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Matt the Bruins

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Everything posted by Matt the Bruins

  1. I suppose that I could lose quite a bit of weight on a cabbage soup-only diet, what with hating cabbage as much as I do.
  2. "Sorry old chap, I only speak the Queen's English. Still, it's possible the two may have enough similarities for the purpose of simple communication."
  3. Last night I watched Eat Locals, a vampire horror-comedy that has a pretty light touch on the comedy most of the time. Mostly enjoyable, though.
  4. Brimstone always reminded me most of Constantine too, but that may have been more due to the character's personality than his powers, which are rather more extensive and varied. The Drifter seemed like a straight up expy of the Spectre to me.
  5. I can answer that as a resident of Jonesboro AR. In March an EF-3 tornado touched down in the middle of our city, leveled our airport and collapsed part of our mall. In terms of property damage it's the worst we've had since 1973, though thankfully no lives were lost.
  6. Also, not the touchy-feeliest people. Note the difference in infection rates with Italy.
  7. It's anecdotal, but the deaths of those three materials management department employees who were handing out PPE supplies in Elmhurst Hospital would seem to imply that getting exposed repeatedly can make the consequences much graver. They supposedly had no direct contact with COVID-19 patients, but obviously frequent contact with medical personnel who were treating them.
  8. I used the Zodiac Working as the origin for my character Young Scratch, who's about midway between Daimon Hellstrom and Little Nicky on the devil-kid spectrum. Asmodeus was my demonic father of choice for him, and I threw a couple of Easter eggs into his background like the surname Woodhouse and occasional references to knowing "Aunt Yoko" from a childhood spent at the Dakota Apartments.
  9. My first one is scheduled for this summer, and I'm really more than fine with putting it off six months or so. Or more, if need be.
  10. It didn't make sense on the show BEFORE the worlds were merged that the US government/military would just sit back for a foreign nation to invade a major American city. We more or less leveled a country that wasn't involved in 9/11 as a reprisal for that event because the populace was angry and clamoring so hard for war!
  11. I'm just glad my mother is both retired and sensible. She's practicing social distancing with the few people she interacts with in person, and letting my cousin and me deliver her groceries. And we can keep this going as long as need be, until there's a vaccine or an effective treatment that staves off ICU stays in the elderly.
  12. That's the way I've assumed it to work for my Young Scratch character, whose immunity to fire and heat I've modeled using the special Desolid build. He can't block such attacks against others (at least not without bringing additional defensive powers into play) because they pass through him unimpeded.
  13. Not so much ventilators, the latest info I've seen is that 88% of COVID-19 patients put on them are dying. By the time they get to measures that extreme it's mostly a question of whether you (or your family) want to delay the inevitable so more people can make it to your deathbed.
  14. Your mistake is looking for logic and consistency in a landscape where neither is native.
  15. To revise it you'd have to have an overwhelming majority agree to the revisions, which seems unlikely in the current political climate. To be honest, as a Lefty Pinko I don't really need much reassurance about Biden even if he falls short of my own ideals in that direction. I will happily take "like Obama's, but less inspiring" in an administration as opposed to "four more years of dumpster fire."
  16. That amounts to less than 0.10% of the total payroll relief amount designated, though. The individual anecdotes are worthy of ire, but if more than 99% of stimulus money goes where it's actually supposed to I'm prepared to declare the measure an amazing example of government efficiency. I've been bracing myself to hear about a "printing mistake" that puts Trump's signature on the Pay to the Order of line of a few million stimulus checks.
  17. If bears and stray dogs can catch it like tigers can, they're all screwed.
  18. Yep. With Baron Mordo rounding out the trifecta of his most iconic enemies. If Mordo's not a main villain in the second one, he almost surely will be in the third.
  19. I'm sure Eva Green would do great as Morgan Le Fay, but Clea's presence in the narrative opens the door for a more central Dr. Strange foe: Umar the Unspeakable. Whom Green would be PERFECT for.
  20. Clea was extra pinup babe-esque in her early depictions, but I'd rather have the role go to a pretty enough actor who can knock my socks off with the depth of her performance than a model "actress" who looks exactly the part but can't act her way out of a paper bag. (See the approach taken with January Jones and Olivia Munn in the X-Men movies.) They can cast Emily Blunt as any remaining character in the Dr. Strange roster and I'll be happy to watch her. All his movies with Tim Burton are essentially a demo reel for the character!
  21. I bought the BBC show The Fades and watched the first episode last night. Very stylishly shot and creepy, though the visible low budget for sets and such makes the global apocalyptic themes a bit difficult to buy into given that we're only seeing a local situation with a small handful of actors involved. Notable in that it's early work by Daniel Kaluuya, Iain De Caestecker, and Tom Ellis.
  22. Practically anything can be disputed in a court of law, though I wouldn't give odds to anyone going up against Disney's lawyers.
  23. An early grave? (Not that I'm criticizing. Better to live well than live long...)
  24. Yeah, in the best of times I tend to view hugging about as willingly as John Hurt in Alien.
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