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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. It's merely your logic. AKA head canon. I'm not saying it isn't a bad plot twist. I'm just saying that the only explanations that fit within the show are either copied superpower or device. Or . . . This would be cool, too. I don't think they have enough episodes left to play with that idea, though, so had discarded it. I'm kind of expecting something along those lines, if the explanation turns out to be copied powers. But who knows this season? There hasn't been much internal consistency so far, and I'm not expecting them to start now.
  2. The only problem is that by the time it was down to him and Skye/Daisy/Shake-n-Bake, there was no way she could accomplish it. If she knocks him out, she has to throw him over with one hand while keeping the portal clear with the other. Or jumping while carrying him. Mac's too big for those solutions to work. Though I probably shouldn't try to apply too much logic to the Framework stuff.
  3. Seriously. This is all your head canon. I thought it was a bit out of left field to give her the teleport power, too, but since it seems to be an ability the comic analog has I see why they did it. The most logical in-universe explanation is that she copied the ability from an inhuman if it's innate or that she has access to a teleportation device. I'm assuming the former, because I don't think we've seen teleportation tech in the MCU yet.
  4. Why do you assume she has to replicate terrigenesis when she can build a body by the molecule? All she has to do is copy the end result.
  5. She built a body from scratch. It's a 3d printer for bodies. Why shouldn't she be able to build it to inhuman specs?
  6. I'm guessing she used data on inhuman powers that SHIELD had gathered (or Hydra via Fitz's mad science experiments) to replicate the blind teleporter's powers, and probably others' as well.
  7. I concur with your concurrence.
  8. They have more chemistry than any couple on the show. I always expect Lena to lean in for a kiss when they're sitting on a couch together talking.
  9. Is it that the Defenders lineup is composed of the Heroes for Hire lineup, or that you don't like the Netflix versions of the characters, or that you don't like the characters' original versions, or some combination?
  10. Now we're getting into Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex territory.
  11. If you fear rubber science, superheroes may be the wrong genre for you.
  12. Yeah, I've been thinking that they're going to bring Ward back as an LMD since they introduced the concept. Now they've got a virtual Ward to upload, so . . .
  13. He should have used Delta Dash. They have a way better reputation for transporting animals.
  14. Fair point, but I still count that as countering a Hydra plot. I only count him as fighting the government in Civil War.
  15. I'm picturing Valodorous as a cross between the Tick and Captain Hammer.
  16. To be fair, he's only fought his own government in one of his five MCU appearances.
  17. I disagree with the assessment that he's become the focus of the show or that his character's bland. (But not that he's useless.) The CW shows all suffer from poor writing, so I think it's remiss to lay it all on the one character in Supergirl's case.
  18. That's how they work, otherwise they wouldn't be surprises.
  19. I think they did well with Legends season 2. The crapfest of the first season is probably what hurt the ratings. S2 was fun.
  20. Eel may not be the best aquatic nom de guerre, but it beats Flounder, or Tuna, or Barnacle.
  21. Pretty epic installment. I suggest you have guests over more often.
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