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Matt the Bruins

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Everything posted by Matt the Bruins

  1. I hope there's still time to put some of these reindeer in Thor: Love and Thunder!
  2. With that much grease, you don't have to wash it down. It just slides through you like someone riding the log flume at an amusement park.
  3. He didn't say he taught it well...
  4. For years back in the early 90s I had thought Burgess Meredith long dead, recalled hearing announcements and memorials to that effect and such. Then saw some entertainment program with recent footage of him walking on the street, around the time Grumpier Old Men hit theaters. It was quite the shock, my very own Snake Plissken moment..
  5. Considering the effort Florida has been putting into winning the title for several months, that's pretty impressive Hermit!
  6. Flavored cooking oils/vinegars and a cake to friends on the East Coast. New curtains and blinds to my mom for her bedroom. A drain snake for my next door neighbor since I know he has a blocked plumbing problem. Gift cards and greeting cards to everyone else. I'm not going to give the gift of attending my untimely funeral after spending hours shopping among the mouth-breathing rednecks in my hometown.
  7. A prime example would be Allan Heinberg's and Matt Fraction's work on their respective Young Avengers series, which were highly diverse and socially conscious but concentrated first and foremost on telling good, entertaining stories. When there are talented creators interested in a project based on good ideas, the readership tends to appreciate it. Other efforts at inclusivity that I've noted either hired inexperienced writers who approached their titles agenda-first (like Gabby Rivera), or appeared to be insincere efforts that employed creators who were tone-deaf or outright mocking (Daniel Kibblesmith's cringeworthy New Warriors characters Snowflake and Safespace come to mind). Bear in mind that Marz didn't just debut a new Green Lantern, he turned the much-liked Silver Age Green Lantern into a murderous lunatic as part of the transition. Though I really think Kevin Dooley is to blame for that situation, with Marz just writing what he was ordered to.
  8. I'm not surprised to see Rick Crawford on the list. The only good thing I can say about him is that he's not as openly racist as Senator Cotton is.
  9. I check every time I get behind the wheel of my car and drive in traffic. Fortunately for the other drivers, the answer has always been "not yet" so far.
  10. Decompression of narrative is a big thing. It used to be, one issue had one complete story (and maybe a back-up story to fill a few extra pages), with maybe a few subplots continuing through multiple issues. Epic stories were told through maybe three issues. Now a lot of comics tell stories of basically the same essential import over six issues to fill out a trade paperback, with lots of filler pages of talking heads spewing multi-paragraph soliloquies. It's not as good a balance of content (though some character moments and dialog are needed to balance the action scenes and make the stories good, as Stan Lee famously proved in the 60s), and it grows boring. Particularly when you have to wait another month for the next couple of action scenes padded with page after page of monologues. I don't think it's coincidence that the trade market appears to be overtaking the single issue sales, since when packaged in that form readers can speed up the pace and skip over the dull bits if they want.
  11. I like ginger ale, particularly for a queasy stomach. Also pretty good to drink when at a bar if I don't feel like imbibing—a glass of pale champagne-looking liquid fits in a lot better than cola in a glass. Though this is where my true loyalty lies. My blood type tests as Diet Dr. Pepper.
  12. Is there anything other than using his veto power in the legislative process that Trump can do without Biden being able to almost immediately undo upon taking office? (Well, besides antagonizing another nation into declaring war on us, I mean.)
  13. Did I somehow hallucinate five of the last six MCU movies grossing over a billion dollars apiece, over TWO billion dollars in two cases?
  14. It sounds like giving him a polyester suit to wear and a box of matches to play with would do the trick without any other intervention required.
  15. I bought myself a knife block with 5 knives. Finally, I can grab a butcher knife out of it when I hear a suspicious noise like the people in suspense movies! Will be buying window valences and a set of Levolor blinds on sale tomorrow, as my mom's Christmas gift.
  16. I've tried it in the fall while I was essentially homeless from the arrival of my early evening flight until the next afternoon. No thanks.
  17. Gray rocking is generally the most effective way to deal with people who have attention-seeking personality disorders. Getting drawn into their drama isn't productive.
  18. Quite a job considering we'd have to push Graham closet and all, and there's no telling how many skeletons are in it. We're going to need a lot of strapping young men.
  19. Stargate Command used that strategy themselves to bump the Ori supergate from linking to the Ori home galaxy to one in orbit around a black hole in the Pegasus galaxy, with the black hole itself serving as a power source to keep that connection active indefinitely.
  20. I used to do that when I was on the Atkins diet. It was about the only way I could get a taste of something sweet without blowing my carb allowance!
  21. Wasn't there something about the super-fast abandonment of that US military base in Syria that allowed all kinds of sensitive information and equipment to fall into the hands of advancing Russian forces a few hours later rather than properly packing up and removing everything?
  22. I don't have a link, but Pfizer just released a statement that their vaccine is 95% effective, about the same as the Moderna one's preliminary results. Both are looking to be far, FAR more effective than I'd hoped any new vaccines would be. Isn't the flu shot doing well to hit 50% most years?
  23. Frankly, based solely on deliberate coronavirus misinformation and the number of unnecessary American deaths it contributed to, I'd be more than all right with treason charges and Rosenberg-style consequences.
  24. Some good news for a change: Moderna is reporting interim results of their Covid-19 vaccine trial considerably more effective than those of the Pfizer vaccine that recently made headlines. The icing on the cake is that Dolly Parton helped fund the research. Also, immunity after recovering from Covid-19 may be much longer-lasting than researchers had previously feared.
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