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Just A Guy Name

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Everything posted by Just A Guy Name

  1. Re: Pirates versus Superheroes Pirates with superpowers? Look out world!
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Note to self: Must speak to Hyper-Man tomorrow.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings So... a schtick-up artist, eh?
  4. Re: What's the most useless supplement you'd actually like to see? The readability is much improved. Nice work, AH.
  5. D.f.t.t. (with apologies to Piet Hein) Put up in a place where it's easy to see The cryptic admonishment D.F.T.T. When you feel on your spirit their words take a toll, it's best to remember Don't Feed The Troll.
  6. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want? Don't wanna aid and abet? Sleeping with the enemy.
  7. Re: Mystic Contacts How about low level contacts with powerful and/or important magi from other dimensions? Such a group might have a more or less formal "network" to share knowledge amongst themselves.
  8. Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions Glad to hear you finished it, proditor! BOLTY
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Wow, it feels like I've been away for awhile.. Congratulations, Sam and James, on reaching your respective milestones! And a tip o' the hat to z-man.
  10. Re: Octopus, Centaur... what else? OddHat, you're taking this way too seriously.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings No rep for pictures! Battle cry?
  12. Re: Why the heck not? It occurs to me that if you were to allow a mental attack to go against a target's DCV, there should be a congruous option allowing a physical attack to go against ECV. Just a thought experiment.
  13. Re: A Golden Age Bulldozer? 1. The construction machine was around then so the name works in that regard. Given the historical context of it's origin (giving someone the "Bull-dose" was to beat them severely, as you would a bull), it looks appropriate for him anyway. 2. Depending on how much weaker you want him to be, you may not have to do much else besides peg his stats down. I'd suggest reducing his HTH levels to just 1, to make him less flexible, maybe reduce or eliminate the extra Running. 3. Pro Wrestling did indeed exist, though it was far less popular than boxing.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Umm.. it was a joke, haha.. heh Suddenly apprehensive, he retreats back into stealth mode.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings An apt analogy. A "wreck" icon would get a lot of use. I'll see what I can dig up. I hate rubberneckers.
  16. Re: Why the heck not? My problem with it is purely a conceptual one. If the attack is defined as "Mental Energy" (the basis for basing it on ECV) then why is the defense PD or ED instead of Mental Defense? Likewise, why is it an ECV roll for the attacker, but a DCV roll for the defender? If the attack has to be aimed, making it a physical attack, then the defense should be based on DCV, to represent the defender physically avoiding the attack. Not saying that justification for such a build is not possible, just that I'm having trouble visualising it.
  17. Re: Why the heck not? Separating the ECV roll from the other aspects of Based on ECV is something I have experimented with before, but it's a little strange to have the defender's roll remain a DEX based one.
  18. Re: Angel, the worst original character concept ever? Heh, I actually read those comics
  19. Re: Advantage on STR that lets you lift the FF's Baxtor Building in one piece I'd say that if you were inclined to toss such into a superheroic game, that it looks better (to me) as a limitation, rather than as the default. Wondering what most powers with the RWP limitation would be like.
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