster Video is my usual bad guy hideout, but my next adventure is a more aquatic theme so I am switching to Red Lobsters. 
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