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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Faerie Fire -- as used by Drizz't -- outlines his opponents. That doesn't make them easier to hit, just easier to see. Negates darkness penalties and makes turning invisible pretty pointless. It shouldn't inflict any DCV penalty on the target. I'd say Images would cover it, the only question being whether you'd have to do anything to target somene with Images.
  2. Oh, one more thing... he should have Faerie Fire, he uses that all the time. I think he still may be able to use it a bit near the end of the series. Images vs. Sight, of course. Dunno if it'd have to have any modifiers to let it target opponents or not.
  3. Ooooh! I just thought of another ability that'd work well in the setting, and one Drizz't should have in spades: Presence defense! Call it coolness under fire. Let's the heroic types face off against the huge PRE monsters like Dragons and to reduce fear effects (Prob. bought as PRE Drains). Drizz't definately demonstrated some brass elf parts with at least two dragons.
  4. I should add that you can certainly get the same effect -- lots of attacks against the cannon fodder -- with CSLs or PSLs vs. Sweep penalties. Allowing a cap of 150% over NCM to be bought is just simpler. I'd still enforce NCM of course, to keep the higher stats with the most experienced characters, but still allow a few extraordinary stats to be taken by starting characters, as that seems to fit the setting.
  5. Agree on the MR, I was just suggesting how to write it up. Of course, for some reason, he can still use the darkness globes outside. Guess a little artistic license there. As far as SPD goes, I'd say that in the context of Forgotten Realms, which at higher levels approaches the superheroic, that it'd go up for the more experienced heroes. Even at the start of the series, Drizz't has decades of fighting experience. I'd shoot for a 3-5 range with Drizz't, Artemis, and a select few others at the 5 end, the Halfling (forgot name) and Wulfgar around the 4 range, and Cattie Brie and Brunor around 3 at the beginning of the series, and bump the warrior types except Brunor (he's already very experienced, so slower gains for him) up one near the end of the series. I'd put a cap on it at 6. That's a meaningful attack every two seconds, which should be attainable by the very best fighters.
  6. Well, what's the effect of shotgun pellets spreading? 1. Less pellets hit further out. Cut and dry reduced by range. 2. Slightly better chance of at least some of those pellets hitting what you're shooting at. Simplest fix, an OCV bonus. IMO, any of the area effects are overkill. For a 40mm flechette round, maybe AE: Hex bought up to double radius (+3/4 advantage), but for a shotgun? nah.
  7. You don't need to do "No skill roll required" b/c the default is that powers don't require one. If you mean the dispel roll, you can do that as a Standard Effect. Hmm. Maybe give him some Damage Reduction, only vs. Magic and a Dispel Damage Sheild, with Standard Effect? That way, whenever he got hit by a spell, he'd get a chance to dispel it and if it's an attack, it'd still be reduced in power. Maybe about 50% Dmg Red. Maybe less. Elves' resistance to Sleep and Charm would be a limitation on those spells, I'd think. It'd keep things simpler that way.
  8. Might try doing a search for "Swarm"... I'm pretty sure there was a thread on reproducing the BESM/SAS power of that name on here not too long ago. Just not sure if it was pre-DOS attack or post.
  9. The writeup looks good, but I'm going to beg to differ on the bracers of speed (anklets in his case) grangting a higher (Hero) SPD. First, I'd set his SPD based on the setting. I'd say he's easily in the 5 or 6 range from his training and experience, which should be around the maximum attainable by an elfy type in Faerun. It's a fairly high-powered, epic setting. Now, for the bracers... did they really give the original bearer (forgot name) a huge advantage? Mostly, they let him go first. I'd buy that ability as big pile of Lightning Reflexes, maybe +10 or +15. For wrist-wear, I might say a +1 SPD, with two custom limitations: First, only for actions involving the hands. (In the novels, putting them on the hands of the feet matter, so I'm assuming a localized effect. In 3E, this wouldn't necessarily be the case for the item.) Second, only up to SPD 5. What happens when Drizz't gets them? He finds they really don't help him on his wrists, and in fact just hinder him as a distraction. Sure, the lightning reflexes is handy, but when you have a whole body SPD at or over what the Bracers grant (which is why I suggested the 5 or 6 SPD above, as he's clearly beyond being able to be helped by the bracers in the novel)? So, he sticks them on his feet, which lets his feet move MUCH faster. For footwear, I'd just give him extra Running, and maybe the Lightning Reflexes at the one point level for a single action, in this case for movement. I wouldn't give any limited SPD for using them as footwear, b/c it doesn't really model much, and he's beyond the SPD/extra attack enhancement effect being useful anyway. Also, by the time he's got his bracers, he's lost most of his Drow talents, hasn't he? The only trick I recall him using later in the series was the globe of darkness effect. An I think he was just starting to pick up some ranger abilities from his association with Meilieki (sp?). I seem to recall some affinity for animals effect (other than his usual bear-toleration from the beginning) at a later point in the books, but it's fuzzy.
  10. Cool. That means I'm not the only one to have seen that anime. =) This version of Locke looks very cool.
  11. Kill 'em off! I really don't see how anyone can be intimidated by the Champions, but if they're a distraction, get rid of them. If you're not interested in playing supers, then I can't see how your gaming group can be distracted by the Champions in the first place.
  12. Ever see an anime called Locke, the Super Power? That was one bad little esper.
  13. Very cool writeups as usual. btw, Manute's SPD should cost 16. (Hate to point out minor nits, but I just noticed that when I was scrolling through.)
  14. One cool thing on the future setting, though... LEGION crossover potential!
  15. Post ovulation shed? You keep boas too?
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