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Everything posted by Toxxus

  1. Sadly, that party doesn't exist. I recall being somewhat shocked that instead of reducing the number of active wars we actually increased it under Obama's first term. I hadn't wanted a Democratic president ever up until then and I was sure he would get us out of the endless morass of overseas wars. Nope.
  2. Perception roll at minus 4 to spot them on an opponent. For the person buying back their normal vision with the IIF contact they should take the Real Contact limitation. Wash regularly or make CON rolls to avoid an eye infection. Dislodged or broken on an 8 or less whenever you're critically hit (or hit in area 3 if using hit locations). Can get 1 level of striking appearance with some of the cosmetic options (cat-eyes, hypnotica, etc.).
  3. You could put a mirror to this and with very few alterations say the same of the Democrats. The issue is that you can't squash 330+ million people into two parties. There's no way for that to make any sense at all. Even if you took a binary toggle to only the major issues of the day you'd need dozens or hundreds of parties. And the major issues are frequently more complex and nuanced than D or R. These days a lot of the "conservatives", even ones who voted for Trump, are actually Democrats who got scared out of their own party by it's race to the left. My wife certainly falls into that category. A lot of the iconic Democrats of history would be considered staunch conservatives by modern standards.
  4. Words of power is pretty common magical theme. I would personally rule that using incantations in a darkness vs. sound effect would result in the incantations being nullified. Without sound - there are no words and they have no power. This might possibly be altered by special effects. The bard on my Wednesday night group had a darkness vs sound that was defined as deafening applause coming from his magical instrument. In that case - since the sound is being drowned out - not prevented - I could see letting the spells work.
  5. I'm trying to make the limitations roughly equal in how often they get in the way. Currently between all the grabby monsters in the game and Entangles it seems like Incantations are a free ride. Silence fields are reasonably rare, so I need some way to, at least on occasion, have Incantations cause a problem.
  6. This idea is where my internal conflict on this decision comes from. Grab allows you to restrain two limbs of your choosing as part of the maneuver and includes the head as an option. A full called shot penalty (-8 OCV for neck) to adjust grabbing the head to grabbing the head/neck in a way that interferes with speech seems excessive. A standard grab ends gestures immediately. Incantations have to be a problem in some circumstances to justify it being a limitation. Combine that with choosing neck/arm leaves the opponent a free arm to fight with and in a Fantasy setting that often means you're holding the arm/neck at the risk of being stabbed repeatedly. Great feedback though!
  7. I don't think it would be possible to point to a specific event as it most likely is a series of increasingly powerful oscillations between the two groups. Each responds more strongly to the offensive positions of the other. Civil dialogue and some actual compromise would help, but I think we're probably past that point now. I predict a violent outburst that directly affects a member of congress or two and then either escalation or a very sobering return to something approaching leadership and governance. Someone has to be the Vasili Arkhipov in this mess.
  8. In my current Fantasy Hero campaigns the ability to foil gestures is easily adjudicated. If an enemy entangles your character or grabs their arms they will not be able to gesture. If an enemy grabs your character and chooses head/neck instead of arm for one of the two limbs would you say that... 1- Incantations are not possible in this circumstance. 2- Incantations are possible, but only with great difficulty so an ability / skill check of some sort would be required. 3- Having your head/neck squeezed wouldn't interfere with Incantations. I'm currently torn between 1 and 2, but would love some feedback.
  9. The Wikipedia for the Tea Party origin has many ideas. From fiscal outrage against the Bush and Obama era financial bailout and stimulus packages to this thing below: The Tea Party movement was launched following a February 19, 2009 call by CNBC reporter Rick Santelli on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for a "tea party,"[14][15] several conservative activists agreed by conference call to coalesce against Obama's agenda and scheduled series of protests. Makes sense that if your goals are a smaller government that spends less money ( and then taxes less ) that back to back trillion dollar bailouts for greedy corporations by both a Republican and a Democrat would get you extra spicy worked up. Side Note: Investopedia has a remarkably even handed article on National Debt. I had almost forgotten what an article that wasn't in favor of one party or the other looked like. National Debt is over $60,000 per person and likely to double during Trumps presidency (like it did for Bush and Obama) due to most of the costs being baked in and unstoppable without congress actually doing their job. Canada could teach us a thing or two in this area (InvestoPedia): Spending Cuts: Canada faced a nearly double-digit budget deficit in the 1990s. By instituting deep budget cuts (20% or more within four years), the nation reduced its budget deficit to zero within three years and cut its public debt by one-third within five years. The country did this without raising taxes.
  10. Probably adjust the normal Skill Roll limitation of -1/2 to -3/4 and add an additional penalty of -2 to the roll at night time. If the character will frequently be active at night a -1 limitation might work. Possibly gradations based on time of night such as an additional -1 from Sunset to 9pm, then -2 from 9pm to 3am, and back to -1 from 3am to sunrise.
