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Matt the Bruins

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Everything posted by Matt the Bruins

  1. Wiccan (the Scarlet Witch's son William) has technically appeared, but when last seen before evaporating he was a 10-year-old child. I think the Young Avengers will be quite a ways off, if they ever come to fruition.
  2. Skilled RNs, engineers, safety inspectors, etc. contradict as well.
  3. I'm sure the Spike Network will continue provide plenty of entertainment free of the scary colored and queer people, and women with minds of their own. Oh, it got rebranded in 2018 and now features an original movie about the Trayvon Martin story, and Ice Cube hosting Lip Sync Battle? Oops! 🤷‍♂️ Well, there are always those Christian film industry movies. Enjoy!
  4. First episode of Hulu's Marvel series Helstrom. It was right up my alley, and executed better than I'd expected. I'm both glad I bit the bullet to buy the series on Vudu and sorry to hear it apparently didn't get renewed.
  5. I'm thinking it was a predator-picks-the-weakest-prey type of situation, rather than that the hillbillies had Chubby Chaser magazines at home and Beatty's character was their dream guy.
  6. That island off the Indian coast whose inhabitants riddle any outsiders approaching with arrows might be an option, however...
  7. Spoiler alert: Series not titled The Timekeepers and Their Sacred Timeline. I wasn't thrilled by the first episode myself. Depicting the ultimate power in the universe as an absurd bureaucracy works fine in satire like The Good Place, but not so well in dramatic tales of heroism like the MCU stories Loki's been a part of so far. It makes everything seem meaningless rather than majestic, and works against the agency of the heroic characters. Most of my friends who are fans of comic book movies loved it, but I suspect Hiddleston is far less of a feature for me than for them.
  8. That meme collage "Avengers Made in the 90s" really missed out by not using Paul from Clueless as the casting choice for Ant Man.
  9. Surely one of the diving boards can be repurposed into a makeshift plank for them to walk.
  10. Watch Florida pass a law making it illegal for their legislature to expel insurrectionists from the legislative body.
  11. I wasn't fond of those splash page moments in Avengers and Age of Ultron either. They break me out of my immersion in the story, in much the same way that Stark's "his name was PHIL!" voiceover did.
  12. I'm pretty cool with just having the extra two months of peace of mind that I wouldn't have had if I'd waited until someone tried bribing me to get vaccinated.
  13. I sadly lost the homebrew writeup I did for the Surfer when that Matt Fraction Defenders maxi-series was being published, but I recall that I gave him a 250 pool/125 control cost Cosmic VPP, cosmic senses patterned after the ones certain characters in Champions Beyond possessed, and I believe 40/30 PD and ED.
  14. I've been watching the Stanley Cup playoffs games featuring Boston vs. Long Island. My team lost the most recent game, but it was an overtime nail-biter with excellent play on all sides. (Game 3 is tonight.)
  15. Man, they should make Contortion its own Olympic sport so all the effort some straight white men go to explain how media spotlighting women or minorities isn't actually successful or popular despite all evidence to the contrary doesn't go to waste. 🤣
  16. As long as one ignores everyone who applauded Captain Marvel for being Marvel's first solo movie with a female lead and for its themes of empowerment and perseverance in the face of dismissal. But those were women, and men who don't object to movies being about them, so their opinions don't count, right?
  17. I've read speculation about him being cast for Captain Britain, but don't give them much weight. If the MCU is going to poach him, I'd like to see him as Hercules. That way, no need for facial-hair-erasing CGI (or shirts)!
  18. SCOTUS Rules Police Cannot Search Homes Without Warrants in the Name of 'Community Caretaking' This is the first unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court that I've heard of in ages.
  19. Right, I'm talking about time travel in the comics, not the movies. The movies appear to be following the pre-2015 default comics setup, which is mostly internally consistent if you listen to the Russos and not the film's writers.
  20. This is how things usually worked with Marvel Comics time travel (there were exceptions, maybe linked to the different methods of time travel used) up until 2015. But when the company had its Crisis on Infinite Earths-style reboot that year, the setup changed. The various alternate Earths/universes are parallels now rather than branching divergent timelines, and time travelers can go back in the past or come back from the future and make real changes that rewrite their histories.
  21. Well, it said the root cause was winter-induced damage to the chicken "crop" paired with increased demand. I don't imagine fewer chickens would affect nugget supply; they'd just crank up the ratio of pink slime in the mix.
  22. You try serving papers for a court appearance on someone who has a guard tiger to greet you at the door. Having taken several feral cats to the vet, my hat's off to someone who managed to corral a 300+ lb. one into a vehicle and take off on a stressful car chase with it loose in the back seat. (Unless he trained it to ride shotgun, that is...)
  23. Considering the corporation in question, you might want to keep that under wraps... 😆
  24. Yes, and I was referring to his public persona, as in interviews, published articles that included his responses to criticism (Spoiler Alert: he does not handle it well), and convention appearances. I've only met the man once and spoken like one sentence to him, but based on his own words and behaviors in mainstream media I've known him to be a jackass at least since 2004, more than a decade before he got Me Too-ed.
  25. Don't worry, with that billion-person petri dish percolating new variants they'll be sharing the wealth with the rest of the world in no time.
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