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  1. One can hope that it's good - I still have all the original Marvel RPG stuff here somewhere, and will definitely keep an eye on it. I'm on the fence about whether they'd actually be willing to create a system for building "original" heroes in their universe though. There's a certain "ease of play" with familiar built characters, but that only keeps my interest for so long.
  2. Quite a lot of time for characters I want to use in campaigns - I can give you the addresses for the homes my super hero owns as well as her IMDB credits... Affects in-game stuff? nah... My google search history would look really suspicious without the context of research for a fictional game.
  3. Modified Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - updated View File This is an updated and fixed version of Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - the latest version is awesome for printing with a great layout, but there were some bugs and inconsistencies to be corrected to polish it up a bit. All changes build on the work of the original author (v1.5.4) and their work can be found here: Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - Original Author the following changes were made to v1.5.4 to arrive at this version 1.6.0 - 2021-Jul-21 fixed invalid HTML tags on non-breaking spaces Untangled page 4 tables for skills,talents, etc. to be all aligned on the IF/ENDIF checks for those sections Gave more space for the cost and roll columns in all sections Highlight Multipower pool/Name, and List names in all sections Made Notes and character name style consistent across all sections/pages Added global replace for 1/2 dice fraction to use HTML fractional tag (at very bottom of file) Added "Combat Tactics" field to the top of page 2 making page 2 a complete combat detail Submitter Thirtybird Submitted 08/01/2021 Category Export Formats Output Format HTML (Browser) Rules Version HERO System 6th Edition  
  4. Version 1.6.0


    This is an updated and fixed version of Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - the latest version is awesome for printing with a great layout, but there were some bugs and inconsistencies to be corrected to polish it up a bit. All changes build on the work of the original author (v1.5.4) and their work can be found here: Tasha's Ultimate Character Sheet - Original Author the following changes were made to v1.5.4 to arrive at this version 1.6.0 - 2021-Jul-21 fixed invalid HTML tags on non-breaking spaces Untangled page 4 tables for skills,talents, etc. to be all aligned on the IF/ENDIF checks for those sections Gave more space for the cost and roll columns in all sections Highlight Multipower pool/Name, and List names in all sections Made Notes and character name style consistent across all sections/pages Added global replace for 1/2 dice fraction to use HTML fractional tag (at very bottom of file) Added "Combat Tactics" field to the top of page 2 making page 2 a complete combat detail
  5. This is great, perfect for printing, which was just what I was looking for! There are several instances of the non-breaking-space character having a second trailing semi-colon (which shows up in the output). I've updated the file and attached (it's minor, but OCD says fix it!) 6eHTML_TashaUltimateCharacterSheetv1_5_5_Serif_n_Blue.hde
  6. This is great! One suggestion I would offer to improve this would be to inject the BR tag in-between the opening and closing tags for powers/tactics, background, personality, appearance and other fields that allow free-form text to preserve the line spacing and breaks a player puts into those fields. I did this for my copy to get just what I wanted for a character sheet - attached it here to save others the trouble. 6e-HTML-Complete-v1_0_1.hde
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