  11. The alternative for the big show was Hillary Clinton. Picking Trump over Hillary is not like picking Trump over a host of good candidates. Think about how bad the Republican array of candidates (15+ at one point) had to be for Trump to win. Congressional approval rating for April 2019 is at.... 20%. The people who voted for Trump (not me, but my wife of Mexican descent did) just wanted a not-politician. She positively thrilled with how he's doing. I just wanted not-Hillary for the last run. I would have chosen Giant Meteor - and in a way I did - by voting Libertarian. I was also pretty disgusted by how Bernie Sanders got robbed by the DNC. I completely agree with his desire to throw out super-delegates completely. 2016 was easily the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen and I am old.
  12. I've been using pathfinder content for my Fantasy Hero table so when I run into a pathfinder item that I don't know (pretty much memorized the 5th ed D&D ones) I make something up on the spot. One of the more popular items so far: Hounds Foil Boots (Invisible to smell, always on, persistent) + Flight (always on, persistent, only in contact with a surface, only to avoid leaving a trail).
  13. That's just fine. This is just part of my quest to further pin down what you can and can't do with Change Environment. Based on the scant examples I've basically used it in my campaigns for a variety of effects that are Make a Stat Roll at minus X or suffer some effect that is roughly equivalent to being 1/2 OCV/DCV or losing your turn.
  14. Mechanically, was this done as a variation of Change Environment?
  15. This encounter can be really fun when done right and give the characters a reminder of how powerful they are between battles with incredibly dangerous opponents. The Dwarven Sapper from my Saturday game hit the streets at night to get some information on the big bad they're stalking and missed his streetwise roll by a large amount. So to spice that up I had the two street toughs he was chatting up pull knives on him and tell him to "hand over the gold, little man.". I had them set as DEX 11, OCV 4, Speed 3 and the Dwarven Sapper is north of 250 pts and Speed 4 with a modest number of magical items to boot. In a single turn he has both goons down, one badly unconscious and damaged, the other out-on-his-feet without even going for his real weapons. One guy at the table remarked it was like the punks and decided to mug the Punisher and they all had a good laugh.
  16. So 1 PIP is both cheaper and 100% reliable vs. the more expensive and only 50% reliable 1/2d6 ?? That makes no sense at all. I would houserule that instantly.
  17. I must have missed something new in 6th edition. I thought 1/2d6 only did BOD on a roll of a 6 so only on a roll of a 6 would there be anything to penetrate. Wouldn't 1 pip be 0 BOD / 1 STUN = Nothing penetrates?
  18. True, you won't be the next superman, but a person who can quadruple their aptitude at anything for short bursts would still get tons of media attention. Reporter: How much can you bench? Guy: Hmm, maybe 200? Reporter: Can you lift that 700lb barbell? Guy: Sure, hold on, ~huff, huff, huff~ RAAAAAAAHHH! Repeat for how fast can you run. How fast can you solve this rubic's cube. And so on.
  19. I liked the 6th edition rule books, but I'm a software engineer. My players are mostly above average intelligence with experience playing multiple game systems and they ALL looked at the 6th edition rule books and promptly gave up on learning the system. I've had a little more success getting them to read through the Fantasy Hero Primer and Fantasy Hero Complete. Actual game play has been great. The HERO combat system is just as good as I remembered from the 80s. It's simply the best, imo. Character creation is so overwhelming that I get concepts from players and then I'll pull up HERO designer and create a basic skein and we'll tweak from there.
  20. Ah, sorry, missed that somehow. It most likely is the advantage causing the extra STR required to shift to 6 pt increments. The easy and non-optimal fix is to remove the offending advantage. Have you tried removing Range based on STR to see if it straightens it out? If that does turn out to be the problem then perhaps a post in the HERO Designer forum might get more attention.
  21. It still happens, but it takes a bit more work. On the flip side - especially in organized play (Adventurer's League) the DM has to put up with your broken character. I'm looking at you Padlock, Sorlock, and Sharpshooter/Crossbow expert with a hand crossbow. I've DM'd at conventions and watching the look on some new players face when he realizes he's being out-classed by a massive scale is kind of sad. You can see the fun drain from their souls. Player 1 - My level 11 fighter swings his axe for 3x (1d8+5) = 28.5 pts of damage per round. Player 2 - My level 11 fighter sharpshoots his hand crossbow for 4x (1d6+15) = 74 pts of damage per round and ignores range penalties and cover and doesn't have to deal with moving into position. That's probably my least favorite aspect of organized play. It would be like a player buying +12 OCV with swords - only to attack eyeballs - and being forced to allow it. Bob sweeps and hits 3 enemies in the eyeballs at once - ooh, aaah, feel the balance.
  22. I recall my father's first car phone with all of the attached equipment being heavy enough to require two hands to move around. STR MIN 15, 6d6 N damage, ablative weapon - each hit degrades the weapon until it's a bag full of broken parts and dangling wires.
  23. It also covers the flip side of that equation. It makes it harder to build an overpowered game breaking monster of a character. Constrained values make a more predictable power curve and allow for designing monsters of specific challenge levels that are more likely to work.
  24. Hero Designer can tell the difference. You have to change the STR MIN value from: 4-8 to 4 Then it will correctly add damage classes based on your strength over the STR MIN. I ran into this awhile ago myself. Basically changing the STR MIN from a range to a specific value does the trick.
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