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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. I was hoping to see Kate McKinnon in that outfit on the SNL cold open last night, but they went with a Putin sketch instead.
  2. 65? We keep our thermostat at 75-77.
  3. She served far more time than others who committed similar offenses. At this point, time served is plenty IMO.
  4. That sounds like a cross between Doomsday and Croyd Crenson.
  5. So, is Inhumans going through terrigenesis a second time a thing in the comics now, or are they just grafting on secondary mutations from the mutants?
  6. This is the second time that you've mentioned suicidal thoughts in this thread. I don't want to offend you, but if you are having suicidal thoughts -- if that is in any remote way on your current list of options for dealing with any situation -- please seek out help.
  7. Magic is like porn: We know it when we see it. And it may involve waggling fingers.
  8. Ares killing Zeus? :rofl: Comic book Zeus must be a push over compared to mythic Zeus.
  9. Pariah's musical career as diva Pariah Carey was ended prematurely in 1990 with the debut of Mariah Carey's self-titled album.
  10. Thanks all for the well-wishes, and mine back to all of you who have posted in the interim. My father-in-law has been moved too a skilled nursing facility for the past few weeks. Me, my brother-in-law and mother-in-law are taking shifts staying with him continuously through visiting hours, keeping him company during scary times and keeping the staff on their toes with his routine care (remembering to reposition him, do his oral care after feeding, keep his boot on his right leg and his right arm elevated, etc.) The place is pretty good, save for a bad habit of everyone on staff of picking stuff up off the ground and putting it on the tray he eats on. I may have to have a friendly chat with whoever is in charge about it, now that I'm feeling a bit better. (Everyone up here -- we're all staying at my brother-in-law's house, right around the corner from the SNF -- had a nasty virus followed by another nasty virus that drug on from Thanksgiving until the beginning of this past week. Fun times.) He's had slight improvement in his therapies (speech, occupational (hand/arm) and physical (leg)) but did not get off to a good start. I think probably due to depression. The improvements seemed to coincide with putting him on anti-depressants. I'm not sure if the slow start will retard his overall progress or not. The therapists can't really give a good prognosis since brain injuries are so varied. He's doing best with the leg, so I think he'll eventually get back on his feet. He's starting to talk, though it's mostly gibberish and he only seems motivated to try when he's in some kind of distress. He did clearly swear three times while he was in pain once, and those words were, naturally, clear as a bell. So, the wiring is still there to some extent. I think he'll get speech back to at least some degree by the time he gets done with the second phase of rehab (acute rehab; he has to be able to do 3 hrs a day of therapy before he moves into that phase, which he's not got the stamina for yet). His arm is in the worst shape. The therapist thinks he may only be able to grab things with it a bit, and not regain full use. He has moderate dexterity in his left hand/arm, so training him to be a lefty shouldn't be too tough He'd done some stuff lefty due to his right eye being worse when he was younger. All that said, all of these things can continue to gradually improve over time. My daily routine is basically getting up and doing some chores or shopping, making lunch for me and the wife, then going to the SNF from 2 to 8pm, then back home to relax a bit before bed. So, I'll probably start popping in and out of here a bit more.
  11. It probably just means someone forged the header's reply to field. If you look at the full header, you should be able to see where it actually game from. If someone hacked your e-mail account, everyone in your address book will be receiving spam and/or phishing attempts shortly.
  12. It's a sweet gig, but all the ladies are horse-faced.
  13. I suspect we'll see a backlash in the midterms, breaking republican control of both chambers I'm not going to venture a guess as to what the intervening two years will bring.
  14. I generally go with "shtuff happens." I have bigger concerns than the temporary anomaly that is the Comrade in Chief.
  15. I'm cautiously optimistic for Wonder Woman. Very cautiously.
  16. My father-in-law had a stroke on the 4th. It was a tiny ischemic stroke caused by a dissected carotid artery. Hit him in the language center. Initially, he just had a few slurred/scrambled words, but could speak and move around. Then that Tuesday, the artery sent up another clot and it became a massive ischemic stroke to the same area. That took his speech out completely (for now), and his right side, though not any real facial drooping (just a little lag in the right side facial muscles, but not very noticeable). So, that sucked big time. THEN a few days later he went hemorrhagic. The good news is that it was to the same area already damaged by the second progression. But the ICU doctor started talking to the family who was there about end of life stuff, the possibility of him becoming a vegetable (his wishes are to pull the plug in that case), and caused MAJOR stress to everyone. I was keeping my crap together until that point, but now I just randomly cry sometimes. Minor PTSD from the scare, I suppose. The good news is that the damage is slowly healing. He still has brain swelling and the blood is far from being reabsorbed, but he's headed in the right direction at least. (We hope. Prayers/well-wishes gladly accepted.) He sleeps a lot, and probably will until the brain swelling and blood resolve, but he's recovered enough to move to skilled nursing. It's a good facility a half mile away from his house that's attached to a hospital. He is finally getting some PT/OT/ST. He seems to be responding to the PT and OT at least. He's still having trouble swallowing and can only handle thick liquids right now. We've got a ways to go to get him back on his feat and chatting with us. I'm sorry for not letting you guys know sooner why I haven't been around, and why I won't be around much for a while. It's been busy and tough, and this is hard to write about without getting upset. He's truly the nicest, most even-tempered, just plain GOOD person I know. Nobody deserves this stuff, but especially not him. At least he was in pretty good health before this, so that helps.
  17. Sorry to hear about your Mom (or is it Mum?) DT. Hope she heals quickly.
  18. TV Firestorm seems to have it with Concentration, Extra Time and No Range.
  19. I wonder if the singing crossover with the Flash is still going to be a thing.
  20. I wasn't getting at the attractiveness angle so much as TV not really pushing people out of their comfort zones. Sugar coating things, as it were.
  21. I didn't equate the two, but Alex isn't really butch.
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