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Matt the Bruins

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Everything posted by Matt the Bruins

  1. Video Shows Officer Telling Armed White Men How to Avoid Arrest During Curfew Crackdown
  2. Yes, Vala's proposal and Martin Lloyd's reaction to it had me rolling on the floor.
  3. I think it's supposed to evoke an orange or lemon slice on the rim of a fruity tropical drink rather a shrimp from a shrimp cocktail.
  4. Definitely the way to go if you haven't seen it before. Aside from being one of the best-executed and most visionary science fiction series in its own right, familiarity with it will help you get a great joke in the later seasons of Stargate SG-1. I've started catching up on the TV series Limitless since it's leaving Netflix at the end of the month. I wish my fatigue with prodecurals and Bradley Cooper hadn't made me take a pass when this was first airing—I've really enjoyed the first five episodes.
  5. Aw, who wouldn't line up to buy Fuzzy Logic and the Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist Talking Points?
  6. What am I missing? Strawberry sundaes don't strike me as a particularly unhealthy or excessive food.
  7. Given what we've seen of the Minneapolis Police Department so far, I think letting them go before there's a plan might be better than letting them keep hitting the streets (and the protestors and journalists covering them) with badges, guns, and riot gear. We've passed the point where no cops would be better than the ones we've got in some places.
  8. I'm mostly seeing people be sensible with masks and reasonable distancing measures at restaurants and grocery stores. The big glaring exception was last week when I had to go into Lowe's to pick up an order, and despite signs prominently displayed I seemed to be the only person, customer or staff, wearing a face mask or at all concerned about passing too close to other people. I just took off all the outer clothes I'd worn there when I got home washed my hands and face vigorously. I suppose I should be horrified on those people's behalf, but I mainly feel like sighing in resignation and saying "well, if it wasn't the virus it'd be fireworks or drunken boating accidents this summer."
  9. Fired as in covered in glaze and set in a kiln works for me as well. They could figure out the heat level that should be survivable for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.
  10. I chose Fanatic Leader, because as an archetype I think villains such as Magneto, the Red Skull, Sinestro, Black Adam, etc. who have a cause and head a movement tend to be more interesting.
  11. I don't think Inherent is appropriate for this power; that's more for indicating powers that are a fundamental part of a character, like for Life Support: Expanded Breathing (Underwater) if they had gills. A projected field that protects others from environmental factors might be Persistent or even Always On, but it's not changing them so the factors don't affect them by default. The Usable By Nearby option for Usable On Others would fit if you're building the power with Life Support.
  12. Wonder Woman was by far my favorite of the DCEU movies, with only the aforementioned too video game-y final CGI battle marring an otherwise superb film. But I also largely enjoyed Man of Steel despite finding several elements offensive (suicidal Do-No-Help Pa Kent, the destruction porn toward the end) or endlessly mockable (action hero Jor-El, the dildo rockets straight out of Flesh Gordon, Michael Shannon's bug-eyed yelling). In any event, I don't attribute any of the problems with that movie or its sequel to the casting of Henry Cavill or his performance, so I hope if nothing else this endless whinging on the part of fanboys to see the as-yet-nonexistent Snyder Cut will result in him returning to the fold for future movies.
  13. Surely there's a forgotten Hemsworth who'd be perfect for the role?
  14. I'd go with Dr. Silverback. Who could be a better mentor than a super-genius gorilla inventor who speaks with a British accent and is the toast of the talk show circuit?
  15. I wonder if, now that several of the earths with superheroes have been merged, Superman takes that designation like he had in Post-Crisis comics? Courtney was created by Geoff Johns as a tribute to his late sister, so I imagine the character has rather more pressure from higher up to remain true to her origin than most that are adapted from comics to TV. Extremely unlikely that the CW would be allowed to go edgier or more sexed-up with her treatment.
  16. Treason against one's country reportedly lands one in the second round of Cocytus instead. I'd think that applies to leaders who deliberately push for reactions to a deadly plague that will result in much more death and suffering so they can gain material wealth or political power.
  17. Yeah, I'd give Caity the edge in a fight with anyone else on that show except Dominic Purcell, and since he doesn't seem to move quickly she might be able to evade his punches. Seriously, I'm a pudgy 50-year-old office worker and I could have dragged Johnathan Kent's suicidal ass to the overpass everyone fled to (a big no-no, by the way) in the time Clark stood there gawking with his mouth open. People running for their lives from a twister tearing their cars to scrap metal would not stop and think "Gee, that young football player saved his dad slightly quicker than a huge adrenaline rush in a powerful athlete would justify—must be an alien freak!"
  18. I can't speak to the accuracy, but last night I read that without any response to the pandemic the death toll would be about 250,000 at present, so roughly 150,000 saved. Conversely, if we'd begun widespread shutdowns a week earlier the estimate was we'd have saved another 35,000.
  19. My concern is more for gullible people who'll try to emulate him but don't have access to some of the best health care on the planet. Trump could decide garlging Clorox straight from the jug is an effective preventative measure and my response would be "you do you."
  20. Technically, its lack. Could we bring back throwing convicts in stocks? I don't feel that something as abstract as prison sentences will deter these sorts of people. Maybe seeing their poster boy open carrying a pillory and being pelted with rotten food would get through their thick skulls.
  21. That's the spirit! Find the silver lining in every dark cloud.
  22. Yeah, they're not alone in that. I have to turn off the part of my brain that knows how hot dogs are made and what's in them every time I go to a family cookout or sporting event. And almost always choose burgers or Philly sandwiches instead if they're available.
  23. Yeah, I'll be pleasantly surprised if the next four weeks don't double the US death toll.
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