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Everything posted by rjcurrie

  1. Re: Magicians without magic
  2. Re: To Create a Sin When I used the Sin Squad (or more properly the New Sin Squad -- or as Scott Bennie put it "the nuisance squad" -- since there was an original in the 1960s) in my SuperSquad America convention, theire powers basically broke down as follows (and unfortunately, I no longer have the sheets for them): Greed -- Leader, female martial artist in jewled costume with an eye for foci -- and several skill levels with Grab. Lust -- Could appear as the subject of a character's love or lust. She also had a kiss that could knock you out. Pride -- A male brick. Overconfident. Wrath -- A crazed clawed killing machine. Envy -- Female. Could steal other people's powers temporarily. Was jealous of Greed. Sloth -- Would only take his action if he made a 14- roll. Had the ability to slow people down -- entangles, drains, etc. Gluttony -- Could eat pretty anything. I think he may have also been able to spit digestive acids.
  3. Re: Trans-Atlantic Airplane Flights in 1933 It's a con adventure and the team leader is well-off. Chartering a flyging boat with a barnstorming avaitrix as pilot is the root I went.
  4. Re: Gestalt Sampler The art looks great and the layout is clean and clear; however, I must say I really hate the font that you have used for the headings. I find it almost unreadable. But overall, it looks good.
  5. Re: Gestalt Interview Happy birthday, Scott.
  6. Re: New to the hero system, trying to figure out some things I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed if you're looking for rules other than "GM denial" to limit powers. The problem with too many explicit rules on what is allowed and not allowed is that they can eliminate valid concepts. The best way to look at the Hero System is that it is a "modelling system" in that you first know the concept of the power you are trying to build and then use the Hero System rules to model that power. With that being said, the Hero rules themselves offer some advice on handling such things through things like Active Point caps (for example, no more than 60 Active Points in a single power).
  7. Re: Infinite Crisis 52 was written by Geoff Johns, Mark Waid, Grant Morrison, and Greg Rucka.
  8. Re: Computer translations of Hero that you would like to see I'd certainly be interested in a Champions, Pulp Hero, or Fantasy CRPG based on the Hero System and probably other genres as well.
  9. Re: Strike Force Webzine Proposal by Aaron Alliston??? Well, it was for Justice Inc. which I guess you would have to call 2nd edition since it came out before 3rd edition Champions. But then again, the differences between 2nd and 3rd edition are so slight that it doesn't really matter.
  10. Re: WHY is combat so slow and what have you done about it?
  11. Re: WHY is combat so slow and what have you done about it? Another approach to only let people who are well-versed in the system have VPPs that can be changed in play. Or you could just let the player with the VPP say what they want to do and the GM comes up with the actual power on the fly.
  12. Re: Rant? Speed in Hero Well, of SPD isn't the only stat that lets normals run roughshod over normals. It just always seemed to me that supers acted much more often than normals in the comics. The other thing that a major difference in SPD between supers and normals (and remember we're talking real SPD 2 o 3 normals, not agents, and certainly not "trained normals") gives you in a combat is more normals in danger for the heroes to have to look out for. If a super battle is happening with an average SPD of 5, it is more likely that the poor normals will have much more trouble getting out of the way of the battle than they would if the battle was happening with an average SPD of 3.
  13. Re: Rant? Speed in Hero If a GM won't let you have a SPD higher than 4 because you're a trained normal, change the origin to one that will let you have the SPD you want (assuming it falls within the campaign limits). Basically, if you limit SPD based on origins, then certain origins will simply never be taken. As for SPD levels within a campaign, it depends on your view of superbeings (including those that are supposedly "normals") vs. normals. If you want normals to have a better chance to take on supers, then by all means, go with lower SPD limits. However, if you're like me and you want supers to pretty much run roughshod over normals then higher SPD limits are more appropriate. At least that's my 2/100 of a loonie.
  14. Re: What's in a Name On the point of the expensiveness of space travel and exploration, what about the possibility of the government or private space agencies selling the rights to name planets and such?
  15. Re: Gestalt Interview Cool presentation, guys.
  16. Re: quick help question
  17. Re: Thank you - Argghhh! I hate when I make stupid mistakes like that. But thanks for the compliment.
  18. Re: Thank you - Hmmm, I think that's a euthemistic way of saying that I tend to shoot my mouth off about things I don't like.
  19. Maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to find out what airplanes would likely be used for trans-Atlantic flights in 1933. Primarily, I'm interested in the speed and range of such aircraft. I'm not interested in commercial flights (if they had even started yest), but rather a plane that would be privately chartered for such a flight.
  20. Re: Gestalt Interview Cool. Thanks for the answer, Dave.
  21. Re: Gestalt Interview Great interview, Dave. Good answers, Scott. What's the current exprected release date for the book? Will the special order color books be available at the same time?
  22. Re: What if the Justice League was really a league? Given that pretty much all my thought on this has appeared in the thread, I hadn't really thought about how it came to be. But thinking about it for a second, I'd say that due to some event early in the history of supers, it was decided to set up a system of licensed superhero teams -- teams, because teammates serve as a form of checks and balances for individual heroes. Having these teams financed by local businessmen (with perhaps some government funding) was a way to defray the expense of such teams. From there I would say, the governent ended up putting someone in charge of the system who decided to pattern it on the structure of professional baseball.
  23. Re: Hero system complexity I've always thought that rules lawyers weren't people who had an encyclopedic knowledge of the rules but rather people who used that knowledge to argue with the GM to have decisions go their way. That is, they use the knowledge of the rules in the same way that a lawyer uses his knowledge of the law to argue for court decisions to go his way.
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